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How to max EXP/Influence in AE?


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I don't get the formula and I can't find a straight answer anywhere.

I am trying to create a Boss Only Fire Farm: Arc ID 16361


Boss Settings: Melee fighting preference - 100% experience at Lv.1
Primary Powers: Scorch, Fire Blast, Incinerate, Breath of Fire ((Fiery Melee)

Secondary powers: Flares, Fire Blast, Fire Breath, Blaze (Fire Blast)


I have done MANY fire farms and the best EXP and Influence I have seen come from Brigg's maps.

The information from his farm is below. This information was gathered on a Lv.50 character, who was earning normal EXP and Influence.


These amounts are the Rewards per 1 enemy type defeated in @brigg's farm.

Minion: 8544 XP / 5,979 Influence

Lt: 17,088 XP / 20,504 Influence

Boss: 51,265 EXP / 64,081 Influence


So, I figured a better way to get Influence was to create a Boss only farm, which i did for Arc ID 16361. With all of them being 100% Exp for Lv.1 or greater characters, I expected each enemy to yeild 51k XP and 64K Influence per kill, but mine is WAY less. Like, a 1/5th of what Brigg has.



Boss: 12,817 EXP / 16,021 Influence.... so my gains are WAY less even at 100% EXP for Lv.1 or higher. I think it has something to do with the abilities I chose, cause the EXP amounts change when I change my skills but the formula and explanation AE gives for calculating EXP confuses me... it talks about ALPHA and BETA but the abilities themselves don't show how much ALPHA they give... so how does one know when their mobs are giving as much EXP and Influence as AE's mechanics will allow?



Edited by DreamingLove
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If you move the button across the slider for the level range from Level 1 to Level 50, does the experience percentage stay at 100%? If not, then add another ranged attack to get it to 100% xp.


I made a similar error and this was the cause. 

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Anyone know exactly which attacks and defensive powers are associated with the mobs in your typical fire farm?

I vaguely remember from years ago that to get max xp, each mob had to have a minimum number of powers - just cant remember the details.


Edited by krj12
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  • 9 months later

Did you find the answer to this? It took me a lot of testing to figure it out.  When I create a character I select all and then Fire Melee and pick scorch, fire blast and breath of fire and then all again and select fire blast and fire blast and breath as the powers. For Lts I had Fire Sword and Flares and Fire Breath. For Boss I add cremate and Greater Fire sword and then for Fire blast I add Flares>Fireblast>Fire Breath and Blaze. This will yield solo xp Boss 25632 & INF 64081 and LTs XP-8543 Inf-20502 and Minions XP-4272 & INF-5979

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Greater Firesword is bad, it is like 50% smashing damage. Ditto for Cremate.

For LT/Bosses:
Primary Firey Melee: Scorch, Fireblast, Incinerate, Breath of Fire
Secondary Super Reflexes: Quickness*

Add Practiced brawler for EBs, assuming your farmer doesn't rely on mez...and even if they do probably shouldn't for EBs.

For Minions remove Incinerate and Breath of Fire.

Single type damage, no extra defenses, and the additional recharge helps them less than an extra attack does. The damage of incinerate is higher base than Cremate/GFS, but unless you have 90% resistances to Fire AND smashing Incinerate will end up doing less.

Should put you at numbers like so for "Kill Boss" objective groups:

*alternatively you can go with Firey Aura Blazing Aura, but I wouldn't personally recommend it, it's a lot of extra damage, but at least it's fire damage. Not a good option for EBs, as you can't get 100% XP rate w/o picking up Fiery Embrace.

Normal Grouping
Level Number Normally XP Rate Normally total xp inf rate Total inf
compared to normal
Minion 13.00 8,544.00 111,072.00 5,979.00 77,727.00  
LT 3.00 17,088.00 51,264.00 20,504.00 61,512.00  
Boss 3.00 51,265.00 153,795.00 64,081.00 192,243.00  
EB 1.00 102,531.00 102,531.00 128,164.00 128,164.00  
Total 20.00   418,662.00   459,646.00 100.00%
Boss Only Grouping
Level Number Normally XP Rate Normally Total XP inf rate Total inf
compared to normal
Minion 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  
LT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  
Boss 19.00 11,962.00 227,278.00 14,952.00 284,088.00  
EB 1.00 97,602.00 97,602.00 122,002.00 122,002.00  
Total 20.00 109,564.00 324,880.00 136,954.00 406,090.00 88.35%
Boss + LT
Level Number Normally XP Rate Normally Total XP inf rate Total inf
compared to normal
Minion 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  
LT 16.00 4,272.00 68,352.00 10,253.00 164,048.00  
Boss 3.00 11,961.00 35,883.00 29,903.00 89,709.00  
EB 1.00 48,801.00 48,801.00 122,002.00 122,002.00  
Total 20.00 65,034.00 153,036.00 162,158.00 375,759.00 81.75%
boss + minion
Level Number Normally XP Rate Normally Total XP inf rate Total inf
compared to normal
Minion 16.00 2,136.00 34,176.00 2,990.00 47,840.00  
LT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  
Boss 3.00 11,961.00 35,883.00 29,903.00 89,709.00  
EB 1.00 48,801.00 48,801.00 122,002.00 122,002.00  
Total 20.00   118,860.00   259,551.00 56.47%
eb only
Level Number Normally XP Rate Normally Total XP inf rate Total inf
compared to normal
Minion 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  
LT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  
Boss 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  
EB 20.00 12,200.00 244,000.00 30,501.00 610,020.00  
Total 20.00 12,200.00 244,000.00 30,501.00 610,020.00 132.72%
AV* Only *(No Solo AV's)
Level Number Normally XP Rate Normally Total XP inf rate Total inf
compared to normal
Minion 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  
LT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  
Boss 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  
EB 1.00 12,200.00 12,200.00 30,501.00 30,501.00  
AV 19.00 12,716.00 241,604.00 31,791.00 604,029.00  
Total 20.00 24,916.00 253,804.00 62,292.00 634,530.00 156.25%



Edited by Eclipse.
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One simple way to do this is to make a careful selection of official mobs.  This is easier to do with S/L mobs than with fire mobs, but it can be done and the operation is the same.  You can also mix official and custom mobs; the CoT Behemoth types can be mixed in with custom mobs for fire based content.  Again, the knack is to have at least one minion, one lieutenant, and one boss in each custom groups.  Using official mobs does one thing: it guarantees that you get the same experience, up to 100%, that they give in standard content. 


You can create spawns that guarantee bosses by filling your map full of boss or elite boss encounters.  Each map will indicate how many boss encounters it allows.  Create your boss fight, turn it off as a required objective, and then enter the number your map allows as the number of times it spawns.  This usually puts a copy of your boss encounter at every spawn point.  It's traditional to add a blinky with countdown 0 as the required, mission ending objective.  You can mix it up if you want and add several different boss encounters, so long as their total does not exceed the total the map allows.  If you use a custom enemy group, which may contain a mix of custom and official mobs (and may be made of all official mobs you picked, your boss encounter can be used to make set fights with a boss who isn't of boss rank.  




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