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About Nefertari

  • Birthday 09/18/1971

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  1. I could be wrong, but I believe there are some that can't be autocompleted.
  2. I have the old Prima Strategy Guide Binder signed by "Ex Libris" at the event they held in Austin.
  3. No. Someone else is summoning, but they are there AFK with pets/auras etc. and are still getting credit for damage ticks.
  4. Yes, just do it before you hit the prompt to go to hospital.
  5. Need to log the bug in-game, but ran a Posi 1 with a Storm Blast character. Many of the mobs in the last mission (the outside AP city hall map) would not allow me to activate storm cell on most of the mobs. Kept getting the error that the mob was out of range. I do have Storm Cell bound to activate when i have a target selected. \bind 4 "powexec_location target Storm Cell" Only map and situation where this has happened. Ran Posi 2, Yin and some of Moonfire and have not had it happen again.
  6. I saw mention of the purple ring on Storm Cell. What exactly does the ring denote? I didn't see an explanation on it (I may have overlooked it).
  7. Maybe you are thinking about the 2 groups right inside the door. One to left and one straight ahead. I've never had any follow me inside, plus you can't go in until after the ambush is done.
  8. BINGO! Last time I updated I was using Tequila. Now using the Homecoming Launcher, the file path is not the same. Updated it, all working now!
  9. I used the COH Modder and downloaded V2. guess i can do it the old fashioned way. Thanks for the reply!
  10. Not sure if it has been reported (or maybe it's just mine)... The map for Cimerora is off.
  11. That mission is tough with all the mobs and her. What I used to try to do was lure her to the dock out in the water. The extra Family there help whittle her down.
  12. You will also need to change your teleport target command to: powexec_location 0:2 Teleport Target that will put it next to you without having to click a location
  13. I just leave the window open and click null again...resets it to the main menu.
  14. I think the DiB buffs last till 30.
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