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Understanding MM IO's and their sets


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Are there any good guides to MM's and IO sets/uniques out there?


Specifically, I have the following questions :


1) If I slot an 'aura' IO (Such as Expedient Reinforcement's Resist Aura, or the aura from Command of the Mastermind) does the aura follow the Mastermind, or the pet it's slotted into?

2) If I slot a proc in a specific pet (Such as energy damage or chance for buildup) does this allow ONLY that pet to proc the IO or can any pet proc it?

3) What IO's and what procs are usually most useful and most widely recommended for builds?

4) Does the resistance boost from sovereign right affect the Mastermind, all his pets, or just the pet it's slotted into?


What confuses me is that some recipes specifically say 'pet +resist/regen' like Mark of Supremacy, but Sovereign Right doesn't say 'pet' in front of the resistance which makes me wonder if it's for the MM and not the pets? The IO system is quite confusing for Masterminds.

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1. The aura follows the MM. I believe they're all now a 20' radius from the MM. 
2. All procs only work on the pet it's slotted into. If you were to slot Achilles' Heel into Soldiers, both Soldiers and Medic have a chance to proc it. Both Spec Ops and Commando do not.
3. As for what procs to slot...



Wolves: Achilles', Lady Grey, Shield Breaker
Lions: None.
Dire Wolf: Impeded Swiftness


Demonlings: Maybe Impeded Swiftness? 
Demons: None.
Demon Prince: Impeded Swiftness


Soldiers: Achilles', Lady Grey, Shield Breaker
Spec Ops: Achilles', Lady Grey, Shield Breaker
Commando: Explosive Strike

Note: I recommend only one Achilles' between Soldier and Spec Ops. 


Zombie: None.
Grave Knight: Achilles', Lady Grey, Shield Breaker
Lich: Cloud Senses


Genin: Overwhelming Force
Jounin: Achilles', Lady Grey, Shield Breaker
Oni: Maybe Unbreakable Constraint?


Drones: None.
Protector: None.
Assault: Explosive Strike, Sudden Acceleration


Thugs: None.
Enforcers: Achilles', Lady Grey, Shield Breaker, Gausssian's
Bruiser: Explosive Strike


I recommend slotting Overwhelming Force, Soulbound Allegiance, Edict of the Master, Soverign Right, Call to Arms, Expedient Reinforcements, Superior Command of the MM and Superior Mark of Supremacy in all MM builds. They all make pets sturdier, giving them a better chance for survival.


I usually double slot SMoS in each pet to provide +30% recharge for the MM. Set bonuses do not affect pets, only the MM. Here's a screenshot of a full set of SCotMM slotted into Bruiser. Everything highlighted in red affects the MM; everything highlighted in blue affects all your pets; everything highlighted in purple only affects the Bruiser.




4. Sovereign Right only affects pets within a 20' radius from the MM. The MM does not get the resist bonus.


All pet unique IOs affect your pets with exception to Soulbound Allegiance. That only affect the pet it's slotted into. None of the uniques benefit the MM.

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  • 2 weeks later

Here is my general approach to a couple of IO uniques. YMMV of course. I should note that I have not played a MM with a recharge-based pet summon (*1)


1) Overwhelming Force KB-KD/%KD: I almost always add this to the T1 pets. (*2) You can add this piece very early in a build.

2) Soulbound Alliegence %Build up: I almost always add this to the T1 pets. You have to wait until lvl 50 to add this to a build.


In both cases, the primary reason is the same: I want to see the proc triggering more than if it is just on another tier. The KD provides some control, even if the T1 aren't doing as much damage. I also want the T1s to have a (necessary) boost because of their inherent level shift. The T1s of course need to have a reasonably quick attack chain to take advantage of the Build Up. If you play a significant amount of time against +N content, chances are good that the T1 pets are missing most of their attacks (because of level shift) so the %Build Up is almost certainly more valuable in the T3.


(*1) I wanted to state this upfront, because it reveals my MM builds have less slots to mule Defense/Resistance IOs, and it also means that my MM builds don't care about global Recharge as a build with a recharge intensive summon.


(*2) My 'main' MM is Bots/Traps. Despite taking down GMs and clearing out Lts and minions quickly, I find the Bots are quite bad at single-target clearing. Their performance improves significantly by adding KB->KD, adding AoE MM attacks that also do KD, and having a variety of AoE -Res/Slow/Hold.  In my build I had to put the unique Overwhelming Force piece in one of the MM attacks, but the Sudden Acceleration set is not unique, so that is what T1/T3 got. The T2 slots were needed for Defense Uniques.


One final word: It is common to see folks recommending tactics with the Gaussian's Fire Control %Build Up proc slotted, because 'all your pets means that the final chance to proc is increased!' This is true but the proc is only good for the MM and MM base damage scale is so low that I can't recommend that piece as any sort of priority.

Edited by tidge
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The updated Wiki (link at top) says these auras have a 40 foot radius.


The text on the IOs still say 20.


Because I happened to be playing on a MM as I was reading this, I verified by moving my minions slightly beyond a 40 marker and slightly within.  The buff went away and was applied as expected for a 40 foot radius.


Also worth noting that line of sight is required as well.

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  • 2 months later
On 10/25/2020 at 10:42 PM, StrikerFox said:

1. The aura follows the MM. I believe they're all now a 20' radius from the MM. 
2. All procs only work on the pet it's slotted into. If you were to slot Achilles' Heel into Soldiers, both Soldiers and Medic have a chance to proc it. Both Spec Ops and Commando do not.
3. As for what procs to slot...



Wolves: Achilles', Lady Grey, Shield Breaker
Lions: None.
Dire Wolf: Impeded Swiftness


Demonlings: Maybe Impeded Swiftness? 
Demons: None.
Demon Prince: Impeded Swiftness


Soldiers: Achilles', Lady Grey, Shield Breaker
Spec Ops: Achilles', Lady Grey, Shield Breaker
Commando: Explosive Strike

Note: I recommend only one Achilles' between Soldier and Spec Ops. 


Zombie: None.
Grave Knight: Achilles', Lady Grey, Shield Breaker
Lich: Cloud Senses


Genin: Overwhelming Force
Jounin: Achilles', Lady Grey, Shield Breaker
Oni: Maybe Unbreakable Constraint?


Drones: None.
Protector: None.
Assault: Explosive Strike, Sudden Acceleration


Thugs: None.
Enforcers: Achilles', Lady Grey, Shield Breaker, Gausssian's
Bruiser: Explosive Strike


I recommend slotting Overwhelming Force, Soulbound Allegiance, Edict of the Master, Soverign Right, Call to Arms, Expedient Reinforcements, Superior Command of the MM and Superior Mark of Supremacy in all MM builds. They all make pets sturdier, giving them a better chance for survival.


I usually double slot SMoS in each pet to provide +30% recharge for the MM. Set bonuses do not affect pets, only the MM. Here's a screenshot of a full set of SCotMM slotted into Bruiser. Everything highlighted in red affects the MM; everything highlighted in blue affects all your pets; everything highlighted in purple only affects the Bruiser.




4. Sovereign Right only affects pets within a 20' radius from the MM. The MM does not get the resist bonus.


All pet unique IOs affect your pets with exception to Soulbound Allegiance. That only affect the pet it's slotted into. None of the uniques benefit the MM.

From a farmer who runs Thugs all the time, don't agree with this.  You WANT to slot procs in your thugs.  As a matter of fact, you specifically want to slot Overwhelming Force->KD.  I follow none of your slotting advice, honestly...  Slotting Achilles and other defense debuffs in your Enforcer?  Only if you need it.  If I have already debuffed them to oblivion, would much rather put something else there...   

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5 hours ago, Quindorrian said:

From a farmer who runs Thugs all the time, don't agree with this.  You WANT to slot procs in your thugs.  As a matter of fact, you specifically want to slot Overwhelming Force->KD.  I follow none of your slotting advice, honestly...  Slotting Achilles and other defense debuffs in your Enforcer?  Only if you need it.  If I have already debuffed them to oblivion, would much rather put something else there...   

I had room for a slot in my Enforcers to use the debuff. I tried It and found it works really well.


I also really enjoy having Overwhelming Force->KD on my Bruiser. When he knocks people back he runs over to someone else and that causes issues and lowers his dps. When he knocks everyone over it lowers the dps of an enemy group. That's a double win.

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14 hours ago, Quindorrian said:

From a farmer who runs Thugs all the time, don't agree with this.  You WANT to slot procs in your thugs.  As a matter of fact, you specifically want to slot Overwhelming Force->KD.  I follow none of your slotting advice, honestly...  Slotting Achilles and other defense debuffs in your Enforcer?  Only if you need it.  If I have already debuffed them to oblivion, would much rather put something else there...   

You're making a mistake here. You don't slot defense debuffs, you slot the damage procs from those defense debuff sets in your enforcers. Enforcers have like 4 attacks that do defense debuffs on enemies, each of these attacks can fire the damage procs from the defense debuff sets, but somewhat brokenly, EACH ATTACK RUNS A SEPARATE PROC TIMER. So like, if a proc fires 3.5 times per minute, it will fire an average of 3.5 times per minute PER ENFORCER ATTACK PER ENFORCER. In other words, the damage procs can add a ridiculous amount of damage because the enforcers can proc it potentially on every enemy they  hit with their cone attacks. 


OF KB/KD is decent, but all of my thugs MMs take bonfire with sudden acceleration making overwhelming force a waste of a slot. 


This is how I slot my thugs and its a hard slotting choice to really improve on no matter the secondary you pair with it. I don't take thugs personal attacks someone else can talk about those. 

Thugs - 2 pieces of Mark of supremacy 4 pieces of command of the mastermind - Gives 2 10% recharge bonuses from 1 power. Can fit both pet auras from Mark of Supremacy and command of the mastermind in thugs, 2 pet auras down. 

Enforcers - 3 Acc/Damage hami-os, shield breaker lethal damage, lady grey negative energy damage, LOTG +7.5% recharge/def

Gang war - the other 4 pet auras for resistance and defense and 2 lvl 50 +5 boosted recharge IOs

Bruiser - the other 4 pieces of mark of supremacy, either an acc/dam hami or the OF kb->kd + proc, soulbound allegiance chance for build up. 


This has my thugs with musculature all around 130% + dam, it gives you 2 damage procs in enforcers which increases their dps significantly, it has all 6 pet unique auras, it gives you a total of 37.5% global recharge added to your build from pet slotting, it gives your mini bruiser its own build up which can trigger off of any attack he makes. I've seen my bruiser knockout blow for 600 on even level mobs. 

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19 hours ago, Quindorrian said:

From a farmer who runs Thugs all the time, don't agree with this.  You WANT to slot procs in your thugs.  As a matter of fact, you specifically want to slot Overwhelming Force->KD.  I follow none of your slotting advice, honestly...  Slotting Achilles and other defense debuffs in your Enforcer?  Only if you need it.  If I have already debuffed them to oblivion, would much rather put something else there...   

Um yeh. My post was totally misunderstood.

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22 hours ago, TheSpiritFox said:

You're making a mistake here. You don't slot defense debuffs, you slot the damage procs from those defense debuff sets in your enforcers. Enforcers have like 4 attacks that do defense debuffs on enemies, each of these attacks can fire the damage procs from the defense debuff sets, but somewhat brokenly, EACH ATTACK RUNS A SEPARATE PROC TIMER. So like, if a proc fires 3.5 times per minute, it will fire an average of 3.5 times per minute PER ENFORCER ATTACK PER ENFORCER. In other words, the damage procs can add a ridiculous amount of damage because the enforcers can proc it potentially on every enemy they  hit with their cone attacks. 


OF KB/KD is decent, but all of my thugs MMs take bonfire with sudden acceleration making overwhelming force a waste of a slot. 


This is how I slot my thugs and its a hard slotting choice to really improve on no matter the secondary you pair with it. I don't take thugs personal attacks someone else can talk about those. 

Thugs - 2 pieces of Mark of supremacy 4 pieces of command of the mastermind - Gives 2 10% recharge bonuses from 1 power. Can fit both pet auras from Mark of Supremacy and command of the mastermind in thugs, 2 pet auras down. 

Enforcers - 3 Acc/Damage hami-os, shield breaker lethal damage, lady grey negative energy damage, LOTG +7.5% recharge/def

Gang war - the other 4 pet auras for resistance and defense and 2 lvl 50 +5 boosted recharge IOs

Bruiser - the other 4 pieces of mark of supremacy, either an acc/dam hami or the OF kb->kd + proc, soulbound allegiance chance for build up. 


This has my thugs with musculature all around 130% + dam, it gives you 2 damage procs in enforcers which increases their dps significantly, it has all 6 pet unique auras, it gives you a total of 37.5% global recharge added to your build from pet slotting, it gives your mini bruiser its own build up which can trigger off of any attack he makes. I've seen my bruiser knockout blow for 600 on even level mobs. 

Yeah, you didn't read what I wrote at all.  

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This is pretty hilarious. It's like the pot calling the kettle black. 

On 10/25/2020 at 7:42 PM, StrikerFox said:

3. As for what procs to slot...


I recommend slotting Overwhelming Force, Soulbound Allegiance, Edict of the Master, Soverign Right, Call to Arms, Expedient Reinforcements, Superior Command of the MM and Superior Mark of Supremacy in all MM builds. They all make pets sturdier, giving them a better chance for survival.


My original post states, "As for what procs to slot," and proceeds to list the most frequently activated proc per pet. It then recommends to slot a list of other unique IOs/procs (Including Overwhelming Force)

On 1/8/2021 at 9:14 PM, Quindorrian said:

From a farmer who runs Thugs all the time, don't agree with this.  You WANT to slot procs in your thugs.  As a matter of fact, you specifically want to slot Overwhelming Force->KD.  I follow none of your slotting advice, honestly...  Slotting Achilles and other defense debuffs in your Enforcer?  Only if you need it.  If I have already debuffed them to oblivion, would much rather put something else there...   

Then you responded with the above. My post was misunderstood, and that's fine. Nobody minds. But please don't pretend like other people are wrong when clearly they're not.

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Just thought it could be helpful to add a practical example of a build using MM procs.  Here's my Demons/Dark.

  • Demonlings - MM IO pet Aoe defense aura, KD-KB, Def bonus
  • Demons - Soulbound Alleg chance for build-up
  • Hell on Earth - Def bonus, 2 x Resistance Bonus, MM IO (resist/regen)
  • Demon Prince - Unbreakable Constraint Smashing dmg

I also put plenty of procs into my attacks and into my Dark powers.




| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |


Edited by brasilgringo
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