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Sentinel Build: Best Mez Protection?


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For those of you in both places, I apologize: I posted this in Discord chat as well.


I am building my first Sentinel, and I am looking for the best secondary set for Mez Protection. Basically, whichever set will give me the best chance to not be Mezzed, with being mezzed the least amount of time being an okay follow up (if required).


For what it is worth, I have a reason for choosing Sentinel for my AT; and my primary will be Energy Blast.



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7 minutes ago, nihilii said:

Ninjitsu has the most complete mez protection, and the highest magnitude if you doublestack the antimez power (which is a click).

If you don't like a click for mez protection, Willpower has the most complete passive (toggle) protection.

SWEET!!! That is what I was looking for, thank you. As an anecdote, Willpower was my first thought, too. After having read on all the SR / Ninjitsu comparisons, however, I was seriously considering Ninjitsu.

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Ninjitsu is quite nice on sentinels, with many features not present on other ATs. It's just if you like the click status protection. Given that I really like perma hasten on sentinels, it holds me back from endorsing it (have a dark/nin at 50 though), but the set is still quite solid.


It's quite easy to double stack it.

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  • 2 weeks later

I've got permahasten on my claws/sr and since it has a 2 minute duration, same as the click mez in SR and Nin, once I see hasten fire off from the autoclick, I fire off the mez protection. No need to bother with dblstacking or spending the extra end to do so. If I ever get around to respecing my fire/nin sent, she'll be doing the same.

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I know my inability to pay attention would result in me getting mezzed if I didn't have it on auto click. Heck, I managed to get my rad/SS killed because I wasn't paying attention to my health bar. Yes, a rad tank- and they didn't need to be at all. Sometimes I just space.

Edited by drbuzzard
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The good thing about Ninjitsu is that you don't need to autofire the click status protection.  You can keep the Autofire reticle on Hasten, and just click antimez when and if you get mezzed. Facing a tough boss, you'll want to fire it preemptively, but against most content, the mez attack is not going to hit you anyway because of your defense. I just use it as a free on demand break free button. 

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  • 2 weeks later
On 12/28/2019 at 11:28 AM, drbuzzard said:

Ninjitsu is quite nice on sentinels, with many features not present on other ATs. It's just if you like the click status protection. Given that I really like perma hasten on sentinels, it holds me back from endorsing it (have a dark/nin at 50 though), but the set is still quite solid.


It's quite easy to double stack it.

While it is expensive, it is really easy to get perma hasten with Ninjitsu. Plenty of room for 5 LotG recharge, 6 slot Preventative medicine in the heal, 6 slot Reactive Defense and load up on purples. Blinding powder is a great spot for confuse set for more recharge, damage and ranged defense as well.

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Oh, don't get me wrong, my dark/ninja has hasten in a perma recharge state, it's just that you can only have one thing on auto click and I put it on the status protection instead of hasten. This means I have to pay attention to hasten clicking which I find a bit annoying when I'm busy. 

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