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General Feedback: Issue 27, Page 2

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4 hours ago, Apparition said:


Yes, it is.  Interface effects only stack up to four times, so having more than four of the same Interface type on a team is a waste.  Being able to see what Interface abilities your teammates are using is helpful, so you can switch to a different one if need be.  It would also let you see if your teammate(s) switched Interface abilities as everyone should at least have two.  All with a quick glance without having to take the time to ask.


All something that can be coordinated among the team before the mission starts.  Seriously, who is going to be swapping interfaces on the fly?  You want all of that sorted out and locked down before the fighting starts anyway.  Besides, if you're just going off of a "quick glance" and not actually communicating, when you see that five of you have the same Interface, who's to say that four of you won't swap to something else, leaving you with only one of the original and likely bulking up somewhere else.


Of course the simple solution is to add more settings to the Options menu. We already have some limited control for what icons get displayed in the personal, group, and pet status windows.  More customization here would go a long way to making these more useful for everyone.

Edited by Blackbird71
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11 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

Not sure if I should post this minor bug here, or in travel powers, but going invis causes a little bit of weirdness on Flying Carpet, allowing you to see through yourself and it sometimes, (not always). 




This happens with a lot of objects in game.  Some can be seen through an invisible character, and others cannot.  I find it's very noticeable in an SG base; if you pan the camera around your character and look through it, you will see some things disappear as you pass over them while others remain.

Edited by Blackbird71
typo fix
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Wasn't sure where to put this. The fix to Siren's Call's geometry unfortunately created a bigger hole for interested euclidean pilgrims to venture through. And Pocket D's out of map hole is still wide open 😁



Issue 27: Second Chances, Page 2 (Release Candidate 2)

Map Fixes

  • Various geometry fixes in the following zones:
    • Kings' Row
    • The Hive
    • The Hollows
    • Skyway City
    • Terra Volta
    • Eden
    • Peregrine Island
    • Pocket D
    • Dark Astoria
    • Siren's Call
    • Grandville
    • Dark Astoria (Echo)
    • Rikti Crash Site (Echo)
  • Storm Palace: Closed holes in the collision boundary of the zone
  • Renamed a warehouse door in Kallisti Wharf to fix issues with CityZone Any Warehouse missions breaking co-op teams



image.thumb.png.45a99eb0a72bffc6f8127321c4ba774a.png       image.thumb.png.97a91feadcc4e8d0408891812ae46b45.png     



image.thumb.png.f6b4bc111b19f960573aa0b6ce84da20.png    image.thumb.png.722e267e846c9bae52ddf605d2ec8b80.png   


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On 4/17/2021 at 4:58 PM, Glacier Peak said:

Wasn't sure where to put this. The fix to Siren's Call's geometry unfortunately created a bigger hole for interested euclidean pilgrims to venture through. And Pocket D's out of map hole is still wide open 😁



  Reveal hidden contents

image.thumb.png.45a99eb0a72bffc6f8127321c4ba774a.png       image.thumb.png.97a91feadcc4e8d0408891812ae46b45.png     


  Reveal hidden contents

image.thumb.png.f6b4bc111b19f960573aa0b6ce84da20.png    image.thumb.png.722e267e846c9bae52ddf605d2ec8b80.png   


There is no other way to see Manny Gas, which I think was intentional.


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1 hour ago, Hew said:

Damnit. How?! I have been trying to get there for ages and have never succeeded. 

Well for starters there are other geometry holes in the Tiki Lounge. You can also teleport through the tiniest of slivers between the ceiling and the archways between the main lobby where DJ Zero is at. I reported all the holes in Pocket D over in the Geometry Errors thread, and I included /loc and screenshots -  I can't remember what page it's on though. 


Edit: I thought it would be worth mentioning that I role play a space explorer called Euclidian Pilgrim who goes across zones to find ways out of the map. I've amassed numerous locations found, some patched after I reported, others not yet so. 

Edited by Glacier Peak
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