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Make Dimension Shift and Black Hole worth taking?


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12 minutes ago, HelenCarnate said:

More like a toggle. Turn it on it activates on the target and if you do nothing it lasts the full duration.  But you could also end it early by clicking off the toggle and then it would go on cool down. 

Um, this is how Dimension Shift works now. Also, you can fight the phased enemies if you enter the AoE. Black Hole should get the same treatment.

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1 hour ago, Uun said:

Um, this is how Dimension Shift works now. Also, you can fight the phased enemies if you enter the AoE. Black Hole should get the same treatment.

Well that answers that. Hadn't paid attention to those powers since I played on live and wasn't around for the last few issues. 

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13 hours ago, JnEricsonx said:

Forget the "intangible" bit.  Anything you could assign effects to in this case would be great.  

There is literally a thread just like this one in which many of your issues have already been addressed . Why did you feel the need to create yet another identical thread? 

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2 hours ago, JnEricsonx said:

First time I've ever been in this section of the forums.

Yeah, bad timing then, somebody literally just brought the subject up just a little over a week ago and the topic is still on the front page. It's better to keep these consolidated if at all possible so that players are not repeating themselves across multiple threads and it keeps the pages from repetitive litter.  Generally what I do is check the first few pages and then do a quick google search to see if anything like what I want to speak on is already a thread...I've even been known to necro some threads that are ages old rather than create another topic on the same subject...although I do not suggest doing that, because some people view necroing a thread just as bad as making repeat threads, lol. Just use your best judgement there.  🙂


But yeah, the consensus is, Gravity is good because it does not work like Black Hole since it was changed, it;s actually a very unique and extremely powerful ability that IMO no Grav player should go without and Black Hole could use some love.

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51 minutes ago, JnEricsonx said:

Well, if I make another Grav char, I'll consider it.   Irony is, If they made Black Hole act like Tar Patch.  Slows enemies, does some -res or -def, or something.  But, oh well.

What should be done with Black Hole is still up for options. If you think you have a good idea on how to make it better, toss it out there. Chances are it will get debated to death but at the end of the day, it's up to the Devs to decide who has the best idea, or if they use that idea at all and come up with their own. So far Black Hole being made like Dimension Shift seems to be the one tossed out there most. I don't really have a dog in that fight though since I myself don't really have any great ideas on how to fix Black Hole...or rather make it better. I'll leave that to more passionate people than myself on that subject, heh.

As far as Dimension Shift goes, what it does is that it phases out the group within the bubble and immobilizes them, however, they are only untouchable if you are outside the bubble. So if the power is used on mobs that get aggro when the Tank is not available (meaning Tank is at his cap aggro limit) to tackle that mob, I toss the bubble right on them, and any player who wants to attack them only needs to enter the bubble to fight them. Once I see the Tank is ready for that mob, I release the bubble on that mob and make them a free for all for the team. It's truly a wonderful and powerful ability that IMO is one of the most powerful CC's in game. Not to mention, it has a bad ass animation!  😉

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