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Sentinel build


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I am an old player returning to the game and could use some help. I read through the classes that were not around when I first played and the sentinel looks interesting. What would be a good primary/secondary combo for mostly solo missions and leveling, but would not suck too bad if I did group up?

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You’ll find that you can make pretty much any combination of primary and secondary on all archetypes work for 99% of what you’d do in game. So don’t be afraid to choose whatever looks interesting to you. 

Personally, I’d go for energy aura for your secondary. It has great layered mitigation with the primary mitigation being easily softcapped typed defense.  It has some baseline resists than can be supplemented with set bonuses and pool powers for some very respectable numbers. It has a good heal that also increases Regen and gives a great endurance discount. You also have another endurance tool that also can boost defense. All in all a great secondary with answers for just about everything. 

My most played sentinel is Beam Rifle/Energy Aura.  Beam rifle has decent damage and is quite fun. You could always go fire also as you can never really go wrong with fire blast. 

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Energy, Invuln and SR are definitely the easiest secondaries to work with. Energy is the most underperfoming Primary. Electric is a sleeper hit that will give Fire a run for its money, but that also depends on your Voltaic Sentinel paying attention and attacking your target. Otherwise Fire is your highest damage.

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Elec/EA is a pretty good allrounder and can be made into a decent sapper with or without the Elec epic pool. Water/SR may be one of the safest combos (plenty of knockdown mitigation, easy to softcap and sufficient DDR), and has good AoE. Dark/Rad offers great layered protection by combining one of the best resistance-based armor sets with ToHit debuffs in its primary (e.g. Dark's T9 Blackstar applies a huge ToHit debuff for 20 seconds).

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If i may add my opinion on this chat. So iv been playing around with some sentinel combos (Fire/Regen, Elec/Elec, Psi/Dark and Water/Rad) and to be honest my favorite by far is Water/Rad. Rad has an amazing set where it doesnt require many slots (although there are not skippable powers, they are all worth it) but honestly Im vet lvl 20 now and im keeping up survivability with most brutes and scrappers. Water is amazing primary for aoe attack. ST is okay but getting the psi mastery helps with that. Water's other strong point is that Steam spray and Gyser do fire damage and can proc with another damage so they do a ton of damage. Take it how you will but i love it!

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21 hours ago, Neuro-son said:

If i may add my opinion on this chat. So iv been playing around with some sentinel combos (Fire/Regen, Elec/Elec, Psi/Dark and Water/Rad) and to be honest my favorite by far is Water/Rad. 

I've had a great name, costume and concept for my Water/Rad Corruptor for well over a year, but the combo never clicked with me. He's been semi-retired since his late teens and I just couldn't figure out what to do with him.


Rerolling tonight as a Water/Rad/Psi per your suggestion. It seems to be the perfect fit for the character, so thank you for the inspiration!

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My only qualm with Rad as a secondary is that is very click heavy. Gotta use Proton Therapy to heal and recover end, Particle Shielding as a pre-pull shield, Meltdown to get your build-up buff. Meltdown in particular has an annoyingly long cast time, the other 2 are very reasonable. But it's time I could be blindly clicking my primary attacks.

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@Steel Of Course, and regarding the above comment about rad being somewhat click heavy, I have enough recharge to have my particle shielding on cooldown of about 30 seconds without hasten so it should be always on which give a Regen and Recovery buff so i never have end problems. When it come to Proton Therapy, I only use it in "oh crap" moments when come actually hits me but im usually up front with the tanks and holding my own. If you have any build needs i used the Rad armor build from a previous post that i cant remember the name of the person who posted it but on their fire/rad sent they solo every TF. So water is an amazing AOE for team play. Let me know if you have any questions!

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I'm a fan of the Energy, Beam Rifle, and Ice primaries on Sentinels, but mostly for thematic reasons.  I think that Fire and Electricity are actually the top performers, but I could be wrong.  


For the secondary, I've always liked the "set-it-and-forget-it" nature of Willpower, and the Sentinel version of Regeneration is fantastic (so much so that the melee types are begging for the same treatment of theirs).  Super Reflexes is also quite good on Sentinels.



Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer

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On 10/16/2020 at 6:32 PM, Neuro-son said:

Let me know if you have any questions!

I got stuck in the character creator trying to make Fallout Shelter work with the costume design, so I haven't rerolled him yet. Did make a build for him, but I'm still not too happy about it. I think I should start a new thread for Water/Rad, but I'm on my phone right now and won't be near my computer anytime soon. Will @ you, I'm very interested in what you did with your build because it seems to be a very slot-hungry combo.


Edit: nope, can't make Fallout Shelter work with my concept until we get a NoFX option for it.

Edited by Steel
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