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Influence sink added to base special base items


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I would be willing to pay influence for the following base items.

  1.  Base Salvage inventory control super computer/ Mystical artifact - Basically you put away the salvage in the bins and the base super computer / Magic device keeps track of all the salvage and adds it automatically to make items.  It also keep tabs on what you have and don't have. 
  2. Salvage converter - Use salvage a,b,c to make salvage item d.
  3. Super Group inventory computer/mystical artifact - Tells  or gives you an inventory of all the recipes, salvage and influence your other super group mates have.
  • The S.G. Team mate has the option to turn this off or on. 


Shamelessly I would just like to not keep logging in alternate characters to figure out what I need or don't need and transferring stuff via email all the time I make an new lvl 50 build.

I waste more time in the Prep of pooling things together then anything else. 



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I cant even begin to imagine how they would be able to keep track of peoples current recipe inventory, salvage is a non issue not worth any effort to improve, and influence is very much no one elses business ever.


You admit this is mainly because you want a way to keep track of your stuff across alts. Well ive a very simple fix for you, One Ive been using since I came to HC. Sell everything!. Dont bother with crafting, dont bother with hording. Its far more effective to just buy attuned sets that are always optimal for your level, Its cheaper to unslot them and pass them around if you upgrade to lvl 50 purple sets once you cap.


Oh and a little tip for mailing stuff to yourself I have taught many who never thought of doing it. once you send yourself one mail, use the reply button on it to quickly create another mail to pop another enhancement in. Ive known many who had for their entire time on live been filling out each self email rather then doing that. makes mailing a full IO set way faster then typing out @whatever each time.

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On 12/21/2019 at 7:15 AM, Bentley Berkeley said:

I cant even begin to imagine how they would be able to keep track of peoples current recipe inventory, salvage is a non issue not worth any effort to improve, and influence is very much no one elses business ever.


You admit this is mainly because you want a way to keep track of your stuff across alts. Well ive a very simple fix for you, One Ive been using since I came to HC. Sell everything!. Dont bother with crafting, dont bother with hording. Its far more effective to just buy attuned sets that are always optimal for your level, Its cheaper to unslot them and pass them around if you upgrade to lvl 50 purple sets once you cap.


Oh and a little tip for mailing stuff to yourself I have taught many who never thought of doing it. once you send yourself one mail, use the reply button on it to quickly create another mail to pop another enhancement in. Ive known many who had for their entire time on live been filling out each self email rather then doing that. makes mailing a full IO set way faster then typing out @whatever each time.

I do the reply which I discovered accidentally.


But I have about 20 level 50s all with IO builds. 



On 12/20/2019 at 10:43 PM, Yomo Kimyata said:

I’m all for anything to spend inf on.  I don’t understand #2 though.  Since it’s all fungible anyway on the AH, why do you want a salvage converter?

I meant a way to convert several pieces of salvage into another piece of salvage. 



Overall I have tons and tons of salvage and that includes with selling salvage and recipes on AH. 

I probably have 20 or 30 Purple IOs and at least 20 PvP IOs across all my toons. 


The only thing I buy from AH is the Winter type of IOs.. A winter pack is 10 million..


As I power level a toon, at around level 30 I have about 50 million.

I put out low bids and just wait to get the IOs. 

By the time I get the toon to 50 I have just about all the Unique IOs from the winter packs I need.

Mix in moving Hero Merits from just playing on other toons I can covert one defense IO to the Luck of the gambler IO I need.

20 comic con ( 4 runs of 5 mission set ) missions equals roughly 100 million in influence.


I can't tell you how many times I bought an recipe in one set at an extremely high price to convert to another in the same type because there were zero in that set and then to just discover the next day another toon had it that specific recipe.


 With that being said I just want one interface that will give me a list of everything on my account so I don't have to hunt for it. 


EG WoW had an add on that tracked everything on your ALTs.  


I would like the same here honestly..




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I'd like device that when placed allows you to see the full contents of all you're individual storage items. In a fully sortable and filterable list. Would also allow crafting directly so you can not only use salvage to create IOs but also use special salvage on IOs without having to slot them first. Only a single person could use it at once and it'd be unique (in a functional way per base). Once placed the other storage blocks are just visual (they still count for storage amounts but don't work when clicked on).


The new device when clicked on brings up a new screen (similar to management screen or the final Respec screen). Unslotters work as normal from inventory if you have them, but if not you can pay the price they are seeded to the AH for (same for other special salvage maybe?).

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