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Everything posted by WindDemon21

  1. Penumbral: Sucks, but most all secondaries have this standard tier 1 immobilize, Penumbral is actually one of the worst because it has one of the longest cast times at 1.67s. Also 5.25% - to hit, which scales down to 4.2% or 3.41% to only a single target at that huge cast time, is really not worth the tradeoff and certainly not worth fitting in your attack chain. ToB: as stated is one of the biggest issues with the set. The fact that you HAVE to cast it just to get the sustain is a big point of contention when it's only doing the same sustain that almost every other set has as a toggle on and forget - doesn't impact blasting time power. And the other click ones, are able to be done out of battle and not hinder anything. What you say is good, is actually just the same thing other sets get, but better. Soul Drain: This is arguably pretty much the only reason to go /dark. Even for what it does, it also still has its drawbacks versus just a standard aim or power like shinobi/targetting drone/reach for the limit. But at that, even in a perfect scenario where you're perma-ing it on full mobs, it still has the melee-risk, and means you can't use it prior to nuking/alpha volleying from safety. It's fairly balanced around all regards, though QoL wise I'd still call for a 90s rech versus a 120s one. But again in all regards that this is about the sole reason to go /dark, it doesn't make up for all the drawbacks of the set. /dark needs fixed, that's the end of the contention there. All things the same, for the VERY few who think it's fine, there are MANY who think it needs fixed, and regardless, fixing the set, would not hinder those few who think it's "ok" as is.
  2. Yeah i figured that's why not, but still could have sworn it used to actually proc well before at some point on the chains. Either way it should code somehow so procs work on the chains, really makes me angry since i just drew up a whole build idea for rad/psy defender going to use the devastation hold proc in scramble thoughts to stack with choking cloud but i'm betting that won't do crap now :/. And regardless completely, they should have the end drain and -recovery hit the additional targets in the chain as well.
  3. I could have sworn that jolting chain used to proc well on the additional targets in the chain? It REALLY should elec control kinda needs it to. at the very least if it won't they should make the chain also do the -recovery/-end that the initial target gets, that's just dumb. But it really should accept the procs down the chain better.
  4. That's all being chocked up to dark blast though really, not /dark. Again, if you're saying you skip most of the powers, that really means that the set isn't up to par lol.
  5. Except then you're not slotting heal/end into it which is supposed to be it's main use. Bad. Again, IE make sustain it's own, separate the TOF type power. Truth be told I don't even like the damage auras being part of the sustain in dynamo/CA, but it definitely makes more sense and at least doesn't have an end cost though. But this type of power is just bad, as I'm pretty sure any current numbers would still show /dark at the absolute bottom of the blaster secondaries list. It was in 2020 besides /nin, I'm sure it still is, which again, this is the MAIN reason it is so.
  6. Right, not needing to compare it for much was just stating. But regarding the sustain, it definitely should do it's job on it's own and not be tied to a single target control power. If the power were aoe at least then it'd be something comparable to its usage type, similar to how drain psyche is ok because it's aoe and does so much more, but for this power, on a single target mez that is often not used/needed it goes against the nature of the sustains, and like i said, might as well just have its own separate single target control power in the set, and leave the sustain to do it's job on its own. Since there is already a precedence for the aoe damage aura to also be the sustain like in dynamo and cauterizing aura, there's really no reason they couldn't at least just merge the two and then have this single target mez power work on it's own, which also allows for actual mez slotting compared to this power which you need to slot for the regen/recovery factor so can't really resolve the power to itself anyway. Point being, that it can't be used when starting a mob without interrupting your chain and leaving you open versus using another power to kill/aoe/etc, but then using it after also means you're not getting the benefit of the sustain regen/recovery during the fight as well. It's just a bad design even if you don't have an issue with it, MANY others do. Just look at the current statistics on how few actually take /dark on blasters, this is the main reason why.
  7. Right, this self heal, in addition to all the aoe, is really the main reason when looking at water blast pairings IMO too. On blasters this works very well with secondaries that offer the absorb shield as opposed to regen, like water/ice, which is easily one of the all-time best pairings for water blast IMO. On defender/corruptors, it fits very well with those non-heal focused support sets as well. I did a FF/water defender and that was just nuts between dehydrate and the 2 defender heal/absorb procs. Even more-so now that water jet won't lock out as that's your main proccer. Likewise, also works well with sonic (though sonic res def needs some love), but also Cold, STORM is a big one, as is trick arrow as well. Poison though, well, it's still poison and REALLY badly need the TA treatment. For how awesome steam spray is, which is a cone, you really don't want to be in melee that much with water blast outside of maybe one main power to jump in, use, and jump back out with.
  8. Just pointing out, it's in the secondary, so you compare it to build up, not aim. But It is pretty much fine, I'd always say for a 90s rech vs 120s one though just for ease of use, can be flagged to not stack. Knowing how to use the sustain isn't the issue, as much as the requirement of needing to cast it on the enemy to benefit from it. At the very least it's a huge annoyance, and using the control part of it, can just as easily be served but that control aspects being it's own power, and merging the sustain with death shroud. Also, stating how you think it's fine yet are skipping a lot of the powers, doesn't really coincide that the set is ok lol. You may not mind it, but the set does clearly have these issues for most people.
  9. The problem is needing a target to cast on which means you can't cast before/out of battle and it eats up cast time at the beginning of fights that should be used to alpha strike and such. Regarding your issue with it, they can simply have a min-fx option and that problem is easily solved.
  10. Whirlpool does a good bit yeah, more overall than a normal aoe I wouldn't say but also depends on how you're encountering mobs though. IF you're fighting where it's timed that you're casting it at the start of every fight then it does a good bit. Rain powers in general ie rain of fire, whirlpool, and ice storm though even back on live i've always said they really should have a 30s base rech not 60 (and thus 60 for the epic ones) They're useful, but not so much that they are really ok at 60s IMO, but as they are the closest thing to storm cell per use they were the best things to judge around.
  11. Lol was trying to be as detailed/specific as i could haha
  12. Ok well that would certainly explain why it currently seems SO terrible and isn't getting enough procs and even less useful as especially not being able to determine which enemy gets the proc can lead it to be heavily wasted. Perhaps that should be looked at first. Again on top of it's opportunity tax of having to use storm blast powers rather than just providing it's own damage, the closest thing to look at regarding it's damage would be rain powers (which though not as big also have their own -speed and fear for mitigation effects). So what you're saying is that at MAX even with 100% proc chances, and let's say gust is fixed to a 1s activation time, You'd be using direct strike I believe quick form is 1.33s, and one of the other two, or chain, which we'll use (assuming shorter end/rech fixed) cause it's the next lowest cast time for proccing) at 1.17s, IE, trying to get the best procs per second using gust every other attack which would be 1.125s avg cast: 75.07 is the max damage per proc, per second. (which again, whether focused, split, or spread is how much damage max per proc) So that's 66.73 damage per second. (again, if ONLY using storm blast powers) A rain power, we'll look at whirlpool since it's in the middle of the rains: 131.46 damage over 15s, hits 16 targets = 140.224 dps So on big mobs rains are vastly superior for damage, especially at current as they evenly hit the mob guaranteed where as mentioned above the strikes can hit targets, lets say a minnion that would die with your next jet stream anyway, and be completely wasted (that's also a BIG factor that should be considered as well, ie, would be better if cell procs were only the split value but hit more targets for example) Now let's look at the average of what happens when the minnions die and you're left with lt's and bosses after usually about 3 seconds after the aoe/cone are cast, which i believe are often about 10 min's in the mob, then like 4 lts and 2 bosses. So that's 52.584dps (but don't forget, that before this it also helped to kill off the minnions, which storm cell hardly does anything for that except somewhat currently for how terrible chain lightning is, and except the average conditions where it fills in on the weaker damage of chain lightning. So at this point only when the mob is down to the lt's and bosses does storm cell outpace it, but this is again only in a 100% proc chance scenario. This is also still, assuming you are doing nothing but storm blasting. At this point, given the mitigation/debuff, and fact that most if it is useless at the start of the mob assuming its much higher chance of hitting minnions, I'd say it's about even for what it should do. I could maybe see a tiny damage reduction, but would rather see the damage evened out to be all the same proc with that 5 target cap more similar to c5, thus allowing you to knowingly use a non-storm blast attack during the lockout period, ie every other attack. However currently, this is in the best case scenario, of using direct strike, cloudburst, and alternating hailstones and chain lighting every other attack: 1.33+1.67+1.67+1.17/4= 1.46s avg cast, at 60+60+60+40/4 = 55% avg proc chances. That's only 28.28 damage per second. WELL below a rain, but more focused when the targets are small even at 4 targets which is the max spread, (less targets means if spread hits damage is wasted, same with split so that also goes against it). At 4 targets currently: Whirlpool: 35.056 versus cell's 28.28, still beating it out 3 targets: 26.292dps vs 29.47dps, so only at 3 targets or less is the cell beating out any rain power and technically you can mostly perma a rain power, though often you wouldn't if only 3 targets left unless they were really tough, so cell helps a little more extended past 15s, though most fights further on don't last that long, or if they do, not much longer where cell makes up that much more of a difference. This is also at full optimal proccing rotation, not accounting for using gust/jet stream which lower your proc chances currently, and if you're using your other sets powers which drive those numbers even further. In normal play, this means that it is doing just god awful damage. T Currently cell, is just really, really bad for any reliable damage. (which Wavicle's chart showed, on just storm blast alone, knowing how bad chain lightning is too, you can see that storms aoe is bad which means storm cell is doing even LESS compared to a normal aoe set) I also think while it's great to have the extra effects of the attacks in storm cell, they should also be viable on their own when cell is not up. As a set, having it's damage be less for some of the mitigation is fine but it's also way lower, and on top of that, chain especially, is also worse-stattted on top of that, so it's not justified on it's own, or as a whole set either, hence all the suggested fixes. Personally, I'd much rather see more procs (while also mentioned values need adjusted to be a bit better, but even at the 100% proc rate, it's still about average for the power just itself, and the set would still be lower on damage), but also less reliability on it for those times you don't want to recast it just yet. Fixing chain is also the second part of that, to which even with fixed actual stats by lowering the end/rech keeping the same damage, it still has the issues of not proccing, and missing half or all of the mob often due to the way it chains. There is also the opportunity costs vs using your other sets powers, the cost of the cell-strikes hitting targets where the damage doesn't matter anyway, and that the set generally has zero burst damage compared to other sets which also make it lag behind, and the extra end cost currently by being behind (ie big part of inefficiency relying on procs and inconsistent aoe on chain). When you account all this, while some of the mitigation is nice, it doesn't currently make up enough for the damage/endurance issues and reliance on only storm blasting, which is where I'd say to start off, number one, making all the attacks proc 100% and normalize the lightning strike damage and set to 5 targets (ie about the damage of the split) and the splits KD chances, keeping the 2s lockout, which actually given the powers cast times ends up being more like a 2.5-3s lockout, and then two, reduce chain's end/rech values to closer to 8end/10s rech. I think you/anyone would notice a big improvement on the set doing so, while still not anywhere near overpowering it, and it's never going to have that burst damage like other sets.
  13. No you have them backwards. The smaller debuff is the location power itself. The larger debuff is the high winds proc. You mentioned crits, which is what scourge is basically. The only other "crit" that exists on these types of AT's are with /ninja blaster, even then, that still shows up in the combat log when a crit occurs. So that was not a factor.
  14. There are a lot of factors that can go into that. While not recorded, I've been doing exactly that testing storm mob to mob. I know on the original beta thread Puma has done that as well. I don't mind that it's slower, but at a good bit, plus how it factors on the end cost is a really big thing. Even if the damage stayed exactly the same, the more procs would still be preferable on the mitigation side, and even with everything being the same, due to it doing less aoe damage, results in more end needed to take down a mob, which I'd also easily say is probably the biggest frustration I've had with the set. That largely comes down to the proc chances of the attacks, and chain lightnings stats as mentioned before. There also seems to be something fundamentally bugged with storm cell, which maybe that is what is also resulting in the procs seeming extra bad. Here's an example, long-snipe direct strike is 80% proc chance, with intensify, that is 100% that it should guarantee full proccing. Storm cell, outside of misses, then should be guaranteed to hit 7 targets, but as you can see, it's not doing so. Take away *maybe* one target for REALLY bad RNG, and it should still have hit 6 targets with the lightning: (god for the life of me i can't figure out why i can't seem to record again). I tried it 3 times in a row with different mobs in PP that were close together. Twice in a row Laying cell, cast intensify, cast slow snipe I only got 2 strikes to hit other targets, the 3rd time It hit 4. I HAVE proved it, several times over, I actually proved it before you even just posted this because it's literally right there in that image that you're responding to. You do clearly get that these numbers are so high because I was testing on minnions in atlas as to not skew any data with resistances and misses and such right? The size of the number doesn't matter in what I showed you. What does matter is that the numbers for the additional targets are less than the initial and scaling down ones. It also doesn't say scourge on that image anywhere, so clearly that was not in play. Damage procs can also hit any target in the chain, but due to the coding on this type of chain, it procs incredibly terribly, so there is no point in using procs for it.
  15. It doesn't now because it's a power that has such a short duration versus powers that have extended duration. This has also been explained ad nauseam. Have you ACTUALLY even played the set or tested the power? Just because it has bad description, doesn't mean that it's not working EXACTLY as I've explained. Seriously look at the floating numbers, or just look at your combat log. I'm not even going to bother quoting the rest of what you said because it's all so terribly wrong you clearly have not actually tested any of these things and are SO far out of knowing anything about what we've been discussing.
  16. I've been playing it fairly constantly since it went live, that's why I keep finding/having these issues with it lol. Those things that I just pointed out are specifically what I've noticed when playing the set and why it just feels off, and what would fix it. Why it constantly seems lagging, and what and why me and many others are getting constantly frustrated with the set even though it looks beautiful. (on that note, just had another person in game mention not playing another storm blast toon until it's fixed, when literally all I said prior was "have you tried the new storm blast yet 😕) As mentioned the single target damage is mostly fine except those couple small things I mentioned regarding outside of storm cell. It's issues lie mainly in the aoe/proccing. I'm more than fine with it not being top tier dps, but it also feels terrible having it not proc enough, and having it's main aoe power be severely underpowered as well, which also results in it costing more end to take down a mob which is a big part of where the end issues come in.
  17. This is both right and wrong at points. Yes sets are designed on themselves, but they also have to be checked against the other sets for balance. On the 2nd paragraph: you're wrong about when using other powers. For literally any other power comparison yes, but currently at least (due to proc chances) because you are losing those procs since they only happen when you use the storm blast attacks, that is not true of storm blast. It's not like how rains work. While compared to the actual attack you use, yes, but every non-storm blast power you're using, means you're not getting procs, which while as mentioned storm cell isn't doing enough proccing already, it means it's going to be doing even less, which per the first paragraph, the set IS largely centered around getting it's procs, especially for how terrible chain lightning is.
  18. It has been discussed ad nauseam how that doesn't actually benefit storm cell and c5. It is most definitely an attack power. That's why it does damage and is expected to be slotted for damage, and the set is designed around it's "damage". I have done that though. Many times at this point. I guess I have to add in the values each time. For example the stats on chain how it's damage for most of it is only about 50-60% of a normal ranged aoe attack given it's lower damage to the rest of the mob, longer recharge time where it has 20s when most have a 16 second recharge, and, larger end cost, ability to miss whole/half mobs etc. Are you wanting me to give the exact stats the power should have to fix it? I've done that too. I've layed out exactly what the main issues with the set are currently, and what can be done to fix them, as you have just stated to do: A: "X is godawful because of ABC compared directly to DEF: B: , it would be better if Y was done instead" So here I'll post it again in your exact preference: CHAIN LIGHTNING A: Chain lightning is god awful because it has a longer recharge and higher end cost, while also doing much less damage than a regular similar ranged aoe in other blast sets, while also not proccing for anything useful unlike other ranged aoe powers, and also quite often can miss half of the mob with the way it chains, and can miss the entire aoe if it misses the first target which other ranged aoes also do not have to deal with. B: It would be better if changed to a regular aoe with standard stats, or kept as its chain but compensated with a much lower endurance and recharge value somewhere closer to 8.5 end and 10 second recharge. Chain: 76.45 damage to first target only, 18.51 end, 20s rech. Next hit is only 81.51% of that damage to one target, the rest get about 60% damage. No side effect to the mob outside of storm cell, extremely minimal side effect to the aoe in storm cell only useful at all during c5 or with very pretty much only elec affinity and storm summoning (lightning storm). Procs are mostly non-existent in this power. Unlike other chains that, since more of the damage is on the first target, you could use it as a quasi-single target/two target attack with chain benefit, this power's recharge and very much also end cost make it not really usable against a single target as well making it's end drain synergy with direct strike very limited, another reason the end/rech should be cut down massively so it can be used as a quasi-single target skill as well, less damage than strike/cloud burst to the single target, but with the lower "aoe" damage as the bonus/synergy. 76.45 + 62.31 + (45.87x14) = 780.95/900.96(standard aoe value) = 86.68% times .95 = 82.35% assuming you're at the chance to hit cap, where that 5% it misses the first target, it literally does no aoe at all. the damage if it were to hit all targets every time. Factoring in how often it doesn't hit the whole mob, is harder to calculate but also factors in to the lower the average damage you get from the power (the times this occurs is far more often than the times that its chain actually helps to hit more spread out targets, while that value is considered, it's still less overall than the times i've seen chain not hit the entire mob as well due to that chain nature, skill comes in play, but mobs also run out of place as well before the chain actually starts hitting so even the best skill can't avoid this). Fireball: 74.62 damage to ALL, 15.18 end, 16s rech. Bonus damage effect, procs well. Explosive Blast: 56.31 damage to all, 15.18 end, 16s rech. Useful knockback/down, procs well. 900.96 damage to 16 targets. Using this as base reference as it's the general norm for this type of aoe as you see with Nbomb, Water burst, etc: Neutron Bomb: 56.31 damage to all, 15.18end 16s rech. Useful -defense, can take achilles proc for -resist, procs well. Water Burst: 56.31 damage to all, 15.18end 16s rech. Useful knockdown and slow, procs well. Psionic Tornado: 68.82 damage to all, 18.51 end, 20s rech. Useful knockup and -recharge, procs well. STORM CELL AND C5 A: Storm cell and C5 are having issues mainly due to the proc rates on the powers and the damage that (cell only) it does, and their base accuracy still being an issue against high targets for most combos and requiring a higher accuracy slotting that other attacks don't have to deal with. As they don't do as much on their own, especially cell, should also have their end costs reduced. B. It would be better if the proc rates on all attacks were 100% to allow the procs to effectively fire at a rate that the power should be doing. This would also allow when the mob dies down to a smaller number of targets, for you to use those lockouts to use your other attacks in between knowing that you are not missing proc chances as they would be locked out. This would also allow the set to function more properly at low levels using your lower level attacks to still effectively trigger storm cell and c5, making the set properly justify using the attacks you want when you want, rather than having to prioritize direct/cloud/chain just to get storm cell/c5 to even do anything properly damagewise. INTENSIFY A: Intensify is bad with this set, because it will not benefit the main two powers within the set storm cell and c5. B. It would be better if it was instead changed to a long duration steady buff so that it can extend over the course of storm cell and c5. As the powers should proc 100%, that bonus effect would be removed, and the damage and to hit values could be reduced to compensate for it's long duration perma-able nature. Something closer to 15% damage boost (blaster value) and 20% to hit, lasting 60s. Recharge could even still be the 90 seconds for those wishing to still use it more often for the gaussians proc, especially sentinels, but it's main function would be the extended duration to last through storm cell/c5. CLOUDBURST A. This power has many flaws due to its long time it takes to get to the mob combined with it's longer DoT to damage. It also has no side effect that can help it outside of storm cell, which this is one of the main powers that gets used when there may only be a boss or two left and storm cell might have dropped, so you're just using your ST chain to kill off the boss or two left which is not worth re-casting storm cell just for that versus saving it for the next mob. B. It would be better if this power instantly casted over the targets head rather than leaving from your hands. With this fixed, the DoT would be fine. It should also have that same secondary effect while out of storm cell of the -to hit and -rech/speed, but just having larger values when the target is affected by storm cell. Like freezing rain and sleet, even regular rain has roads and sidewalks get slippery. It would still make sense for this power to also have a chance to knockdown which would greatly help it when there is no storm cell up. GUST A. This power mainly has an issue on it's damage per cast time. (again assuming that all attacks should be given 100% proc rate for cell/c5). B. It would be better if the cast time was normalized like other tier 1s down to 1second cast time. The extra damage it does when storm cell is up should be a benefit to the power, not making it deal worse damage when cell is not up. The additional damage while in storm cell can be lowered to reflect this to make it's DPA the same. Again, this is to normalize the set working somewhat when cell is not up in those situations where it may wear off with only a boss or two being left. JET STREAM A. This powers issues lie mostly when not affected by storm cell. The issues come two fold: One, when targets are just outside of the cell behind it, and your jet stream hits them and actually pushes them FURTHER away from the cell. The other issue is when cell is down completely, and the repel causes the power to mostly be unusable especially on teams, yet also offers no protection if you DO put a kb-kd in it to remove the repel. While the "hitting enemies past storm cell" part mostly refers to blasters with the boosted range after snipe, it can still happen on others with bonuses/slotting etc. While yes you can control this part more yourself, there is also just no need to ever have it push them FURTHER away from the cell or c5. B. It would be better, while still keeping the repel for reasons I would suggest two things: One, make the repel be on a separate cone similar to how cold snap has the two cones in the same power. One cone, would be just for the repel, at a shorter radius. perhaps 25ft to the damage's 40ft. That way, it should mostly guarantee that its only repelling the enemies between you and the storm cell back into the cell, but shouldn't ever repel enemies that are beyond the area of storm cell. Then, on the main cone attack power, give it a chance to knockdown so it can help mitigate when cell is not up. Again, this is to help the set's reliance on storm cell, but still allowing it to be better when storm cell is up, like in situations where there may only be a couple bosses left and it's not worth recasting storm cell.
  19. By having to use and slot a whole power designed around that. It's not a problem if it's doing enough of what it's supposed to do but clearly it isn't. It also means, you get zero effect OUT of the procs on cell/c5 without focusing on your storm blast powers which is also part of the issue that was brought up. Now again, this isn't an issue if the powers do enough properly, but that's why were here, because they aren't doing enough currently and there is a failed design in the current mechanic that needs fixed. NONE of us are saying to change what the powers do, just the stats/proc chances need tweaked to line the set up better.
  20. If you were listening at all, this whole issue revolved around storm blasts aoe primarily, picking out the single target skills is just proving that you haven't been listening at all to what we've been saying the issues are regarding this set. Also, all snipes are pretty much the same, there's not much point in comparing them between sets really. (except for AR's which had an extra long cast time in quick form but they fixed that for this very reason). Also, on that note though, ugh cloudbursts animation, time to get to target, still long DoT, and literally zero secondary effect without storm cell is just god awful.
  21. Right, but you also have to factor that against other sets, knowing that as borked as it is, chain lightning averaging about 60% damage of a regular ranged aoe, AND having that longer rech of 20s versus most's 16s, it's only doing about 50% on average of what a regular aoe would do. So looking at that, Storm cell is only adding about 35% of the damage that a normal aoe would do. Yes it does help mitigate which I love, but that's still really really poor for a power that you have to actually slot for damage and has base accuracy issues as well needing higher than average accuracy slotting. Again, all hence why all the attacks should be having a 100% proc rate. (and fixing chain too of course) being the main things that need fixed with the set.
  22. This is really nifty you can do that I didn't know there was a way to see the percentage of your attacks. Though this doesn't really help cause this is just showing the damage of your attacks within the set, not compared to other sets. The only way this specific chat would help would be to say, show the damage a regular rain power does for a set, mostly just with fire and water blast, since ice works differently not really having a good real aoe and being skewed to blizzard. Though the one thing this chart does show is two things, how terribly storm cell is currently for something that should be a major damage, especially over time as the mob dies down, which as I've explained above it currently does not do due to the issues with the proc chances on the attacks, esp the early ones. Why all attacks should have that 100% proc chance for cell and c5. And it also shows how terrible and basically unusable jet stream is without storm cell due to the repel. In that regard, it also very much skews, or possibly explains what i've already said regarding chain lighting. For how terrible it is, yet that's still one of your most damage without storm cell because without cell, due to the jet stream issues, the set has practically zero aoe as it is, with chain sometimes missing all or half the mob due to it's chain nature, and it having much less damage than a standard ranged aoe has, yet stupidly has a 20s rech time where they usually have about a 16s recharge. So in a way this chart actually does help to showcase those things, it just doesn't really compared it well to other sets, but does help point out those major flaws that i've described before, and just now.
  23. Regarding blast sets though, no, the statement was pretty true. It's actually even MORE true with storm blast, because you HAVE to maximize the spamming of the main proccing powers to get the procs out of cell and c5. That was part of the main statement of needing to have all the skills have guaranteed proc chances. This WOULD help that issue out a good bit because it would allow you to flow the chain more by using the powers. Ie, could actually use gust without having to worry about not proccing cell/c5 cause its proc rate is terrible etc while also allowing the set to be more effective in the lower levels as well. Doing anything else, unlike other blast sets, means you are inherently losing the value of cell and c5 due to having to self-proc those powers. That's why storm blast NEEDS more attention strictly to using the storm blast powers only. Anything else will double down on the loss of damage that no other blast set has to deal with. You basically just admitted and agreed to what we were already saying by saying it plays differently. It's that different nature, that specifically unlike any other blast set, means you have to solely focus on storm blast attacks or else lose effectiveness of the set. Guaranteeing 100% proc rate on all attacks, would help to solve this issue as you could use those other powers in between storm blast attacks while the lockout is present (when the mob is died down, on a big mob you still have to solely use storm blast powers to max proc cell and c5 until the target caps on the procs are equal to the amount of enemies left) This is the main issue with how the set functions that @Puma and I have also stated out many times now.
  24. It's definitely not the playstyle. Having played other storm defenders for one with just a different blast set. I know what i'm doing, the only other "playstyle" would be one that is being lazy and not actually doing what they can.
  25. I've done two other corruptors as well. It's, well again big part on chains stats, but that's also how the issue is mechanical via storm cell as I've described. Yeah defenders are harsher, but even storm blast as primary still basically needs chain and cloud slotted and a good amount of rech due to the proc chance issues of the lower attacks. Elec blast is WHOLLY different, because it actually has a main power that you can use to good effect to synergize the drains and keep enemies floored. Storm blast does not have this mostly outside of the nuke, which still takes time to use to it's effect. They are nowhere near the same in comparison. Except they don't actually work the same. Chain induction works as a single target attack, and then it chains per target after, so for one procs actually work in the power. Chain lightning doesn't work in this same fashion. It also has as mentioned, it's damage scaling lower per target spread out down the chain, so most damage to the mob is actually only about 60% of the value on average. In this regard as well, the stats are abhorrently disproportionate. I have several dark blast characters. One being an actual storm summoning defender, IE storm/dark defender. And it had/has nowhere near the end problems that the storm/storm has. (not that dark blast is perfect, largely needing torrent to be the actually damaging umbral torrent) Edit: to a point that Puma has pointed out as well before, the set also suffers GRAVELY from only working as an all-in set. Any other blast set can supplement aoe or build versatility with their secondary or primary on defenders. Especially if you look towards blasters. But storm has an inherent net-loss that other sets simply do not have due to the way storm cell and c5 operate. This alone SHOULD mean that it should excel more than other blast sets when focused on it, but it often just means that any other combo that doesn't solely focus on storm blast and tries to actually use it's other skills is SoL. This is a big part of where I mentioned that all attacks should proc 100% of the time, and then actually use that lockout to let you use other skills without worrying about losing procc chances off storm cell and c5.
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