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Adventure - Atari 2600

Exodus: Ultima 3 - Commodore64

Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar - PC

City of Heroes - PC

Portal & Portal2 - PC


These have been best games I've ever played. At least, they're the ones that engaged me the most. I've not found anything with the staying power of these.


I played CoH from 2003-2005. I wasn't the greatest at it. The highest I ever got was lvl 34. But I loved it.


For the past 7 years, I've been coping with severe anxiety and depression. It's been especially difficult this year. To have rediscovered Homecoming  a few months ago was a life-saver. Playing CoH again has given me a severely needed coping mechanism. It's just an escape for a few hours here and there. But it gives my mind a much needed break from the constant fear, dread, and guilt.


I just wanted to thank the developers and everyone that's put in so much wonderful effort into just the ongoing maintenance of this game. Not to mention the incredible additions and beautiful releases. You may get endless thankless requests for tweaks and changes. I just wanted you to know that what you've built has made it a little easier for one person to get through this shitty, crappy year.


Thank you, x 1,000,000




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4 hours ago, Gwyrddu said:

Did you know that Lord British was an executive producer of City of Heroes?

Wait, what?  He was top dog at another of my favorite MMOs, Tabula Rasa (also an NCSoft product), at least until the whole blow-up of the revelation that he pushed the game for release before it was fully ready, just to get the money to go to space.  Sad day, that.  Had they hung in there for about another 6 months of alpha and beta, that game would probably still be going like LotRO is.

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