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Everything posted by PFlux

  1. Actually, everything going with this "page" has done nothing but frustrate me. The drop percentage of this new currency on solo missions is ridicules. The new content general missions being locked at +4 is ridicules, getting 1 shot for over 1500 damage when you have over 50% resistance to the damage type is ridicules. So I've stopped playing it. I get enough frustration in real life that I don't need it from my video games.
  2. If I'm switching to a alt and I'm not sure of the name, I'll just send a tell saying "Password will be xxxx" As far as being told to save a spot without confirmation. I'm against it. However I can't even count on 1 hand how many times I've said I'm omw just to get there and have them already pick another person because they couldn't wait 18 seconds for me to zone. Those people get ignored and lose out on any ITF's I run in the future.
  3. Yowl? I thought they said Yeet! I mean, the boost makes sense if they're yelling Yeet!
  4. I've loved this game for a long time, but after this patch. Fighting with the new content I find myself going from full health to dead in less then half a second. So after this happening to me across 4 different archtypes, I'm out. This isn't even on the task forces, just the regular new contact missions. And it's driven me away from the game.
  5. With the level advancement I've noticed that I am doing much more knockback then I probably should. The Storm Kick power has 0.67 knockback and I am frequently knocking back incarnate minion, LT's and bosses, EB's too sometime. Because of the Incarnate level transfer I think it's registering me as much higher in level. .67 shouldn't be enough to knock back or even down a boss. I am running no KB enhancement or conversion IO's in my powers.
  6. ....Not sure if serious.
  7. Started the story arc from Ouro on a level 50 toon. Was exemplared down to level 29 for the first mission. Mobs showed up as level 31s (Noteriety settings at +2,8) Bosses did not show up as level 31s. They showed up as level 21s at the beginning of the mission. Further into the mission the bosses did show up as level 31s. May need to check and make sure all boss mobs with the Vahz have been set to higher levels.
  8. Logged out, got some housecleaner and came back. Now a bunch of files are downloading, servers appear to be up. So not sure what gives...
  9. Restarted the computer and tried CreamSoda again, now it's downloading.
  10. Not using Tequila, using CreamSoda...
  11. Trying to log into Excelsior off of Homecoming and I get the following error. Wrong game version, run patcher and reconnect, server 2019.06.05, client 2019.05.30 ??
  12. You know how I did it? I pictured my hero in my mind. Created a mental comic book, and my CoV character is the arch-nemesis of that hero. I'm a goody two shoes type of person, this allows me to work out any issues I have without actually having it effect the real world. :)
  13. I remember that time quite well. Spent a lot of time harassing anyone I knew even remotely a Marvel fan. LOL, good times. And yeah. Marvel lost big time, they've done well since then.
  14. Most excellent, thank you very much.
  15. So, I have it set so that when I press Mouse button 4 it resets the camera angle and distance. But it's too close. Is there a way to modify the distance so it's a bit further out. Not a big deal, but would be nice to know if it can be done. Thanks in advance. It's good to be a hero again...
  16. I cried after I first logged in yesterday. Not even ashamed to admit it. I'm home.
  17. Ok, this might get me in trouble, but.... Do you know how good it feels to be able to fight about ED and it's effect on CoH. I've missed all of this so God....damn....much. Can we start a topic and complain about finding the last mob on a council map next? None of this comment is sarcasm by the way, at least to me the worst most bitched about parts of this game are better then anything I've done in Neverwinter, or Black Desert, or any of the bazillion other games I've tried to fill the void with since the original shutdown.
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