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Everything posted by catsi563

  1. As a note as an notorious character creator myself all the travel powers can work with a so called Normal person Flight - Flight ring or flight suit or built in anti grav projector teleport = ring or built into suit or satellite system that allows brief matter transport super leap - can be anti grav boots or suit or can be used to simulate web slinging or Bat grapples or the like Super speed can be a pretend motorcycle or such COH hasn't quite caught up on certain things but they have made some small strides in travel powers
  2. welcome to our city and hope you have fun being a hero or a villain Yes blue side means heroes and red side means viilains this is from the color scheme of the logon screens These are the shortened names of trials or task forces some sued for Power leveling and some for incarnate or end game content DFB =Death From below a 1-50 lower level trial TF = Task force a series of missions versus tougher enemies basically a dungeon if you ever played WOW but over a series of missions a story arc basically BAF = Behavioral Adjustment Facility trial a higher level 50+ arc used to level through end game content and so on and so forth yeah eithers correct really Looking for group Looking for team looking for people to chill with its all kosher :D Simply go into either Broadcast for the local zone or into the Looking for group channel by clicking on the button near the text panel and ask for help, this is a very open city of people and we are alwys willing to help as needed make sure to ask for help with missions or if anyone can help teach you some stuff. also when you make a hero or villain you have the option to add the help me title to the character which will indicate you would like assistance in game yes you can 1-38 if you don't choose any other travel or pool powers as theyre called is more the enough choices to get all main powers and secondaries from 40-50 theres 4 more choices available which can include Epic pool choices so yes quite easily you can have all your powers
  3. Depends on the allowable mods if the slotting is standard for flight then an end redux and 1-3 flight mods would be more then sufficient if a range mod is allowed in it then adding 1-3 range mods means you can extend the teleports range at minimum if range is allowed as a mod then id say a single end redux and 1 flight speed and 1 range will be sufficient to carry you through your career
  4. Posi part 1 TF sewer mission with vaz and a couple plant trollers on team one player comments "only way to make Vaz more disgusting? add mushrooms growing out of them." yours truly adds in " Nah that only makes them more Fun Gis" ;D
  5. *dozens eyes turn slowly to rough trade* *ominous music plays in background* =o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o= =o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o= =o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o= =o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o==o_o=
  6. *roll grenade into thread* *grenade splodes into bright rainbow colors which spread everywhere* *go get donuts * :P
  7. My own baseline is 1 run 1 jump 3 health 3 end mods bare minimum that should carry you throughout your career as a hero/villain quite nicely any IOs or set bonuses are icing on the cake at that point
  8. What happens when a group of Malta Sappers meets a group of clockwork? Nothing no body has any endurance left :P
  9. Why is Steamy Mist such a good defense power for storms? because the bad guys always mist you when they shoot ;D
  10. *waves* got it and all the issues
  11. Smash and lethal are not bad at all I had an Incarnate SS invuln tank and it was no problem getting incarnate done. Its more that Smash and Lethal are just very common and thus one of the more resisted damage types but if you know your rotations anything you hit drops as much as if it were hit by a rad blast ot fire ball or lightning bolt
  12. FF is in my experience the strongest and easiest synergy with Bots especially after they made it so one FF application buffs EVERYONE on the team including pets in one shot, once the Protector bots start stacking bubbles with yours the little guys become minitanks and with the other threes firepower its like this wall of blasters that just mows things down while laughing at most return fire.
  13. Ignis Fatis the living willow the wisp here
  14. *waves waves* Bale Fire, Panda and quite a bit more besides
  15. *waves all* Adam Black, Bale Fire, Panda, and quite a few more
  16. Too many to name but Raptor Red, Bale Fire, Panda, Gungrave Kitty, and many others
  17. *waves* from Bale Fire and Panda :D
  18. Ninja is one of the best synergies with Poison the debuffs combine with the ninjas high damage. which gets even nastier when the Oni comes out to play.
  19. And these gems from Sentai Sage whom mew will pounce repeatedly when I see him
  20. Jimmy we put a suggestion in for a Forum games section if possible.
  21. Pepsimans here as well
  22. Any chance we could get a Forum Games section for theads like the Litterbox, AASQ, Son of Juke box etc?
  23. ……….WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! ::::::::::::::=^_^= ::::::::::<(_______)(^)> ……………………...V
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