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Everything posted by WindDemon21

  1. Except this still needs to be auto as well. Both upgrades should be inherent in the pets naturally to have their powers. This extra power honestly I would prefer another aoe, and then a single target ability at level 6, giving 2 more blast set options. So it would help bridge the gap better on pets that are weak to ST, or weak to aoe, so you can pick one (or both) of them up to even out your damage, and the extra aoe can help you take aggro as well. (or some sets like necro which don't even get an aoe ouch)
  2. Um if they make it so damage procs only hit one enemy in an aoe they may as well just get rid of the proc for some global bonus... Likewise the issue you're referring to is the PPM issue, where the same negative issue occurred with faster recharging skills. The ONLY rework that should be considered for damage procs is a way to scale the damage down but keep it hitting each use.
  3. I do understand that, but the issue is nerfing that without simultaneously fixing those two powers. They should have been fixed in the same patch or no nerf at all.
  4. Except you don't get a "complete" set of pets until you get that other upgrafd power at 32. Most MM pets are honestly pretty bad until then. Having the Mannion and lt pets with all their powers would be more effective than having the big pet but all pets only having their tier 1 powers. And if you've never played a controller this is nothing new, but the way the pets play this is basically like how melee sets or ranged blast sets get their big power/nukes at 32, but would at least make the MMs less useless in the earlier levels.
  5. Even 26 is still usually an annoying wait to have any effectiveness. Would be best (if not eliminating the upgrade powers altogether in lieu of more attacks) to have it at 18, and then the special skill at 26. Having them be auto powers as well is really non-negotiable IMO though, there is nothing worse and its the #1 reason that keeps me from making any more MMs at the moment.
  6. Or as stated a million times over, make the upgrade powers auto aura procs in supremacy, move the special skill to 26, big pet to 32, and 2nd upgrade to 18. The upgrade powers shouldn't exist altogether really having the attacks always on the pets, and then give some other power in their place with this new power redistribution. Even just more attacks honestly would be nice you could skip them if you wanted then. Another aoe attack at 18 and another ST attack earlier.
  7. I won't be able to make it at this time but would like to submit my costume, is there any way or secondary thread where we can upload our costumes?
  8. Yes you would never see a stealth power on a brute, oh wait dark armor, oh wait energy aura.
  9. Thank god the theft still works in dark regen, but in general the power has been needing an overhaul to something between current and obscure sustenance for a while. As to radiation therapy, people love it for putting damage procs in it, but for a set that at least outside of tanks really needs as much healing/mitigation as it can, the healing/regen it provides without at least stacking that regen buff is just not enough and needs a bump. specifically figuring that the regen buff would stack on multiple applications which would give it more use vs things like AVs versus a stacking buff per target hit, which would be nicer mob-mob, but stacking per use would be better off in the long run for all situations, and the end cost is so low but the set has other end stuff at least so that's less of the issue.
  10. As it sounds, that proc change should have NEVER gone live without fixing these two powers first. Obviously dark regen for the overhealing it does plus its horrid end cost stats are just way out of line, and then radiation therapy for what seems like an obvious "the regen bonus was meant to stack" issue, where it's heal and end gains are way too low for the power otherwise, or you know, un-nerf those procs when used in those powers. Either way, those two powers need fixed ASAP or un-roll that proc nerf, enough said, what a horrible horrible nerf to them. Any way you spell it this was total BS to those powers, which are the only ones where this change was basically done for in the first place, but they weren't fixed to compensate. Bad move devs, bad move.
  11. Probably my favorite most solid set overall. Only pet peeves are, for this, SR and shield, the mez click, needs to animate in .5s or less, too much of an interrupt in the attack chain, and should have it's duration extended so it's perma out of the gate. Blinding powder could also use an improvement, and more DDR in the set, and the tier 9 should be resistance not more defense, or max hp too, and like other tier 9s generally needs a crashless lower rech rework in general. Otherwise it's the closest to most perfect set. Lowering the activation time on the +end power too would be greatly appreciated.
  12. It gets about halved diminishing returns, so it would be better off with double the heal or proc chance, but be unique for the heal portion.
  13. Ah that could possibly be it, I'll have to double check cause I saw another and figured it was that. Either rate yes it is a TINY cone, buy because of that is more of a bonus than should be considered for not spreading, which likewise since the spread only goes to enemies 3 at a time, for at least non-sents more, cutting beam should really also cause spread as well as that mechanic is the main reason that beam lacks an actual 2nd aoe power on most ATs.
  14. It is *mainly* a single target though. If you read the description on Disintegrate it clearly states that piercing beam is supposed to cause spread. And honesty how the spread works the aoes should really cause spread too, at least cutting beam for the other ATs who don't get refractor beam.
  15. At least for Sentinels haven't tested others, it's not causing spread to other targets that do not have the disintegrate status when you hit one that does.
  16. Nail on the head. Changes needed, 4x the amount of absorption in frigid shield, add back it's pbaoe -dam/-rech/-speed. Change permafrost to resist all including defense debuff. Change moisture absorption to basically the melee armor version, only ranged instead of pbaoe (with a MUCH wider radius), or just leave it exactly the same as the melee armor version. Change frost protection entirely. It loses icicles for it which was a pbaoe damage aura, perhaps in compromise it could get the frost bite auto that adds cold damage to all damaging attacks. Add fire and cold defense to the armor shields.
  17. And for mainly a defense set, it doesn't hardly have any fire/cold defense either. It needs some love in the worst way.
  18. Even frigid is only like 2.5% base from what i can tell, it's at least 1/3 or less the regen version and is useless. Moisture also is really bad, low radius end uses, doesn't stack, and not even multiple defense per target hit (which should only be after they fix the stacking issue). It also has no reason to only have a 10ft and not 40ft range. It has next to zero resists, frost protection is practically useless with perma hoarfrost, frigid needs upped, it doesn't have the -dam/-rech that the melee armor has, has dot aura which makes sense but doesn't get it made up, and temp protection should resist all.
  19. My guess is cause its just a weekly event and not the real thing, and they'll be on sale again come December. Sad though cause I was really hoping they would be on sale.
  20. No. Adding to @Mender Derek's blustering mistakes, he left the timeline including discounted pack prices in the past. 😕
  21. I was talking with a gm about this, good fix would be to just include all damage types and increase the % a tiny bit. Adding some mez resistance wouldn't hurt either.
  22. It's only giving 2.8 defense, so like the other ice armor equivalents, you would think you would get that per target hit, and given it's rech/duration, you would think that it would at least stack with itself but it doesn't. If it's not going to do either of those things (pref not the multi per target hit unless it also stacks with itself), it needs a larger defense amount, and no reason it shouldn't have more range on a generally ranged AT.
  23. I can get behind your rationing for the 2nd and 3rd suggestions, like i said would be nice but the absolute main thing is that first idea needs to be in place, but options 2 and 3 wouldn't HAVE to be used, it would just be an option, but I think the 2nd would be more necessary than the third, cause dragging and dropping constantly gets reallllly annoying, more than just clicking to reroll if you don't get what you want. Personally the less you have to use the mouse for stuff the better, more opportunity to overshoot and takes more focus to not mess up somehow or not put it in the right spot. That may be an OCD thing for me, or just a focus thing when i feel tired, but it's a constant annoyance that doesn't need to be there.
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