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Petition to have GM_Miss fired. (watch this be removed)


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GM_Miss will always be the root of all evil.   Too afraid to respond to accusations, too afraid to recognize when he has failed homecoming.  There is a punching bag here and it's name is GM_Miss.

Edited by komic
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Got an examples of being bullied by them?

4 minutes ago, komic said:

GM_Miss true villain.

As someone that prefers red side, it's good to see that someone in the HC staff represents us!

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It's fine if you're uninformed, i just can't wait to see what this asshole does to you :p.  come at me from any angle, always remember you are wrong, but heck I dare you to stand up for this bully.

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I've had maybe two or three experiences where a GM decision was not to my immediate liking.  Overall, however, they have been consummate professionals as -unpaid volunteers-!

Any attempt to air a grievance with a GM should probably be done in private, with other GMs/Admins, and when one has had time to distance themselves emotionally.

Very bad form, komic, even if your complaint has legs to stand on.


Calling a GM to lock and/or hide this thread.  I recommend others do the same.

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2 minutes ago, komic said:

It's fine if you're uninformed, i just can't wait to see what this asshole does to you :p.  come at me from any angle, always remember you are wrong, but heck I dare you to stand up for this bully.

Your misogyny ensures a self fulfilling prophecy. 

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I had some great experiences too, it was tragic that when I was standing up for people then suddenly here come GM_Miss to shit all over everything and ban me for standing up for others.  I mean sure it's fine the account is copied 15 times over but why would we allow cowardice and stupidity like this to have a name in city of heroes homecoming.  homecoming isn't about shit, why introduce it?

Edited by komic
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1 minute ago, MetaVileTerror said:

I've had maybe two or three experiences where a GM decision was not to my immediate liking.  Overall, however, they have been consummate professionals as -unpaid volunteers-!

Any attempt to air a grievance with a GM should probably be done in private, with other GMs/Admins, and when one has had time to distance themselves emotionally.

Very bad form, komic, even if your complaint has legs to stand on.


Calling a GM to lock and/or hide this thread.  I recommend others do the same.


Nobody wants to see OP's dirty laundry.



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Just now, Corruption said:

Your misogyny ensures a self fulfilling prophecy. 

we're bringing misogyny into this?  who the hell said anything about women?  I don't care if GM_Miss is a woman or not, it's a god damn bully. Bullies need to have their faces shoved directly into the mud and kicked, there is no place for bullies anywhere, not even in homecoming.  Justify what you want but leave bullying out of it, we are far, far above this.

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4 minutes ago, MetaVileTerror said:

I've had maybe two or three experiences where a GM decision was not to my immediate liking.  Overall, however, they have been consummate professionals as -unpaid volunteers-!

Any attempt to air a grievance with a GM should probably be done in private, with other GMs/Admins, and when one has had time to distance themselves emotionally.

Very bad form, komic, even if your complaint has legs to stand on.


Calling a GM to lock and/or hide this thread.  I recommend others do the same.

your fear is noted, go away coward.

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Just now, komic said:

we're bringing misogyny into this?  who the hell said anything about women?  I don't care if GM_Miss is a woman or not, it's a god damn bully. Bullies need to have their faces shoved directly into the mud and kicked, there is no place for bullies anywhere, not even in homecoming.  Justify what you want but leave bullying out of it, we are far, far above this.

This whole thread is bullying.


Happy to take your advice.

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i wish i had dirty laundry, problem is i always donate what I have, I cant help but help.   Yet GM_Miss shits on this idea.... glad you guys are all for him.  Just don't expect anyone else to be behind clear weakness.

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Just now, Lines said:

This whole thread is bullying.


Happy to take your advice.

you're fear is not needed here, we aren't dissuading how you can't accept reality.  step in line and just help, helping is the point. 

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1 minute ago, komic said:

we're bringing misogyny into this?  who the hell said anything about women?  I don't care if GM_Miss is a woman or not, it's a god damn bully. Bullies need to have their faces shoved directly into the mud and kicked, there is no place for bullies anywhere, not even in homecoming.  Justify what you want but leave bullying out of it, we are far, far above this.

Yeah, the first insult you had was a gender loaded term, but maybe you call everyone that.


Toxic people like yourself should be removed from the community. It's pathetic you're still coming back after being told you're not wanted. 


Also, you need to learn what irony is. 

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it's great that some of you enjoy supporting those that would intentionally hurt, like GM_Miss, a complete asshole.  But also try to accept and understand what is actually being discussed here... I'm pretty sure none of us asked for idiocy so why even reveal yourself as such?  This is a post about stopping bullying, and the fact that Homecoming is hiring bullies like GM_Miss who will absolutely fuck with you if you do the right thing.  Do you really think I want to deal with people lesser than me?  No, I don't... Just read into what matters please/

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