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Teleport Target: quality of life changes


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So I have been playing with the new Teleport pool at a very fast pace for sometime now. And I absolutely adore Fold Space. You can really bring different toons into the meta with that one power. Chefs Kiss, wonderful!

Changes I think that would make Teleport Target more fun to use in combat
My first idea would be reducing the animation time in half so it would feel more fluid in combat during an attack chain at higher end gameplay. I think it would great for melee toons imo.

Keep the animation time and let it allow you to teleport bosses that  you can't usually teleport. I think that would make a good trade off since non of the other group teleport powers offer and a lot of people want something like this. It would be a way to leave those powers as is. And keep the boss TP'ing down the a minimum! 

Edited by Hops

Kill Most ITFs! Defender Tank! dahkness11 - Twitch

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I like the idea of cutting down the casting time so it's more useful in combat especially if I lay out caltrops and a time bomb or something on my /devs blaster or my /traps corruptor.


I am in favor of allowing teleport target to have a mag 4 teleport to it, and find if they keep foldspace where it's at. That said all teleport powers in Gravity or Warshades arsenal should have minimum mag 4 as primary and secondary powers are supposed to be stronger than power pool selections.

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I don't typically use it in the thick of combat, due to interrupt times.  I might experiment with using interrupt IO's to cut down on that and see what sort of difference it makes in utility.


What I find it particularly useful for is carefully isolating enemies from large clusters of mobs in solo play.  I can run at much higher levels of notoriety by utilizing careful tactics of this sort.


I'm uncertain about the OP's suggestion.  It would give the power more utility in combat, of course- particularly for the powers mentioned- and I'm sure other interesting combos could be developed using that power, but I would be wary about making it too easy for bosses to be yoinked around the battlefield.

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Adding mag is tricky. There is a completely unknown number of immobile NPCs that rely on teleport protection to not screw things up (think gun emplacements, etc).


I'm still hoping we see it hit a beta build with an "EXPERIMENTAL: BUG FINDING PROOF OF CONCEPT" tag on it to outsource locating anything that needs its protection raised.

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