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Does anyone have the stats on the offensive version of stiulant?


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I mean this thing cost 3 sec to activate, that's not a small investment, I can't just fire it and hope it does something.

plus it's a power pool so effectiveness probably vary by archetype, and according to the description, by level too. It would really help if could get the info pae on this power to actually work.


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Seconded. There's absolutely no real-stats for even the ally version, nevermind the enemy version of Injection. Since I have it on my Stalker I'll try finding a temp power to see enemy stats and report back here, providing said power exists.


OKAY! I got it! I got the stats for [injection] when used on an enemy. It's only a small test but it shows promise!



• For this test I went into Atlas Park on my Lv40 Stalker 'Street-Shinobi' so the result I have here are based upon a Lv40 character. There's no real-stats I can use to see how it scales sadly.

• I did have a Lv30 IO ToHit debuff attached prior to testing but used an unslotter to get the 'pure' Lv40 stats.

• Tested the stats shown in the image on a single Hellion LT. Because of the zone effects, he was the closest.

• I used the [Power Analyzer] temp power to be able to get enemy stats, it costs 50k at the P2W vendor and gives you 20 charges, pretty neat!


-The Results-



From the Images we find that:

The ToHit debuff at Lv40 is an impressive -32.20%: Bringing down a LT down to an effective ToHit of 21%. Even from the start Injection has immense potential dodging attacks in general.

The Damage Reduction is the same as ToHit debuff in numbers and still pretty heavy, the affected target is basically only doing 2/3rds of their normal damage, even if they do hit.

The Recharge reduction is similarly impressive, at -36.8%, the target's effective recharge is 63.2%. Or to put it another way, an extra .58 seconds for every second their powers need to recharge. We don't know how fast enemy powers recharge anyway but assuming it's the normal rate their actions per minute is noticably reduced as a result.


Of course, since there's no duration displayed, I took the time to find this out too. Seven times in fact! In whole seconds the effect lasted for 17 15 16 15 17 17 17 each, which rounds to about 16.28 seconds. Though there are conditions such as lag and reaction time in me clicking the stopwatch which is why I used more tries than I was going for initially.


So ultimately, [injection] provides decent debuffs to Damage, ToHit and Recharge time for the target, cutting these attributes by about a third, and on top of that it lasts around 16 seconds, four seconds more than the base recharge, thus it can be perma on one enemy without slotting a single recharge enhancement! The Damage and Recharge debuffs cannot be enhanced but the ToHit one can!


So there we have it, mystery solved. Though it would have been better if the real-stats were filled in on the power in the first place!

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There is also the factor of different Archetypes having different scales for numbers on powers.  For example, a Defender will likely have better debuff values than a Stalker, and these values typically scale with level.

Real numbers in the Info for the Power would obviously be the best, but if we have to conduct experiments of our own, we're going to need to be a little more exhaustive about the process.


Still, many thanks Oneirohero for your efforts in solving this mystery!

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Nah, they're all broken links for me too.  I've been operating solely off of what was typed in this thread.


Another thing to bear in mind is that this power is affecting 3 stats on the target.  Recharge, To-Hit, and Damage.  That means that the effectiveness is dependent on the target's arsenal of Powers, but a "mere" 7% isn't all that bad.  It's 7% x3 (disproportionately).  Contrasted with debuffs which only affect a single stat, that's not terrible.


But it IS a Pool Power.  It isn't meant to compete with Primary or even Secondary Powers' performance.  It's meant to fill in a gap, reinforce a strength, or complete a concept.

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By itself, it's nothing to write home about.

Stack it with Bruising from a Tanker and you'll start getting somewhere ... and that's before adding in Resistance debuff proc IOs which can help you start getting to "reasonable" amounts of debuff stacking.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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Damn, thanks a lot for the test and for teling me about the tempowary analyzer power, no idea that existed, I gues i'll run more test at level 50 on my mastermind and give you number, since the power supposedly scale with level.



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