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Everything posted by catsi563

  1. Also the trainers in Steel Indy and FF offer quests to add a new costime slot and a free token to your character
  2. Tte Radio is also fairly low key villainy and a lot of fun
  3. As i understand it you have two current combo systems theres the build a combo system that Street justice and Staff water blaster uses where you build a combo level up and then Finish it and the 1-2 =3 4 or 5 combo which Dual Blades and savage melee uses where you use 1 then 2 and on three use a big hitter the two may seem similar but there are minor differences for example water has 3-4 moves which build Tidal pressure the combo mechanic. once you hit 2-3 of that you activate a finisher move which consumes all stacks and provides an additional benefit depending on the level such as additional smashing or fire damage SJ uses a similar system where you build up combo levels 1-3 with finish moves consuming them Dual blades uses the other variant where you dont build up combo levels but you do a combination of moves so you use move 1 then move #2 which lets you activat Combo # 3 the big smackaroo or you hit move 1 and Move 4 which allows you to combo #5 the slightly bigger smackdown so in each case theres a similar base mechanic of build up to execution once you learn each one youre in good shape
  4. well admittedly limited information here Torchbearer is the OG server the very first one so many people have their mains and have a lot of characters there it was at least as far as i know the highest population server Indomitable is another high pop server that is popular Excelcior is a low pop server but still gets good teams going Everlasting is one of the more popular servers and I beliieve it is the defacto Role Play server Reunion is the ""official"" Euro server and has a low population but still plays well, So really you cant go wrong with any or all of them. ive got characters on all 5 servers and 50s on at least 3 of them so pick one and hop into Paragon city as a personal reccomendation id go Torch or Indom for a start to get going and then expand to a new one when youre ready so you can play on all 5 as needed
  5. yeah basically its the same as kiting in a sense and you dont often have a choice, one example is the Honoree in Mender Ramiels arc. the guy hits so hard in melee that he can actually stun a Dwarf form kheldian which is nigh impossible. only way my PB beat him was to kite him around while blasting in nova and human form and staying out of range long enough for my heals and high powered defense clicks to be ready before i renegaged in melee my Fire Fire FIre blaster had to run for her life taking psionic blasts all the time
  6. Speed runs on various TFs absolutely drives me nuts and irritates me no end, On my way to the mission door when BAM mission complete No XP from in mission no xp reward for the mission thanks for playing. At least wait till veryones inside or make some effortt to recall everyone to the mission taking into account some people have longer load times then others Also people who hare off deep into the mission and wipe the last room out while agroeing every thing and sundry between it so when i get into the mission i find the team scattered all over the map and a bunch of pissed off minions running everywhere. Im looking at you first mission of the ITF Failure to clean up mobs before rushing off as if the faster you finish the mission the bigger exp bonus you get which leaves some teammates vulnerable if they stop to rest its a game slow down and enjoy the polygons Im glad youre fire spines brute can solo Lord Recluse with just his brawl skill more power to you. but the rest of us actually want to at least enjoy the ambiance and click our power tray on occasion
  7. Ohai new friend, you bring teh donuts?
  8. meh Im old school capes and tights a few new modern aesthetics here and there but SIlver age wih a mix of steel agae all the way
  9. Remande both Bale Fire and Panda in all their variations
  10. I think the issue is one of semantics youre looking at it froma numnbers standpoint rather then a fluff standpoint. the ""Damage"" isnt or neednt necessarily be actual physical harm applied to the mobs you could have a damage secondary that does subdual damage or the like. the use of less then or non lethal options. Combined with debuffs and or controls to take targets into custody with out or with minimal harm to them. A rad blast need not be a blast of radiation persay it could be a blast of Bio energy that distupts the targets system (ie causing HP damage) which renders the target unconcious (aka defeated) safely for capture and incarceration. other powers could have similar design ethos behind them
  11. Been complimented on my running of various TFs helpiing to keep them running smoothly. Been told my tanking was the reason one PC came back to the game Was complimented on my Dark Dark tanker basically keeping a Citdel TF alive by herding entire council rooms was complimented on my Kheldian play both PB and WS during seperate manticore TFs
  12. Rose and Spark did appear in the COH Comics as part of the Korean team led by Foreshadow. fighting off the Circle or BP if I recall correctly.
  13. Let me add to this Fire Fire blasters have the most aoes in the game the combo of Fire and Ice Rain and Blizzard with fireball and firebreath is AOE DESTRUCTION,
  14. For me only real change I see as a need for regen is making IH a toggle again. that was the core of regens power the massive healing once you got to a certain point
  15. Unuscone of the acolytes was a good example of an energy melee characrter
  16. Fire Fire Fire Blaster because sometimes you really need to bring the rain Dark Dark Dark Defender something really is watching from the shadows Warmace regen brute just one of the most viscerally satisfying powersets in the game TriForm PB and WS the dynamic action of the two power sets is a rush to play Fire Rad Fire controller when you need something debuffed and dying in short order nothing says it like FLAMING MONKEYS
  17. Ohai new friend , you bring the donuts?
  18. I have no bloody idea and because its easier to carry snacks in ooooooo snacks *hop out of drivers seat and go get snacks*
  19. *Hops in rv* *revs engine* ROAD TRIPPP!!!! *piles the ktitehs into the RV takes off wif squeal of tires * *kittehs bounce around in back of RV* *RV boucnes down the road*
  20. my personal understanding is that the fastet attacks are archery's 1-2 and neutrino beam from rad blast all three have very fast animations and hit practically before the animation has finished
  21. Scrappers are pure damage beasts. especially when it comes to focus on a single target aka scrapper lock,. a brute needs to have as much agro as possible to max out fury where they can indeed do impressive damage. but Scrappers can with their crit hit mechanic out pace nearly any class outside of a blaster, and blasters can match that with easy aoes. Brutes do however get a serious increase in resistances over scrappers so they have the ability most often to survive the initial retaliation a bit better then scrappers.
  22. Whats the result of the Clockwork king farting? a Noble gas 😸
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