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Best primary to pair with /Bio


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Hi heroes!


I’m building a /bio brute. He’s inspired by “The Guyver” if you’ve ever seen the anime/old film =P


Anyways, I was wondering if there were any primaries that paired particularly well with /bio? I was looking at both Savage Melee and Street Justice, since I love the animations for both. Spines, Claws and Dual Blades all caught my eye as well. All of them could be on theme, considering you can weaponize the bio armor =P


Any advice/opinions would be greatly appreciated!


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I run claws and db with bio on scrappers, the db/bio is one of my fav toons. On a brute i tried spines first but didn't enjoy it much and ended up running rad/bio which just hops in mobs and melts stuff you barely need to click any attacks although i keep respeccing it never happy with the build. Not a fan of stj so of the options you are looking at i'd recommend claws first, savage second. Claws is fun on every AT is one of the best exempting powersets by miles does respectable damage has a really fast recharging pbaoe in spin, one of my top 5 all time fav attacks in focus and now that we can stop the knockback in shockwave has great mob cc too.

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A lot depends on what you want to do with the character.  Tanking brute?  Dark Melee is your best friend.  Team oriented boss killer?  The new Energy Melee works well for the purpose.  Farmer?  Spines is probably still your best choice, but several primaries work well: Mace, Super Strength, and even Dual Blades can be made to work well.  


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I have a Stone/Bio brute that's a ton of fun.  I love how the SM powers leave these little bits of crystal debris, that Bio's aura powers pick up and whirl around her.  When she solos, sometimes I'll just stand there for a moment after the fight, watching them go.  It's captivating.  😁

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