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Everything posted by WindDemon21

  1. If anything it should at least be a movement speed bonus not just run speed. But also have you ever fought synapse? He likes to use power sink, which is a end draining ability. Seems to make sense that his IO set would have resistance to that. There are also other means to get run speed bonuses. GOTA alone has a 7.5% run speed (which should also be movement speed also IMO), but there is NO way to get end drain resistance from IOs currently.
  2. I actually find there to be a general lack of end reduction on the end mod sets. Only Ea has that one end mod/end redux IO and it's not enough for things like heat loss that have a 15.6 end cost. which when you use it when your end is low is a bit of a big cost to drop you, same issue happens with power sink/power drain in elec and energy armors. I can't think of ONE endurance power though that I'd care to put range in. (or have it be needed, like speed boost, does not need it)
  3. For the first one, we don't really need just run speed bonuses that much for stuff outside of granite armor. Can this unique PLEASE be changed to an end drain resist unique, like 25%? For the second, it says "An end mod set with a focus on ally buff abilities that DON'T require accuracy or deal damage". Yet the set has multiple accuracy values in it. So if it's made for a power that DOESN'T need accuracy, why does the set have accuracy in it...
  4. I'm not saying about the playstyle, i'm just saying that that is one way/reason that cones are balanced how they work, saying nothing of the target cap which should be increased to 16 targets. The cones are already balanced to where they should have those 16 target caps.
  5. Yes full auto especially needs it and really needs its cone angle bumped to 30 degrees. Most blaster cones have only slightly less recharge than taoes but their damage is usually slightly less as well. They also take more skill to utilize properly which also goes in to part of their balance in addition to not meshing well with melee powers as well cause you constantly have to back out to use them as well. Most cones also have a smaller range as well (which makes sense for how they work but it does still pose range safety balance) There is no reason that they shouldn't have a 16 target cap to get them in line with their taoe counterparts. This especially unfairly hurts sets like AR, sonic, and dark blast who are basically all cones.
  6. Several sg mates have noticed this too. The other day on a 6 man team which always lowers drop rates, but in the attack map my one alt got ZERO rare/pvp/purple recipes and that is a huge map.
  7. I said to increase the target cap not change the cone size. The cone angle/ range would not be affected.
  8. Ranged cones have the same general use as any targetted aoe attack. There should be no reason that they are stuck with a 10 target cap limit where their taoe counterparts get a 16 target cap. Please give ranged cones the 16 target cap that they deserve.
  9. Poison needs help. They should really make alkaloid a taoe heal.
  10. No try to move from your vault to your salvage box. You can only drag and drop, and when there are multiple it asks you to select how many every time. We need to be able to right click and choose move all. While we're at it, an option from the salvage box itself that says to "move all salvage to ah" would terrific. Even an option to auto-set the price to your choosing, and automatically list it on ah for that self predetermined price.
  11. I was actually about to just post this. We also need to right click from our vault to move to our salvage window. It would be great as well if the max hold-able items per line was 99, instead of just 10, the digits are already there.
  12. Yes, cause you can right click and delete stack, don't have to drag and drop, set bid, post each stack.
  13. They need to let us cancel common salvage, and make it easier to sell off loads of salvage at once. micro-selling all the common/uncommon salvage is such a pain I just usually delete them.
  14. Can you please swap the shock therapy tier 1/2 powers at least until you guys figure out how to code skipping the secondary tier 1 powers. Powers like this are practically useless outside of pvp/AVs and we don't need more forced useless powers. If you can also fix exploding shuriken's radius to 15ft like the other epic aoes that would be needed too thanks. Shuriken's damage is also drastically low for a 6s recharge, and should be upped to match it if that wasn't already done.
  15. I've already suggested this twice in the other threads so t hu is has my vote. I'd also say to lower DCs recharge to at least two minutes. 3 is just WAY too long for what it does and it should still line up with SD.
  16. Even in original days like issue 1/2 honestly BR should always have been a passive, but especially now. Energize should be as well but it wouldn't homogenize it really. For one it's already unique being end discount instead of recovery which i like. And boost range alone makes the set unique too, this just alleviates the WAYYYY too clicky nature of /energy. Powerboost makes a little more sense as a click, but these two powers need changed. PB, aim, and bu is already annoying constantly firing off and setting up. I hate trying to do the combo cause lots of times later game mobs are dead before you get your aoe off then, but all these clicks take serious time away from using actual kill powers, and /energy has more than enough other clicks, 7 others in fact.
  17. To be clear, while pb/tf/stun could use help that i've outlined, the MAIN thing that needs changed is the energize and boost range changes to lessen the horrendous click usage of the set when these two powers don't need/shouldn't be click based. While we're at it, they also don't change to the color you want in the costume creator either, but of course since they should be toggle/auto this wouldn't be an issue then anyway.
  18. I only said that to make it in line with the other blaster toggles. They all cost zero endurance fyi. It makes no sense for a power that grants better endurance as a toggle to have an end cost offsetting that, This just puts it in line with the rest. This first and foremost is main change that is needed for /energy manipulation. It already has a 60s recharge with 30s duration. With just a recharge reducer in it and minor recharge bonuses/hasten it's already perma easily. This just helps the issue where you're constantly clicking all these powers, and since you'll always be able to perma it anyway, no, it would not be any more overpowered than it is, especially if the +range value is lowered. Except they do in tactical arrow with Gymnastics. It's a lot of mez resistances with a couple protections to kb and immobilize. This would be similar, not a full mez protection like you're thinking. And that recharge/duration would be fine, since as i've stated blasters hardly have anything that actually capitalizes on those bonuses of the actual power boost that it does provide. This change would be more than fine. Except it's long animation gives it basically the worst DPA of any blaster secondary attack that is first and foremost an attack. For one, shocking grasp, is actually loads over TF for DPA. In those 3.3 seconds, TF is about 200 damage. If shocking graps were to take 3.3 seconds as well, it's damage would be a base 330, well over TF. Not to mention my initial argument of TF taking too long for a squishy blaster to stand there, while shocking grasp animating in 1 second, for one holds the enemy faster, and lets you do other attacks as well before TF would even land. You're missing a big part of force of thunder as well. While it does bug me as well that /elec doesn't have the toggle as well, this power can be used very frequently, and has the benefit of aoe knockdown/back as well for protection. FYI it provides the same regen bonus as energize and other blaster secondary toggle powers. And for a set where it literally has two attacks that outdamage it in less time than TF takes to animate, it doesn't really need another big single target skill on a slow animation. I'm not saying to get rid of it though, just to give it splash damage like thunderstrike, or at least bump up the damage/decrease activation time. Also in the time it takes to animate, you can also have fired off another aoe, or even at the same pace, just use that aoe, and have it recharge faster to use again. For reference let's say fireball, 16s base recharge. With minor recharge slotting let's say it's down to a 10s recharge. That's a base 74.62 damage. That 22% defiance takes it's base damage to 91.04 in 13.3 seconds before it's usable again at 6.845damage/second. But lets say instead of doing TF, that you simply use fireball. That means that you get it back again in 10 seconds. That means for 74.62 damage, you're doing 7.462 damage/second, which is well over the TF/fireball combo. And this is REALLY low slotting for recharge. Most builds will be getting the aoe down to at least 5 or 6 seconds, where those numbers for not using TF win out even further.
  19. I do like the set, just not everything being clicky when it doesn't need to be. The main thing is for the changes to energize and boost range. As to boost range you wouldn't need to slot anything in it powers already exist like that like ammo swap and staff stances. Or they could code it so slotting ranges increase the range boost.
  20. Except the mag has zero bearing on whether they get knocked down or not, just whether they are knocked down or knocked back. What might be happening, as which I shouldn't see but do on my sonic repulsion, are a bunch of misses happening as if the power is requiring a to hit check even though it's auto and you can't slot for it. With this showing what's likely happening is that inadvertently your slotting of the sudden acceleration set has an accuracy stat and is boosting it that way. If it's anything like my sonic repulsion, I can tell it's clearly bugged for how little it actually knocks down, and I think these misses are the reason. It should be knocking enemies down far more often, and if those misses I'm seeing were knockdowns, that would make more sense to where it should be. I think when they did the homecoming patch for this to lower the kd chance when the kb-kd proc was updated, that they messed up the code for this. Especially for how ridiculous the end cost is on these toggles (there REALLY should not be an extra end cost per target hit) the knockdown should be MUCH more consistent.
  21. This is a unique set that can be a lot of fun but it has some major issues. Mostly going in to how many short recharge easily perm-able click buffs that have you buffing yourself more than you're attacking and interrupting your attack chains. Much like other sets for starters energize needs to be a zero end toggle, there should be no question of this. The next easy fix, would be to make boost range an auto passive. It's already easily perm-able with basically just SOs, and would not overpower in any way by being an auto instead of a click power. Even if that meant maybe a small nerf to the bonus effect at like 50% instead of 60% range boost would be fine. Next we get to powerboost. The power on it's own doesn't have too many issues, outside of the fact that as a blaster you don't have much that can really even capitalize on the effects of it anyway. On top of that the effects it CAN use are only really benefitted when those effects are always on like the small amount of defense you can get from it and some to hit, maybe a single target hold or slow/immobilize. None of which in any way really overpower the stats a blaster can get for any of those. For some things though, like boosting the to hit of build up, or the -run of ice storm etc, you wouldn't want it as an auto or toggle buff either. Now those instances are low/few enough and generally not necessary enough that I wouldn't complain if it was made a toggle or auto ability instead, but for the sake of argument in case anyone would be that much against it, I would suggest that the power have it's duration and recharge increased to something of perhaps a 2 minute recharge and 1 minute duration, non stackable, and perhaps have it grant mez protection/resistance and/or recharge boost. Last are two smaller issues. One being the sets lack of any type of aoe power/damage, which focuses on the general use of Stun. It's stats are pretty bad, and it animates slowly. I don't know of anyone that takes it, or have even seen anyone use it. Instead I would suggest swapping it out for whirling hands, or giving it an aoe splash effect like stj's spinning strike, or changing it to some other aoe form or even some form of damage/stun cone. It could keep the animation, if it was a mid-range damage cone that stunned would be pretty sweet. The other issue would be Total Focus. The power looks cool for sure, but for a blaster that has low defenses being stuck there for that length of time, to which the actual DPA of the power is extremely low for a tier 9 as well, is really bad. Generally, it's damage needs to be increased, and it's animation time should be reduced. If people REALLY want that animation to stay, then on top of the increased damage it also should have some form of aoe splash damage like thunder strike to compensate.
  22. Except when it's not a full mob, fulcrum shift falls much behind some of the other tier 9s for what it does. Granted it's still good, but it loses it's flavor there. Not to mention that kinetics in general has almost nothing to help keep the actual team alive compared to other sets (not nothing, but compared to others it has the overall lowest safety rating compared to them so that is the tradeoff).
  23. If any changes to kinetics, I'd like to see fulcrums damage lowered only if they increase the -damage it does to make it more of a safe power, and maybe add a tiny bit of -defense to it so we could add some defense debuff and more importantly accurate defense debuff sets so we can slot it better. I don't think adding that to IR is a good idea cause right now it's one of the only skippable powers. I do think they should change ID to resist all but psy, and make it last 4 minutes.
  24. I don't see the shadow maul update here, is that being applied?
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