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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. The AI never uses cones from max range, it uses always tries to use them from half cone max range. I think that’s a bit drastic, and 2/3 might be better, but 1/2 is what it is at the moment.
  2. And how many foes can you hit before before it stars expiring on the first foe? My point is you can’t effectively boost AoE damage with bruise. Note: Titan Weapon t1 is a cone, but only bruises the primary target.
  3. No, debuffs have always been resisted by level difference, and part of the logic behind many debuffs being way stronger than the buffing equivalent.
  4. That 9% would mean a lot more after the change, and also to consider: against a +3 purple parch means bruise goes down to 13%, and you can’t spread bruise across multiple foes. I still will likely adjust things a bit more in the next patch. Need to crunch more numbers but might go got .85 instead of .75 for the self damage buff mod.
  5. Thank you for taking the time to test. Keep in mind also, not only are your numbers somewhat higher than on live, but you also get more out of team buffs than before, plus the AoE buffs (that should help with aggro management, your auras are bigger as are all attacks that can taunt. Tanker version of Taunt is back to 5 targets, but it’s -range is still 100%, unlike brute version, this mess enemies will always come to nose distance unless they resist the range debuff.
  6. You will not see the arc increase in power info same as you don’t see the recharge increase from hasten or enhancements there either.
  7. Technically true, but proportionally it’s 10%. I mean: minions normally only hit half the time. Soft cap def take that to 5%. 5%/50% = 10% (compared to no defense.) It’s 5% but when you want to compare it proportionally , it’s easier to say that nearly universally, 45 def makes you avoid 90% of the attacks that would otherwise landed.
  8. Because the set already has too much AoE. Similar story to Titan Weapons and Claws. All 3 sets might be reviewed in the future, but without heavy re-balance that is what they get for now.
  9. As it has been stated, if you have 45 def and the foe has standard tohit, they will have a 10% hit chance and will take 100 attacks from that single foe to kick in the streakbreaker. That said: 45 def still means you get hit by 10% of the attacks even without tohit buffs. That is not streakbreaker, that is just the defense soft-cap. Just like you cant resist 100% of the attacks, you cant ever avoid 100% of the attacks.
  10. The buff is specifically targetted to secondary brutes in groups, a second brute in a group (or a brute that didnt main tank) always had a hard time maintaining decent fury levels. It's something that was never addressed because of how similar of an issue to tankers it was, and fixing it when tanker's secondary tank issues were unaddressed was just not fair. That said: the fury change is still under consideration and will likely be adjusted further (not upwards.) Only this specific one.
  11. On my test you still will have a hard time to get over 80% fury consistently, the change mostly allows a very active brute also get there without having a ton of aggro on them so long they are on a group (and near the group.) That ATO will still be very useful. Edit to add: The reduction in +Dmg mods is not due to Super Strength. I was debating about implementing that from day one.
  12. Quills is the power that should had been flagged to ignore radius buffs, not Spine Burst.
  13. Only taunt auras that right now have built-in taunt are the ones that are auto-hit, debuff tohit, and give the caster a scaling buff. These are also the only ones that taunt for scrappers (at a lower magnitude that does not affect Bosses.) Basically any foe-facing power a tanker or brute have access to and is not shared with other ATs gets taunt enhancements. The fact that Oppressive Gloom or Cloak of Fear never did but did have taunt seems like a bug, will add taunt enhancements to them in the next patch (note that Taunt Sets are not allowed in toggles, though.) Burn is likely a legacy issue since it didnt use to directly affect foes in the past.
  14. Target cap changes are exclusive to melee sets. Burn's up-front AoE should not ignore radius buffs. Burn patches should ignore radius buffs. Eviscerate and Shockwave also ignore Arc buffs. Electric Melee Lightning Clap has no radius, being a sphere, the tagging on that power is in error and should be fixed for the next patch.
  15. There are also a lot of pseudo pet powers that have ridiculous recharge powers that are designed for the pet to only be able to use once in its life time, inflating their proc chance. Those powers will change to match the recharge or the calling power, or adjusted for AoEs that can trigger multiple of these pseudopets. Some might also proc twice due to the pseudo pet, another thing that needs fixing.
  16. The following is a list of patch changes since the last Pineapple patch. For a full list of the consolidated changes (difference between production and test) see the main patch thread. Tank & Brute Updates Brute Fury Generation Hitting AVs no longer gives bonus Fury, but Fury generation for attacking has been increased in a variety of ways. Brute Fury generation now takes into account the cast time of the attack for successful hits. Any attack slower than brawl will now generate bonus Fury if it lands a hit. Brutes now get bonus fury generation in teams, the larger the team, the larger the bonus. Fury now takes 10 seconds without attacking to start its accelerated decay, instead of 5 seconds. The goal of these changes is to improve Fury generation in teams when the Brute is not the only brute, or is in the company of another tanking AT. To help debug these changes, the combat spam now shows +Fury and -Fury numbers. Note that this is a temporary change and will be removed regardless if these changes remain or get rolled back. Tankers Taunt (The Power) target cap is back to 5 (same as currently on production) +Radius buff for sphere attacks is now +50% Tanker self +damage modifier lowered from 1.00 to 0.75 (they still should do more damage than before due to higher base damage modifiers.) Powers that are unaffected by Arc or Radius should now note this on the power description. Taunt Auras The following Taunt Auras are now all scale 1 Taunt (approximately 13.6s at level 50): Invincibility, Against All Odds, Rise to the Challenge (Brute and Tank only). Brute and Tanker Ice Armor powers no longer have built-in Taunt, they are now instead covered by the inherent global proc. Misc Tanker > Kinetic Melee > Quick Strike: Should now actually be back at its rightful place. Brute > Martial Arts > Taunt / Crane Kick: Fixed incorrect power order.
  17. Next patch will hit soon-ish. Once it does, a new focused feedback thread will be posted. Locking this one for the time being.
  18. No Redraw options are extremely buggy, there wont be any more going further until a true solution can be implemented. I have some stuff on my test queue and if it works, it will propagate over time through sets bit by bit, starting with the ones that already have the broken NoRedraws.
  19. It's on the oven, not sure when it should be ready to serve but maybe sometime this week? And things seem to be back moving so we wont wait another month and a half for the next patch, that is already in the works with some additional tweaks.
  20. Disagree, your feedback can be a lot better founded and informed if you test, but you can have feedback without testing. That being said, a lot of the feedback that is not based on testing and tries to simplify math tends to be flawed due to omissions of many variables. "Worst" case scenario I seen so far, the tanker will surpass brute DPS on equal grounds by literally lower single digits in some situations that are rare outside of farms, and not constant in farms. That matches my internal testing, and is intended.
  21. Scourge checks are always done at application time, not on each tick. If a DoT end's up scourging, it will do so for every tick. This means you wont get a scourge on those powers if you apply them before the enemy hits the HP requirement, even if the enemy ends up getting there while the DoT is still active.
  22. This. Go crazy with your suggestions. I personally try to make a personal habit of NOT commenting on any, in great part because it can just be fun to theory-craft stuff even if it cant happen. IMO, that is as much part of the game as the game itself, and would hate anyone holding back just because they think it's not realistic. Besides, it's rare that anyone might actually know what is realistic and what isn't.
  23. I thought to start a new thread on this myself but might as well just post here: I mentioned this on beta, but the crash avoidance mechanic has been rolled back and wont be going through. SS is going back to the drawing table. There are many issues with SS and Rage. Its extremely powerful solo [even with the nasty crash, IMO] but a weak base of damage and heavy reliance on self-damage-buffing means in groups the set can suffer, since they end up having a lower damage ceiling. I don't have any numbers to share just yet, but my plan is to keep Rage a long duration click that stacks, however, it will be weakened in strength in exchange of having nearly every single power in the set improved enough for the set to remain competitive. All Rage crashes would, of course, be removed.
  24. That’s actually part of the plan, patches are already split up but there are some scheduling things that are a bit complicated.
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