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Street Justice Attack Chain?


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On 9/9/2020 at 10:06 AM, flip said:

As we can see my average of 86.9 seconds is a decent amount lower. There's nothing too crazy going on with my build, - I run +193.8% global recharge, fairly standard proc slotting (armageddon + fury of the glad in sweeping cross, touch of death + hide proc in assassin's strike, touch of death + achilles in shin breaker, and hecatomb + unbreakable constraint in crushing uppercut) with slotted recharge minimized as much as possible to ensure max proc rates - So I suspect the different opener to ensure that hide procs are used on CU and not SC are the key.

I have a question about the choice of slotting Crushing Uppercut: Hecatomb w/ the Unbreakable Constraint (%Smashing) proc.


Is there an advantage in picking the Purple %Smashing Hold proc (Unbreakable Constraint)over the PVP %Lethal Hold proc (Gladiator's Net) for the attack that already does Smashing damage? I'm aware of the PvE damage scale difference between Purple %Damage procs and most other %Damage procs (e.g. Touch of Death), but is there a difference in PvE %Damage dealt between Purple and PVP procs?

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1 hour ago, tidge said:

I have a question about the choice of slotting Crushing Uppercut: Hecatomb w/ the Unbreakable Constraint (%Smashing) proc.


Is there an advantage in picking the Purple %Smashing Hold proc (Unbreakable Constraint)over the PVP %Lethal Hold proc (Gladiator's Net) for the attack that already does Smashing damage? I'm aware of the PvE damage scale difference between Purple %Damage procs and most other %Damage procs (e.g. Touch of Death), but is there a difference in PvE %Damage dealt between Purple and PVP procs?

PvP procs are normal damage procs, they don't get anything special.  They're 3.5 PPM, 70-whatever damage instead of 4.5 PPM 100-whatever damage.  So it's way worse.

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  • 11 months later

If there are more than 3 enemys i usually open with:



Build Up -> Ball Lightning from Hide -> DNA Siphon


Now i target a Boss or Leut. In the middle and go:


Heavy Blow-> Shin Breaker -> Assassin Strike -> Spinning Strike


Sometimes i use Crushing Uppercut on another Boss instead of Spinning Strike because everything else is dead allready.

My fingers are so used to this, that i will CU more often than SS.

Also everyone else in this game spams AoE, so after the initial Ball Lightning, DNA Siphon there is not much to take care of.

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  • 2 weeks later

I don't think it's ever been top damage, has it?  🤔  I dunno, though- I never played during live, so maybe it was different back then.  I do play Street Justice a lot, but primarily because I love the animations and sounds that go with it.  It's always performed very solidly for me, though, regardless of AT.


Of course, I am not a dedicated power-builder, so you will likely want to take that last bit with the proverbial grain of salt if you are looking for advice on apex-level performance.  

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STJ is still very good, and a nice balance of ST and AoE.   Top ST damage would go to EnM now ... Best AoE is probably Elec.


AE 801 (link) is a variety of missions for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates.  Just search '801' in AE.

     801 Difficulty Varies: 801.0 Easy, ..., 801.2 Standard*, ..., 801.5 Moderate**, ..., 801.6 Hard***, ..., 801.7 Four Star****, ... 801.F Death.

I may be AFK IRL, But CoH is my Forever Home.

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