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Everything posted by catsi563

  1. Ohai new friend you bring teh donuts?
  2. which ever build can run jump fly or port to the various badges and smack the hunt all badges down
  3. I always try to help where i can and i dont put qualifiers on it like whether a person can fish or not everyone likes to throw the pull yourself up by your own bootstraps or the give a man teach a man to fish argument around like it makes them morally superiour its a great argument when you have boots or can hold a fishing rod and make it to the river, never have seen the answer to what you do about people who have no boots or cant make it to the river to fish much less actually hold a rod in their hands
  4. Not sure about Flight wise but on the ground the closest to an ice slide is the power slide sprint mixed with super speed both recolored to a light blue whiteish. also using the default slide for movement in the settings
  5. Dark Darks are always heavy on the End until you get Dark Consumption later in the levels still they are strong
  6. After shaking off the flashback trauma from the servers SUDDENLY shutting down leaving me staring at the same message from lives shutdown I went and made some rifts characters and watched a couple of youtube ganers videos while playing some TW WH and SWTOR
  7. Nothing hi tech here just a woman her wings and a large heavy lump of cold steel
  8. Bale Fire my FiRE FIRE FIRE EVERYTHING and I do mean everything Def Blas Tank Scrap Controller x2 (1 with rad) and Sent that blue flame starts flying the bad guys start cooking Panda my Dark Dark Dark EVERYTHING yep scrap tank blast control sent and the best darned dark dark dark defender in the game =^_^= I tend to build on themes for certain characters especially when they fit so well
  9. thats acutally a somewhat common story telling trope here and there. Random person with a good heart or convictions meets rich person whose not a good person but may or may not be having a change of heart. the two are similar in looks that they could not quite or almost be twins the rich person ""dies"" and the other one takes their place on a lark or as part of a misunderstanding and the charade takes on a life of its own with the new person using the other ones identitiy to do good deeds and correct the other persons reputation as a ""bad guy"" eventually the scam is exposed by some well meaning hero and either the truth comes out with the other person being seen as a hero but the lesson of good deeds done based on a lie are tainted or the hero keeps the secret to allow the good deeds to continue but with the caveat that theyre watching and if the person ever turns bad theyll come for them
  10. As it remains the only TF ive ever soloed as well as the longest i ever finished with a 2 day time frame i admit to somewhat morbid curiosity to do it again in the original klingon such as it were
  11. *stick straw into spinning staff*
  12. Another fun one i like to use usually after face planting Ow My Spleen my pride but mostly my spleen
  13. upon any of a wide number of team face plants "Welp just like i drew it up on the ole drawing board," *takes drawing board and throws out window*
  14. We;ll Sunbaraus a MM of some sort maybe a Necro Dark Elena is a Dark Dark defender or corruptor yoshioka Savage Bio scrapper
  15. having run my Panda to D4 status I absolutely endorse Defender as well D4s are very strong and have some of the best Debuffs in the gane along with the best rez in the game in howling twilight any time you can rez your entire team in one go is a good thing D3 Controllers are very solid but as someone saif above can be a bit slow on the damage but like the D4s above their Debuffs are insane and they get pets 3 in fact D3 Controllers can be a one hero army really
  16. as others have said the game is very versatile and doesnt really fit into a one size fits all category for the most part. however the ATs can work on some simple basic parameters most times Blaster Glass Cannon ranged Artillery Scrapper strong boss killer and goon sweeper tank hard target and close agro control Controller ranged crowd control and debuffs Defender strong support and debuffs Sentinel Mid Close ranged direct fire support Kheldians Peacebringers Versatile Close to mid ranged assault capable of providing direct damage at any range needed to support the team Warshade Focused Close to mid range damage dealer with the caveat of the more bodies around the better also supports the team Brutes Supreme goon sweepers and secondary tanks Stalkers Dedicated high burst Boss killers with decent clean up skills Corruptors Offensive defenders or Offenders corruptors debuff in order to do damage Dominators direct damage crowd control able to lock down bosses and even AVs at certain points Masterminds Force multipliers and battlefield controllers Soldiers of Arachnos Widows Close ranged stealth damage an team ssupport Forutnatas ranged psy damage and artillery and team support Bane/Wolf spiders mid to close ranged direct damage and team support Crabs close to mid ranged artillery and team support Both VEATs and HEAT are noted as team support because they benefit the team and are benefited by team members Kheldians get specific buffs for each AT on a team that boosts them considerably Spiders/widows have team leadership buffs that benefit teammates in closing each AT has its place on teams and can operate for the most part solo with a little effort quick edit to add that i agree with others posted above about raw force and multiplitive force adders
  17. Panda welcomes you to the fraternity of Darkness we have cookies and juice boxes and the coloring books are over there, heres your Tshirt
  18. Havent been able to find it in a while but sentai Sage also put out a hilarious video about Big Balls
  19. Dont forget this classic from Sentai Sage City of Tribute - YouTube
  20. Some tweaks to existing travel powers would be nice and the addition of a new one or two for thematics Web or grapple line swinging for those urban vigilantes out there motorcycles or jet cycles for the same tweak super speed so it can run up walls and on water only falling off the building or into the water if you stop for more then a second or if you jump optional super hero landing for flight and superleap complete with ground shake and cracking hand claws instead of the wolverine specials I know we get savage melee but claws should have that look as well add slots to Kheldian forms for each slot in Nova and Dwarf the character gets a slot in the forms powers automatically change Instant healing on Regeneration to a toggle again
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