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New chat channel: Self or Silent or Whisper

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It occurred to me, in posting the little squib about powexec_location cursor over in General, that it would be very useful to have a way to display a message just to yourself — say, a screen bubble that says "You just set travel to TELEPORT."


Since adding a popup message is probably too much code/work/time/cost, what about another chat channel mode that appears ONLY to the player? Call it Self or Silent or (old days) Whisper, so that anything said there would show as a chat bubble, but only to the player who says it.


I know, a little quirky, but if it's an easy dupe of code... why not? Maybe just take Local and reduce the radius to 1 foot?


It would not need any screen changes and perhaps not even a link into chat windows – the sole purpose would be to let players use a line command (in a bind or macro) to generate that bubble.

Edited by Shenanigunner

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Couldn't you just /t yourself? Fairly sure it works (local or global... )


Edit: Just double checked. You can just /t yourself. Or create a channel of your own and call it "my test" or whatnot and send output there, I suppose.

Edited by Greycat

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A self-message channel certainly wouldn't hurt.  It would be useful for macro confirmations and /t'ing yourself can get too noisy.  Final Fantasy 11 has a feature like this already, where using /echo in a chat string displays a message to you only in the chat log, which is great because playing that game at a high level is basically amateur programming and having extra chat strings to help debug your macros is great.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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