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Everything posted by WindDemon21

  1. It would be automatically refreshing that way, if it was it's own slot, not just a display.
  2. Or even within the same set to get the one you need like a proc.
  3. You might not, but I and i'm sure many other people would like it. Also the second and third ideas work by my last post, see above. Also, for the third, you probably wouldn't do it on rarity because of that, but for type, like any other defense IO, trying to convert to a LOTG it would be invaluable to save time and clicks. Or even an ATO/Winter/Purple to another type you want.
  4. As to the last suggestion, per coding the way it would work is to basically have that spot where you convert be an extra "tray" slot, so that when the IO changes, it's still on the "wheel" and not in the tray, so it doesn't have to keep showing what it was before, only what it currently is. So when you move the IO from your enhancement tray to the converter "wheel" it no longer shows in that tray slot, as it's now on the wheel.
  5. Since nothing has been even acknowledged that i could see on the subject by the nudevs, going to post again with an updated idea as well for the conversion tab. For one, we need that option for converting to category type, rather than rarity to stay locked and not revert back to to rarity every time we put a new IO in the wheel. This can be done simply by eliminating the drop down, and just having it as another radial check option. Next, it would be nice if it would also lock the IO in the converter, so that you don't have to keep dragging and dropping it there if you don't get the desired IO, then all you have to do is keep clicking the convert button until you get what you want. A third option that would be nice, after locking the IO in place and selecting what you want it to convert to, would be to have an automatic roulette, where you pick the IO you want, and it keeps converting until you either get that IO or set, or you run out of converters. That way you don't have to keep clicking the convert button.
  6. Yeah that's easy enough, give them base higher movement, and make supremecy actually debuff their movement speed to normal.
  7. Never said I couldn't play it, in fact the opposite saying I have played several. What I SAID was that it was lacking in control compared to any other control set, and multiple people have agreed. Unplayable, no, lacking, yes.
  8. I dont have to assume anything when you're the one saying you think mind is fine and other people as well are trying to describe to you that its not. Unplayable no, nothing in this game is unplayable, but its control is far from ok. I've seen this playing multiple myself, and anytime playing with a mind controller. Of course it's better than no controller but its eclipsed from any other conrrol set because it has to mostly rely on two 4 minute recharging controls that don't get broken on teams.
  9. If you think mind isn't bad on control, then you clearly have not played other control sets. Having two controls that are broken by any attack as the only every mob skill, and two that you can offset but come late and are both on 4 minute base recharges, and no aoe immobilize, and no control pseudo pet its easily the worst control set. After 8 years on live and another one here, playing multiple of every control set, its not even a question. For starters it does need fixes. On all trollers imho same way they changes nukes is to lower their recharge, but especially for mind its mass confusion needs to be on a shorter recharge and earlier honestly. Its not even a slight comparison when looking at seeds of confusion and that is available at level 8 and on a 60 second recharge with no accuracy penalty. Telekinesis is another big area of issue. Honestly it should have its end cost reduced, but the power doesn't quite fit anywhere and the repel and low target cap makes it often not worth the use. It would be best replaced with an aoe immobilize that instead of doing damage did -resist/speed allowing containment for controllers, and wouldn't wake up/break fear but still be able to add damage. Mind and gravity as well, also need their st hold bumped to tier 2 so you can skip the current ones if you want. (Clearly this isn't saying they're useless, just that for certain builds and playstyles they are)
  10. Ice and fire are actually THE main melee oriented control sets fyi. Also, per the mind/savage, put a build up proc in spot sprey, then use terrify, ravens, feral, rending, good aoe chain and good damage boost for terrify. But overall i would go dark, just cause it is SOOOO much better control. Mind is really bad on control. They need to make mass confusion 60s recharge like seeds is to start and put it earlier at least level 18. Mass confusion and Terrify both break too easily, so you're relying on total dom and mass confusion on super high recharge builds for your control mainly. In either case, make sure to put the chance to add damage proc to the cone fear.
  11. The sad part is my numbers aren't off. Remember I'm talking in terms of effectiveness ie how much damage per second per recharge per radius per amount of targets hit. I never said that it does less damage than brawl, someone else did. I said that currently, it is about 4% as good as other rain powers.
  12. While some outly a little higher, most pool attacks on average did about 55-60% efficiency, so for this power, yeah 45% efficiency as i described above (some are well below that like troller who are at around 30%) would be right about where it should be since it also has that debuff/toxic damage. (though it doesn't have the slow either like other rain powers so that shouldn't factor much, and even whirlpool has that -defense and cold damage too). So yeah, 15ft radius, no target cap like rain powers, or whatever mechanic they use, and 50% increase in damage.
  13. Though that does seem on a brute, the highest damage on a blaster, takes it to about 6% efficiency of rain powers. It should actually have it's radius at 15ft, and about 50% more damage, as it still has the 10 target cap IIRC which they could even take that away too, and it would still be at about 45% efficiency on average, which is about where it should be at tbh.
  14. Those were all hard numbers. The only non-hard part about it is assuming that it's radius is supposed to be 10ft like mids says. Even with that, it's a 10% efficiency from other rain powers, and it's not even there now.
  15. Exactly, but as mentioned most pool powers to avoid this lie in the 75% range of damage effectiveness. With the bug currently corrosive vial is at about 4% effectiveness which is insanely poor. Even if they fix the radius bug it's still poor at 10% of other similar rain type powers, and needs an upgrade of a 50% damage increase, maybe 15ft radius vs 10 (rains are still at 25ft), and a 16 target cap as its still a rain power vs actual aoe. That would put it in most max situations at about roughly 45% effectiveness versus other rain powers in terms of aoes, which is still fairly bad but leagues over the issues it has now.
  16. So to be clear, that's about half on average of other rain powers, with no slow, a 10 target cap versus bypassing the cap like rain powers, at (if they fix the 10ft radius) 40% of the radius of rain powers. That puts it at about 10% if the damage value of like rain powers, an THAT'S if they fix the radius issue to hit all 10 target properly. Currently with the bug hitting only 3-4 at a time at best, that means it's at about 4% the damage value of like rain powers at the moment. This needs fixed asap. Being a pool power, and one that restricts you from choosing other origin pools, it should easily be at at least half the value of a similar power. Any other damage pool power is at least closer to 75% for its dpa/dps.
  17. You might need to checking again on live then. Even at 50 its doing 5s against +3s. So about 37.5 damage in 15s is really poor, but mainly the big part of it is as I described, that its radius seems bugged at just a couple feet and hitting only a couple per tic, rather than at least 10 in a 10ft radius. That puts it at the worst aoe of any skill in the game, for a location power, that should have a 10ft radius which is already small for a "rain" type power, that already sacrifices by having to keep enemies in it for the damage. It SHOULD have better damage/area values for that reason alone. However for only hitting 2-3 at a time, for a 60s base rech location 15s dot power at 38 base damage at 50 over those 15 seconds, it REALLY needs fixed.
  18. I'm pretty sure it's bugged and needs looked at ASAP. I tested it, and for one, mids states it has a 10ft radius (anything less and it would severely limit the power), and upon testing it's radius of the damage was only like 2 feet. On top of that, the damage tics, were only hitting about 2-3 out of it's 10 targets at a time, which could be due to the radius issue. Additionally, you throw a vial, it should really be a location power, not taoe. They need to fix this power asap, but right now it's so crappy nobody is taking it.
  19. That's exactly what I thought of when i made mine lol
  20. Power transfer end mod proc, not kheld ATO proc, though also, last i checked that proc is broken and doesn't give any heals to the Kheldian.
  21. In another thread, we delved on the issue a bit, and how it's not working properly in auto powers. The best option at this point would be to give it a dual nature kinda like the impervious skin, where the heal proc aspect is unique with may maybe a higher proc rate or heal value, but then has a secondary effect that is not like mez resistance. That way you can slot more than one of them, but still get the benefit of it's secondary effect. Then have its heal be 10% instead of 5%, so it's still marginally better than the heal on Panacea, without overpowering it.
  22. I was just agreeing with you and then offering a helpful suggestion 😛 *hugs* lol I do know what you mean though pre-midnight grasp, but dms major issue is aoe and its not bad st pre mg either, just not top tier till MG.
  23. You are 100% alone in that. Sounds like you should just play a DM stalker but dm does not have a ST issue.
  24. Still gonna say the best solution is to up the damage about double, 15ft radius, 60s recharge, and make most of the end gain on the first hit with a little on the consecutive hits somewhere about 25 end for the first and 2.5 for each additional. It would also make sense if it had at least a 5% -to hit added to it as well. This way you can have it up often enough as an attack, you can have every other line up with soul drain, and its damage and end gain abilities would be line up pretty well to not overpower it.
  25. I was thinking 10%, that way it's a little better than panacea and not op.
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