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Give Ice/Cold Powers More Color Variations to Choose From

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I just find this selection of colors for Cold Domination/Ice Blast/etc. a little... Sad. I'd really prefer to see more vibrant reds/greens/etc. In addition, many of these colors are *so* similar you would really have to microscope the details to find a difference in variation... Images to help:


These are NOT the same color, and they are literally identical. (Fun game: guess which one is the lighter and darker)


I sincerely think there could be honest improvement in this color palette. It's quite sad and monotonous jewel-tones. "Cold Domination" itself sounds very diabolical and vivid, and none of these colors (other than the more extreme blues) really capture the essence of even the name of the set. 

Edited by Zeraphia
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The color palette for ice powers was decided way back when the old devs were like "oh no what if somebody colored it like blood or urine" so it ended up with a real crappy selection.


But then Water Blast came out and pretty much disregarded all that business, so I guess there's no real need to enforce these kinda restrictions on players anymore, so I'm all for expanding the color choices we got.

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It would be great if they could open up all the palattes for any power. My biggest bugbear is trying to match colours between primary and secondary if they use different palattes. Another thing I'd love to have would be a saturation slider to use in conjunction with the colour selection. It's frustrating to find the perfect colour but to just want a bit more or less of it.

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I was wondering if there could be an "Ice 2" palette that had a number of colors reminiscent of popsicle/ice cream. The colors would be a little different from the bottom options in Lava/Crystal (seen below). For example, I was thinking the red (01, 01) would be a little lighter and bluer for a "cherry".



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I remain,

The Grumpy Gamer Girl and the Big Green Dragon

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  • 2 years later

For anyone that thinks it can't be done - go color the powers of Illusion Decoys using the Mirror setting. You can observe vibrant colors in their (ice) attacks - I love seeing the Orange slush! It's a shame I cannot tint my other characters using Ice with that vibrant color.


Ice serves as an excellent canvas for themes like Glass, Stained-Glass, Sand, Gemstones, Rock-Candy, Ash etc. Why should the colors be limited to 5 flavors?

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My understanding is that some systems use a process of tinting a base power while others wholly apply the selected color to some power effect/geometry, which is why certain colors look weird when applied to a character's face with skin vs one that is cloth/metal/other material...

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