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This is a very important topic to me.  I've gone as far as to create a bunch of macros that set my targeting bind for the enemy group I am fighting so I can adjust to the Task Force or Mission quickly. 


I won't go into full detail, but mostly I target defense de-buffers and psi-damage dealers first as they are the only thing that is a genuine threat to my mains.  Endurance drainers and healers are next as they can kill me in a prolonged fight fight, or just make a fight last longer.  After that I target bosses with the intent of killing any bosses in a spawn before my teammates mop up the LTs and Minions.


ALso, some of the recent changes require me to consider enemies who confuse and fear and I'm adding them to the priority lists as I find them.

Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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Tsoo Sorcerers, Rikti Guardians, Prophetesses, and anything "of Sorrow". Sorcerers for the nuisance factor on three fronts as teleporting Hurricaning healers. Guardians, Prophetesses, and Sorrows because they're generally the thing that, if left unchecked in sufficient quantity, will actually lead to my death when I'm running max diff against their groups. With Malta it depends on what build I'm playing - if I'm solo and have a bunch of end drain resist or soft-capped defense, I'll risk letting the Sapper get a shot off in favor of eliminating an Engineer first, just because turret clean-up is a chore.

Though Rikti Guardians get a pass when I'm on something with an AoE confuse, because flying through Boreas picking up a couple bonus AMs from every spawn is a hoot.

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I have (the same) two keys bound to two targeting macros (primary and secondary) on every character and edit them interactively on the fly as needed.

AE 801 (link) is a variety of missions for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates.  Just search '801' in AE.

     801 Difficulty Varies: 801.0 Easy, ..., 801.2 Standard*, ..., 801.5 Moderate**, ..., 801.6 Hard***, ..., 801.7 Four Star****, ... 801.F Death.

I may be AFK IRL, But CoH is my Forever Home.

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     Still get a chuckle out of all the Sapper hate.  My first character to start seeing and fighting them was my Claws/SR scrapper.  I learned to go after them as everyone seemed to dread their appearance but it always kind of bewildered me.  They really didn't seem all that scary.  2, 3 attacks dead sapper ... oO scary dudes.

     Then my second high level character, also a Scrapper started to encounter them.  Let's just say the differences between the two was stark.  Even the then IH toggle couldn't save my Broadsword/Regeneration scrapper.  2 +7 Fake Nemesis bosses that's a draw.  1  +0 Sapper with a couple friends was a mortal threat 😆 I couldn't ignore.  I learned quite a bit about Teleport Foe separating sappers from their mob,  teleporting them back to elevators or doors I could click to escape if I got nailed and needed to run away if I failed to take them down.

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My main is an ice/ice/ice blaster, so I go for sappers first always (on teams or solo), quants, and anything that can become untouchable by any means if not immediately frozen and/or killed (PPs, Fake Nems, Carnie illusionists, etc.).   I also find some CoT mages/Tsoo sorcerers bothersome so will hit those first (not a huge priority on some teams, though a big deal on lowbies whether on teams or solo).  As others have mentioned, the Rikti comms guys are best to take out since they summon more baddies, but this isn't a problem a quick blizzard can't fix, so not a prime focus of mine.  Heh.


After these, though, it's really situational.  I mean I will ALWAYS focus on sappers first when facing Malta (and surgeons when facing Cims, though this is less critical these days), but other mobs may have different threats for different teams at different levels.  Mostly, once the key elements (sappers, untouchables, quants) are dead (er, 'arrested'), I tend to switch focus to the big bad.

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