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I tried searching the forums on this but I haven't found this being brought up, and am surprised why it hasn't yet.


While I love the new addition of the Dr Aeon SF, we still have a gap of SF levels redside. Operative Renault is 25-30 and then it leaps to Ice Mistral who is 35-40. Yes I know we have Mortimer Kal but heroside has Sutter AND a lvl 30-35 TF. We need a 30-35 SF too!


I have no idea what the story could be. Wretch doesn't have a SF yet but he doesn't sound like he'd be that smart to run one though 😛 Maybe just some new Widow or Fortunata as we have an Operative Renault?


-    Contact name:  

Unknown "Business" Partner


-    Contact appearance:

Computer terminal or phone box.


-    Opening screed:  

       Thank you for getting in touch with me, $target.  I know better than to waste your time, so I'll cut right to the chase:  The organization I represent has gotten in to a bit of trouble, and if we were to try to fight our way through, we would be punching above of weight class.  We're in dire need right now, so we're happy to give you intel, remuneration, and even personnel to help us resolve our current FBSA problem.


       I hope it's not disrespectful of us to offer mercenary work to you, but there's a special something here we would like to offer for your benefit:

       We have the access codes for one of the FBSA's covert intelligence databases.

       Is that of interest to you?


(Proceed with a two or three mission "mini-arc" of prep work to get in to the FBSA building, followed by the mid-point climax of breaking in to the building, taking out several targets and downloading the database intel, and receiving payment from the Contact.

THEN continue with another two or three missions which are dependent on the team leader's choice of three optional paths based on the FBSA covert intel.  Each of the three different endings offers a different Temp Power reward.

I think we're at the point where something like this can be implemented with current mission tech in the game.)


Something vaguely Widow-centric would make sense, given the 20+, 25+, and 35+ SFs are connected to minions of Scorpion, Mako, and Scirocco, respectively.  So GW got left out.  I'm not sure what sort of story would really fit her side of the organization in that range.  Something DE-ish like Vanden mentioned would be a cool bit of lore, but I don't know that it would fit.


Or, ooh, rather than that, another bit of background lore to maybe touch on is how in the Rogue Isles, everybody just kind of knows who/what Malta is, even though they're supposed to be super-secretive even through most of the first arc that actually introduces them heroside (never mind Roy Cooling's terrible, retcon-y arc please).  Given that Malta takes an interest in Wretch during Scirocco's patron arc, maybe something that could "introduce" them to the setting and give an explanation to the public awareness of them, while also giving a little bit of background on what sort of special interest they might have in Widow/Wretch in the first place?

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Given the bonkers state of the larger chronology of "the" narrative, I think a timeline-neutral story arc holds up better.

(But then, that's a complaint/concern that probably deserves its own entire thread.)

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