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Everything posted by catsi563

  1. As COHs resident crazy kitty I wholly endorse this thread =^_^=m
  2. let me add into the chorus for Super Strength titan weapons and War Mace and Battle Axe all 4 sets hit like a truck and sound like one when it hits something too, very satisfying feel to them Energy blast especially energy snipe is fun and Fire theres never anything NOT POWERFUL about Fire. Storm and Gravity both feel just powerhouse strong especially gravities Propel power which flings an assortment fo items up to and including Forklifts and Cars at people and trust me theres nothing more imminently satisfying then seeing a forklift go flying and hearing he impact as it knocks some malta sapper out of his boots, Savage melee is also surprisingly fun and on an animal themed character looks brutal
  3. Fire Blast IMO has one of the most devastating AOE CONE RAIN combos in the game Fireball Breath of FIre into rain of fire combined with Aim and Build up is pretty well about as close as you come to a full sweep of maximum targets in one shot
  4. As I recall its mostly TOT teams, the battle between jack and Eochai, Eochai attacking various zones, and the zombie invasion revs up
  5. Khelds are one of the only ATs where no powerpools is viable only one you really need is Hasten due to some of the powers CDs.. that specifically is on Warshades but even PBs benefit any of the other pools are basically icing on the cake thanks to PBs and WSs having inherent travel pools
  6. DP or Assault Rifle Martial or regen Sentinel sounds good Stealth Jump bit of Speed maybe the leadership pool sounds about right for the Major to me,
  7. *walk into thread* =o_O= Sometime I do this *dance wildy in some bizzaarro twirling random fashion* this was one of those times *walk out of thread*
  8. *walk into litterbox* *walk up side of candy mountain* *pick pengy up and put on slide* *Hop on pengy and WOOOOOOSHJHJH!!* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! …………………………………….=^_^= :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<(__________)(^)> ………………………………………….V
  9. All of them, really but im partial to the Dark Dark Dark Defender myself Panda FTW Dark Dark as a def combo is about not only keeping mobs to hit on the floor but it combined a series of attacks with solid controls attached to them
  10. Ok so I decided to start over I deleted everything and redownloaded this time the right way new fresh main files then new upgrade packs then I basically overwrote the new files with the old ones. I checked Faultline and it was upgraded to the new map I checked Brickstown and I had no issue with the overlay or the map. So at least for me and for the moment everything seems to be working as intended if I have any issues ill message here
  11. Ok think that fixed it yeah. I misread the original post because ima doofus and thought the vm verison was the whole thing all zones missing stuff are now updated. thanks again for the help
  12. ok so I made a data folder and moved the texture file into it. my results were about the same Ive got the overlay in several zones no problem but the following zones don't have the overlay and I checked on different characters and different shards Steel Skyway FF Hollows Croatoa TV Eden Striga couldn't heck DA and the Hive as was only 43 but beyond those 2 the results were the same zone missing each time
  13. Only one issue I cant find a Data folder at all in C:\Users\catsi563\Downloads\City of Heroes theres no data folder listed just a bunch of icons and a few folders for costumes etc and the pigg folder of course cant take a screenshot for some reason ill try to figure that out later. are you saying I should be moving stuff from the pigg folder into the texture library map folder or vice versa??? sorry for being a pain here 🥺
  14. so im having an issue where ive extracted everything have it in the coh pigs folder I just did all of atlas all the echoes perez and KR but now im in Steel and there no overlay im checking other zones but steel so far is empty am I missing something here quick edit I just check Steel Skyways talos and indy brix and FF Steel and skyway no overlay Talos overlay but white background Indy port no overlay AND White Brix no overlay and white and FF no overlay haven't check any of the other hazard zones or hollows yet
  15. 3 of course Because 3 is a magic number
  16. Many Many congratz on the wedding and anniversary may you have many many more and well see you in the skies :D
  17. Mystic flight so far as iv seen is comparable if a smidge slower then regular flight and has no hover option available for combat its teleport option is also similar to regular teleport but doesn't have a recall friend option all told its an interesting combo power that represents comics well but has no real special in game effectiveness that im aware of
  18. Always surprised people skipped bonfire its like Burn patch it was a fire controllers you cant touch me so nyah power especially when dropped near you and you had hotfoot and choking cloud on.
  19. Why do so many people with Animal Avatars choose Savage Melee? Because its really Pawsome! ;D
  20. Hes running 6-2 220 so nice middle athletic build should work with the above look nicely
  21. But I'm playing a "Paladin Knight" type of character. I didn't found anything that would look good on her, so she just runs around on the streets haha. She came from another dimension, so she isn't really used to how things works on Paragon City, but she was rewarded with a strange aparatus that let you fly around when helping a detective stop a bank heist though, and she is learning how to pilot it by trial and error. He called it a "jet pack". While she has a little of divine protection (fire armor), she can't use powerful magic to fly around or teleport. Thats her: Also, thanks again for everyone welcoming and trying to help! You guys are awesome! Paladin knight from another dimension? ;D pfft that's easy Super Speed to represent an interdimensional CHarger or horse. cant see the horse sadly have to use imagination for that but still perfectly viable choice Flight also works in the sense of her armor granting her flight or a divine blessing of some sort Teleport also works following the Dimensional thing its how she got here in the first place but for now it only works for short ranged jumps and for teleporting friend and foe close to her, See 8) :D
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