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Homecoming Server Update (November 29th): Winter!


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10 minutes ago, EmmySky said:

The added decor and the snow temp power do stress some graphics cards to where the game isn't enjoyable for some people.  I agree with spreading the decorations around to other zones but maybe in a more minor way the way Halloween was done, not graphically laggy.  

Replacing regular grassy areas with snowy grassy areas would not change the stress on the graphics card.  It's just a texture swap, replacing one for another.  Replacing one kind of tree with another kind isn't adding more either, it's just another swap.  Frozen over water doesn't move like regular water does, so that should actually reduce the strain.  The only addition winter brings, aside from the glowing gifts dropped everywhere already, is the snow... and it's not a real 3D effect of snow particles spread out everywhere; it's just a 2D effect placed at the front of the screen so everything is seen through falling snowflakes, so that's a minor effect at worst.  So I'm not really buying it that the winter wonderland actually makes things more difficult.

Edited by Player2
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Sigh, I already miss the winter stuffs.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


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I love Halloween but find Exmas depressing and way too in-your-face.  On the other hand, though as I expected I devoted a storage bin to Halloween salvage, Homecoming has severely devalued the stuff from old live.  Most of my characters were created with clear concepts in mind and struggle to find five separate ideas for costumes.  On old live Halloween salvage was the only way a freshly made character could have two separate costumes.  As such it was precious; here ir scarcely rates the storage space.  On the other hand, candy canes are as valuable as they ever were. 

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