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Could a crab and fortuna duo (wife and I) complete all content?

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My wife and I are planning on creating a few duo teams as we have gotten kicked out of several groups recently (Sorry people!)  Our son is very young so we have to take frequent breaks.  I'm starting to think that we just try and make the best duos we can and focus on completing as much content as possible that way. 


Would this duo be able to take on SFs and such?  Neither of us are very good at the game, we just want to relax. 


We have done the tanker/defender and the brute/controller already, but we'd prefer a set where both of us can take the lead at any time, so I thought of VEATs, where we could swap builds and stuff around easily. 


Thanks for reading!

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It would be a very strong combo. Try it out. And feel free to use multiple builds, like make one build a Widow and another a Fortunata, make one a Bane and one a Crab.

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As Bopper said, it's a strong combo. My Fortunata, Night Widow, and Bane can solo Yin's TF at 0x8 for instance.


A duo would have no issues in most content. Rularuu for instance would be an exception, the eyeballs are incredibly accurate. Still doable at lower difficulties.


Yes, Fortunate defense buffs, crowd control, plus Crab tankness, -resists, and pets. Yum.

Edited by KaizenSoze
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Thanks all!  We'll start with fortunata and crab and go from there.


Anyone have any good builds?  Maybe sacrifice a bit on the tank of the crab as the fortunata will be able to beef it up that much more?


Also, is there any way in Mids to simulate the buffs from another player?  I'd love to be able to easily figure out what my end result would be def/res-wise so we can start buying IOs now?

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Mids won't help you directly, but it's not too hard to figure it out manually.


At a basic level, both Fort and Crab have TT: Maneuvers, on top of that Forts have Mind Link.


Then any leadership buffs if you get them.


There are tons of builds on the forum. Not duo specific, but I think you just pick what looks interesting. You'll have enough defense with any build in a duo.


If you're going to perma-pet crabs, then you'll going to need a lot of recharge, ie purple sets.


Fortunatas are ridiculous versatile, so there are tons of builds. All ranged, hybrid melee/range, controller


One note of caution, sounds like you haven't played VEATs before. They are awesome once slotted out, it can be squishy and end heavy leveling.


But you are duoing which should mitigate a lot of issues.

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You absolutely ought to be able to handle almost all content with a pair of well-built VEAT. I do suggest that you consider multiple builds for both VEAT, not just because they are fun, but for some content (I am thinking GMs, AVs) you may want slightly tweaked power choices and slotting as opposed to "murder as many as quickly as possible". For 90%+ of the content, you don't even need the characters to be 'well-invested', especially if you stick with the default difficulty settings.


The 50-only incarnate TFs will probably not be able to be finished with a duo.


Let us know how you like it!

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