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Ice/Cold Corruptor or Controller vs Cold/Ice Defender


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On 2/12/2021 at 12:21 PM, Snarky said:

Which of these three are stronger for late game content?  and, of course, why?  Thanks  Team content.


Ive made all three at one time or another. Corruptor wins hands down. like others said.. Scourge.. and the wonderfulness of Procs.



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Agree that corruptor will provide more damage, but depends how you want to define "stronger" and what team role you want. Defender will provide superior buffs/debuffs (except Sleet, which is currently the same for all ATs).

Uunderdog - Rad/Rad Scrapper | Uundertaker - Rad/Dark Corruptor | Uun - MA/Inv Scrapper | Uunison - Grav/Storm Controller | Uuncola - Ice/Temp Blaster | Uundergrowth - Plant/Martial Dominator | Uunstable - SR/Staff Tank

Uunreal - Fire/Time Corruptor | Uunrest - Dark/TA Blaster | Uunseen - Ill/Poison Controller | Uuncool - Cold/Beam Defender | Uunderground - Earth/Earth Dominator | Uunknown - Mind/Psi Dominator | Uunplugged - Stone/Elec Brute

Uunfair - Archery/TA Corruptor | Uunsung - DP/Ninja Blaster | Uunflammable - Fire/Nature Controller | Uunflappable - WM/WP Brute | Uundead - Dark/Dark Tank | Uunfit - Water/Martial Blaster  | Uunwrapped - Dark/Dark Dominator

Uunchill - Ice/Kinetics Corruptor | Uunpleasant - En/En Stalker | Uunbrella - Rad/Rad Sentinel | Uunsafari - Beasts/Traps MM | Uungnome - Nature/Seismic Defender | Uunsavory - Poson/Sonic Defender | Uunicycle - BS/Shield Scrapper

Uuntouchable - Ill/Time Controller | Uunferno - Fire/Fire Tank | Uunthinkable - Psi/SR Scrapper | Uuncivil - Thugs/Elec MM | Uunnatural - Ice/Savage Dominator | Uunshockable - Elec/Bio Sentinel | Uunfathomable - Elec/Dark Controller

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29 minutes ago, Uun said:

Agree that corruptor will provide more damage, but depends how you want to define "stronger" and what team role you want. Defender will provide superior buffs/debuffs (except Sleet, which is currently the same for all ATs).

That's because it wasn't buffed the way it should've been when proliferated from Corruptors to Defenders. They even kept the same numbers on Heat Loss, then post shutdown Heat Loss was nerfed for Corruptors (it started as -30% resistance on both powers when Corruptors were the only AT that had the set).


I still find it funny that Dominators get Sleet at the same level that Controllers and Corruptors do, though.

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1 hour ago, siolfir said:

That's because it wasn't buffed the way it should've been when proliferated from Corruptors to Defenders. They even kept the same numbers on Heat Loss, then post shutdown Heat Loss was nerfed for Corruptors (it started as -30% resistance on both powers when Corruptors were the only AT that had the set).


I still find it funny that Dominators get Sleet at the same level that Controllers and Corruptors do, though.

I'm well aware



Uunderdog - Rad/Rad Scrapper | Uundertaker - Rad/Dark Corruptor | Uun - MA/Inv Scrapper | Uunison - Grav/Storm Controller | Uuncola - Ice/Temp Blaster | Uundergrowth - Plant/Martial Dominator | Uunstable - SR/Staff Tank

Uunreal - Fire/Time Corruptor | Uunrest - Dark/TA Blaster | Uunseen - Ill/Poison Controller | Uuncool - Cold/Beam Defender | Uunderground - Earth/Earth Dominator | Uunknown - Mind/Psi Dominator | Uunplugged - Stone/Elec Brute

Uunfair - Archery/TA Corruptor | Uunsung - DP/Ninja Blaster | Uunflammable - Fire/Nature Controller | Uunflappable - WM/WP Brute | Uundead - Dark/Dark Tank | Uunfit - Water/Martial Blaster  | Uunwrapped - Dark/Dark Dominator

Uunchill - Ice/Kinetics Corruptor | Uunpleasant - En/En Stalker | Uunbrella - Rad/Rad Sentinel | Uunsafari - Beasts/Traps MM | Uungnome - Nature/Seismic Defender | Uunsavory - Poson/Sonic Defender | Uunicycle - BS/Shield Scrapper

Uuntouchable - Ill/Time Controller | Uunferno - Fire/Fire Tank | Uunthinkable - Psi/SR Scrapper | Uuncivil - Thugs/Elec MM | Uunnatural - Ice/Savage Dominator | Uunshockable - Elec/Bio Sentinel | Uunfathomable - Elec/Dark Controller

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