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I understand in the new Strike Force on Beta (especially in the hard mode) that the mobs are using -res to pretty much strip armor from everyone.


Can someone smart go over what happens to 90% resist when hit with -res?  Is there resistance to the debuff?  Does eating Oranges (or hitting Rune of Protection, or Unstoppable) help?  




I posted this in your other thread in General, but here it is again:



The only way I see someone with capped res being floored by debuffs is if they are unresistable.   If anyone in the new Aeon TF, which I have not done yet myself, is using Tar Patch, that's your culprit right there.  Tar Patch for NPCs is currently bugged (I am presuming) in that it deals -30% unresistable res debuff.  Take that up to -40ish% for a +4 mob.  Put a couple of them in a spawn and watch the Granite Tanker get melted.


Other than that, some NPCs that use Enervating Field like Positron, Antimatter, and Bile, have the unresistable version of it.


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Posted (edited)

Damage resistance resists damage-resistance-debuffs.


At 99% resistance to S/L attack, you still eat 10% of the damage because you hard cap at 90% damage resistance.  But because you're at 99% damage resistance to S/L, any enemy spell debuff that would reduce your S/L resistance gets reduced by 99% , and therefore your S/L resistance would fall from 99% to 99% - (enemy debuff x 0.01).


IIRC there are very few enemy abilities that deal unesistable damage resistance debuffs.  Unresistable damage resistance debuffs don't get resisted by you at all.


Edit:. To clarify, unlike defense cascade failure, damage resistance debuffs always get resisted by your resistance % at its highest amount.  Therefore, using the 99% s/l resistance example above, if you get hit with 3 x debuff each doing -25% resistance to S/L, your final resistance is


99 - (3(25 x 0.01)) = 99 - 0.75 = 98.25% resist.  Since tankers/brutes cap at 90% resist, you're still effectively at 90% S/L resist cap.


This means if you have 100% resistance to something, you resist all their resistance-debuffs unless it's the "unresistable" type of debuff.

Edited by Obus Form
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Is "RDR" capped at the AT cap or does it allow it to go over as above? IE is "RDR" capped at 90% or will go however high your undebuffed resist figure is? It's an interesting question, especially for Scrappers and Sents. 


IIRC there are very few enemy abilities that deal unresistable damage resistance debuffs

There seems to be a few buggy ones floating about, notably Tar Patch which Shepards in the First Ward arcs use. It's flagged as unresistable when targetting players. 

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Posted (edited)

So I decide to take my Inv Stalker off to St Martial to kite Wailers to see what Combat Attibs says and it looks to be exactly as Obus says


Your uncapped buffed resist is your RDR (so total resists with no debuffs) and your uncapped Resist is the figure debuffs are taken from. 


I used my Inv stalker because the Fire Armour tank just stayed at 90% fire resists regardless, so I wanted someone I knew was over their AT Resist cap but could see a figure less than the cap which I could "aim" at in a spreadsheet trying different combinations (RDR uncapped, RDR capped to AT levels). 


So I started with this



And broke it down into a spreadsheet with the 4 variances in assumptions (RDR has a cap or not and debuff is taken from total buffed resists or total is AT limited) and the one matching is with RDR at my buffed resists (so 79.77 RDR), ignoring the AT cap and is taken off that buffed resist (again 79.77). 



So if the Aeon SF is stripping Resistances from Tanks it pretty much has to be the buggy Unresistable version that Mob Tar Patch (or something similiar) is using. I wonder if City of Data has a version siphoning off the newest Beta release, it'd be easy to verify there if it has. 

Edited by Carnifax
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Positron was the same when I tested my Fire Armor Tanker. Those things could do with fixing though they are not a huge problem in a team with buffs, debuffs, heals and agro sharing.

Posted (edited)
  On 11/11/2021 at 11:30 AM, Sovera said:

Positron was the same when I tested my Fire Armor Tanker. Those things could do with fixing though they are not a huge problem in a team with buffs, debuffs, heals and agro sharing.


Yep. The main question I had really was "On a non-Tank does going over the AT cap help with resisting resist debuffs?". And it does, two ways. RDR figure is based on uncapped resist and the -resist also comes off the uncapped amount. 


Balance-wise they could do with fixing or rebalancing (split the figure to X unresistable and Y resistable vs players). I'd be inclined towards the second approach to avoid players being totally immune without Resist based chars being totally neutered (say a 20/80 split between resistable and unresistable) although in the fairness of balance it'd be nice to see some Defense Debuffs go the same way (for certain enemies on TFs for example). 

Edited by Carnifax
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