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Mislabeled map gate


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So I was badge hunting last night and headed down to the Sewer Network to get that plaque in the Abandoned Sewer. I didn't want to take the time to walk through the whole thing so I headed down there to see where all the gates lead to. Cap Au Diable was what the map said was the closest to the plaque.  Headed to Cap to enter through that gate... wait, where's it at? Check my map view settings, nope they're all fine. Ok fine lets head back to Atlas and go in through that gate to double check the map to make sure I read it right. Naw, still says that gate goes to Cap. Lets go back to Cap and make sure it's not hiding under another gate. Nope, still nada. I'll ask in Help channel... No response. I'll ask again... still no response.

Alright fine, I'll check the wiki. Steel Canyon? Ok, lets see what's really going on here. Enter through the tunnel in Steel Canyon, look at the map... yup, I'm where I wanted to be. Let's check that map again. It says Cap?! Ok, fine I'll go back out the door I just came in and see if I end up in Steel or Cap.... Nope, I'm still in Steel Canyon. Hmmmm.



^^ I'm still in the Sewers and just came through the door in Steel Canyon and it still says I'm going to Cap Au Diable.


I don't think it has anything to do with the Vidiotmap pack cause that doesn't effect the labels of the gates it just changes the image that goes underneath of them.

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I saw u mention it but generally the first thing i say for a bug report with mods running is to disable mods and verify.  I updated the map mod once while the game was running and that caused some markers to disappear.  Took me a bit to figure out what i did.

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Are u a rogue perhaps?  I need to wait till i get home to check if mine is wrong too but i thought it was still correct this last patch.


Not that it should be messed up if u were a rogue,  just that if we can narrow it down then its easier for the devs if they have time to address it.

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I thought I recalled seeing this issue mentioned previously, and I've found two other similar reports. Report 1 and report 2. Looks like in both cases the character in question has been rogue alignment.

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