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Everything posted by WindDemon21

  1. Honestly I've even tried to make builds with elec blast/melee, and just couldn't quite fit it for a good enough use versus other bonuses/enhancement values. No need to reduce it's PPM, about 10 or 15% at 3ppm still makes sense, cause then it would be better than panacea, who does two values. It should still have more than that especially if it was unique. I think this would be the best solution, cause trying to find a way to unbug, seems a lot more difficult.
  2. The best option at this point would be to give it a dual nature kinda like the impervious skin, where the heal proc aspect is unique with may maybe a higher proc rate or heal value, but then has a secondary effect that is not like mez resistance. That way you can slot more than one of them, but still get the benefit of it's secondary effect.
  3. And they will proc at random, only every 10 seconds. I would easily say especially on willpower, who is in the 1000% range for regen wouldn't notice this much at all actually. It's sets like invlun that *should* be getting the biggest benefit from these procs, but is really only getting the benefit from about 1.5 of them.
  4. Wait you're right I knew I was missing something, was looking at the %/second not the %regen equivalent which would put it at about 49.6% equivalent with accolades. Bug or not I still don't like how scales down additional procs. If you get the extra powers to fit it, and are OK with the randomness and that it only happens every 10 seconds which can matter in certain fights and can't be 100% counted on then i don't see it as breaking anything still.
  5. Pt is a 5% heal is it not? Since it doesn't scale up with how bonuses and only works off base, actually with accolades alone its at 20.83% regen equivalent. Unless I'm missing something from its value. At either rate again it seems like a bug, but considering you already have to get multiple powers to slot it in to stack it in the first place I really don't see multiple applications of it working properly as being overpowered in any fashion.
  6. Which on willpower is mostly unnoticed anyway. For most other sets, you're looking at 2, or 3 if stalker/brute (please for all that is holy swap cp with sc for scraps/tanks), with accolades makes the proc worth about 22.5% regen equivalent. For 3 slots I don't think 67.5% regen is anywhere near overpowered on any build.
  7. It shouldn't be or it would be a totally wasted IO for the most part to have more than 1 slotted. In that case I'd rather they make it unique and 15% like the CotS.
  8. Since the performance shifter proc seems to work fine, it seems like its a bug that happened when they made the proc. Hopefully they fix it asap.
  9. Well I hope they fix it soon cause it's really stupid right now.
  10. As the title suggests, the IO is not stacking as it should. No matter how many you slot, only one will fire off at proc time. I have 3 slotted, along with the panacea in my stalker, and the Panacea will fire off with one of them, but no more than one PT proc will fire off at a proc time. It is not unique like the CotS is now, and should be stacking the procs.
  11. Which in that regard the range would already be far enough and wouldn't need to be enhanced. You are really grasping at straws on that one...
  12. That wouldn't happen. As mentioned, the game already HAS a set priority as to which you are targeting in these instances. Just look at defibrillate, or medicines injection. You are VAGRANTLY overcomplicating it, when it already works just fine in game.
  13. I think we can all agree that the range of it is really only a concern in PVP. But even then still you can only target so far. If it's THAT big of an issue, then i would suggest for "teleport punch" that i mentioned, it instead works like recall foe, but then has a wind up animation and punch like cross punch, and then punches them when they are teleported into your melee range.
  14. Powers already exist in the game that can be used on both teammates, and enemies, and differentiates between the two.
  15. Because if you did that, then it would tp the ally.
  16. Range of targeting the foe pretty much already does this for you, if they're too far you can't target them.
  17. So in consensus with my previous edit: 1: Recall: 1s cast, 5 end, ally, or foe. level 4. 2. Combat Teleport: Jaunt animation, .5s cast time, cj/hover level defense for 60 seconds, 2 end cost. No recharge. 80ft range. level 4, 20s hover, cancelled by movement. 3. Teleport Punch: Snipe, insta-cast in battle, you punch your fist through a tiny wormhole at the enemy. Brawl animation when insta-cast, Devastating blow's animation when ranged snipe. level 4 4. Group Teleport: TPs yourself, and the team to a location. 3s mag 4 confuse (30ft radius) 20s recharge, 15 end cost. 80ft range of initial self tp, zone range of ally tp. TP of self works like regular tp, ally tp works like assemble the team (doesn't pull with your radius, instead pulls from zone) Tier 2 requires one of the previous powers, level 14. 20s hover, cancelled by movement. 5. Long Range Teleport: Teleports across zones or to mission, works the same as it does now, but additionally tps the entire team to the location you select like mission teleporter combined. Tier 3, requires two other power picks, level 20.
  18. Recall, yes 100% I think we ALL agree on this, cast time should be faster as well like 1s. Tactical teleport, very yes, but it should have a base range of 60 or 80ft and no rech, something low like 2 end per cast, jaunt animation, .5s activation time. Long range teleport is basically the travel, and should be the 3rd option tier 1, or should work like the mission transporter where it teleports your whole team, only you select the destination, and be the tier 3 5th power. Teleport assault, should be the 4th power, tier 2. And instead should be "teleport punch" a snipe that works just like snipe powers and basically opens a mini portal that you do a quick punch through. Like the Spot on Spider-Man or Blinque. Group teleport should be the 5th power tier 3 and provide a few second pbaoe confuse of the same 30 foot radius as enemies would be confused as to where everyone went. Rech time would be around 30 seconds. Or it should be the 3rd or 4th power without the confuse. Edit: Or better yet, Group TP should be like "assemble the team" with something like a 30s recharge. So for MMs even, it would still bring the pets to where you are, but doesn't really need to take them/team with you. It should not be a power that is designed specifically around MMs, which honestly none of them need it anyway, and they could also just combat tp into a mob and then group tp (1s animation) to follow. This way we have that recall team, for so many support sets with buffs to gather the team up to cast them, or to recall the whole team to your location after long range teleport etc. This would be much better for more use across all ATs and playstyles. It could still have the 3s confuse too in a 30ft radius. For the MMs too, it could actually even work like incandescence, where it would tp you to the location, and then automatically recall the entire team after you pop out. That way with a few second confuse, you can go into the mob, (or not) and safely team the rest of the team from any range to your location after you get there. The confuse would be mag 4 to safely give you a couple seconds for the allies/pets to get to your location to share aggro when the confuse wears off. This should be the 4th power, tier 2, and then put long range teleport at the 5th power tier 3.
  19. Big thing, MAIN thing for teleport though, is it needs to cast in .5 seconds or less, and have less end cost. Basically like jaunt but no recharge. If it could also be coded to not hover at all if placed on a ground location (it might do that but been a while).
  20. for example, on itf at +4 it was doing 63 heal, when we set the last mish to even level it was about 120
  21. But still broken for the defender ATO procs
  22. They are having the same bug issue that the staff buffs had, where fighting higher level enemies would lower the buff effect. It's likely doing that with the corrupter ato proc as well.
  23. The new ai changes just make sure to put them in goto mode on self so they stay near you and in the cage
  24. Exactly. If anything should do -kb it's a strong gravity force that is holding them in place, and a strong static field that is magnetizing them to the ground.
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