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Duo's for Fire Farming, and doing it solo?


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Hey all. 


I currently have a Fire Farming brute that I run when I want/need to, and she does very well for me. But I've had the chance to see a few folks 2 boxing duo's, and it makes me curious on a couple of things. 


1- Does 2 boxing (for me this means running 2 toons by yourself in the same mission), speed things up in defeating these fire farms?

2- Between the 2 toons, do you walk out of there with more potential influence than from running it with just one farmer?

3- What types of builds would pair best with my Fire Farmer Brute, and be able to survive while on auto pilot?





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11 hours ago, RiskyKisses said:

Hey all. 


I currently have a Fire Farming brute that I run when I want/need to, and she does very well for me. But I've had the chance to see a few folks 2 boxing duo's, and it makes me curious on a couple of things. 


1- Does 2 boxing (for me this means running 2 toons by yourself in the same mission), speed things up in defeating these fire farms?

2- Between the 2 toons, do you walk out of there with more potential influence than from running it with just one farmer?

3- What types of builds would pair best with my Fire Farmer Brute, and be able to survive while on auto pilot?

1 - More players will certainly increase the potential to complete the farm fastest, however, the XP and Inf will be distributed equally to each farmer. If a player is dual boxing, there is twice as much work to be done (set up each farmer with their auto attack on the right spot of the map and consolidate their rewards at the end of the farming session).

2 - No, there is a maximum amount of Inf that is earnable per each enemy that is distributed evenly per player. 

3 - Another Fire Farming Brute with Burn on auto in a fire farm mission. 

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1 hour ago, Glacier Peak said:

1 - More players will certainly increase the potential to complete the farm fastest, however, the XP and Inf will be distributed equally to each farmer. If a player is dual boxing, there is twice as much work to be done (set up each farmer with their auto attack on the right spot of the map and consolidate their rewards at the end of the farming session).

2 - No, there is a maximum amount of Inf that is earnable per each enemy that is distributed evenly per player. 

3 - Another Fire Farming Brute with Burn on auto in a fire farm mission. 

Note with two people in a farm, the total XP & Inf are increased by 25%, so when you do a mission and kill a mon solo and you get 4000 xp & 4000 inf.

With two people, each char gets 2500 xp and 2500 inf.

And this scales up with each additional character.  (Somewhere, there is a chart)


I'm not sure if chances of drops is modified, but iirc it is.

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1 hour ago, lemming said:

Note with two people in a farm, the total XP & Inf are increased by 25%, so when you do a mission and kill a mon solo and you get 4000 xp & 4000 inf.

With two people, each char gets 2500 xp and 2500 inf.

And this scales up with each additional character.  (Somewhere, there is a chart)


I'm not sure if chances of drops is modified, but iirc it is.

This doesn't sound like my experience, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. If a mob is worth a certain amount of total XP, split however many ways as teammates, the percentage received by each player remains the same? I wish I had data instead of anecdots, but I'll recommend the OP defer to you if you can elaborate a little more. 

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I sometimes run my Farmer ( Radiation Melee/Fiery Aura/Pyre Brute ) Sonny Burns at +4x8 being played Manually, with my Main Tank ( Invulnerable/Super Strength ) Marine X set to follow him with Foot Stomp on Auto, and Maneuvers and Tactics on. I can't say if there are any changes to the earnings but it goes much quicker. It is also a lot more fun to watch the COS Players flying all over the place when Foot Stomp activates. Marine really doesn't seem to have any difficulty with Survivability and also helps split the Aggro with Sonny, which allows me to relax and enjoy the Mayhem.


EDIT: This inspired me to create Sonny an actual sidekick, a Spines/Fiery Aura Brute aptly named " Kabob ", and they say all the good names are taken, hmmf.

Edited by Marine X
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" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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6 hours ago, lemming said:

Note with two people in a farm, the total XP & Inf are increased by 25%, so when you do a mission and kill a mon solo and you get 4000 xp & 4000 inf.

With two people, each char gets 2500 xp and 2500 inf.

And this scales up with each additional character.  (Somewhere, there is a chart)


I'm not sure if chances of drops is modified, but iirc it is.

This is definately spot on, have just done a couple of runs of same mish and same mods with one farmer and then same mish and mob with two identical build farmers, added up all the totals f inf and xp received solo and duoed and the duo totals are indeed 25% higher.

Only got two accounts so had to stop there. Have got screenies.

So yes two farmers running solo is best but one farmer and a contributing teamie is much faster, and for me way much more easier to manage.


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So, this can be a bit of a rabbit hole, if we're not careful. 

The math says that if it's YOUR characters, it can pay to have them on the same map. 
It is true that each character doesn't get as much inf or xp when teamed as when solo - when looking at a per mob basis. 

Examples were given earlier in this thread to illustrate this fact. 

So, if they're both your accounts, if the mood strikes you, put one on follow to the other and burn the baddies as you see fit. It may be worth your while to tab in/out to the alt to make use of Destiny/Judgement buffs, if that's your cup of tea. I honestly can't be bothered, I'm an afk type guy. I don't care how fast the map clears. I make more from the drops than from the inf from the kills. 

As far as best pairing? Don't fix what's not broken. You can go with a pair of spines/fire, a pair of rad/fire, or one of each. They're pretty much the same. That's the beauty of the fire farmer. In that environment, there's no need to complement it with anything. It's good solo. Put burn on auto and walk away. 

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Based on on old table, but at least we know for sure the Twin team is accurate.

Team # Mult XP %
1 1 100%
2 1.25 63%
3 1.5 50%
4 1.8 45%
5 2 40%
6 2.1 35%
7 2.2 31%
8 2.5 31%


Granted, just judging that on testing with just two accounts so far.  There's more that goes into the calculations of course, such as level differences.  I'm sure it's way more complicated since the devs just went with the turning off XP, no extra inf.

At least XP & Inf are easily measured.   On drops, without looking at the code, we'd have to run a long series of tests.  (I think a dev once broke down drop math, but would need to search for it)

And while total is higher, it is then split up between.


On the OP question:  It seems to go a little quicker.   I either run a claws/fire brute with a spines/fire brute, but I found running the spines/fire brute with a fire/spines tank worked a little better because the tank held more agro for the brute to kill.   Two separate computers and I'd occasionally have the tank fire off stuff, but usually just on auto-burn.

Edited by lemming
Table was a pita
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