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The new slash command /macro_image allows you to make macros with an actual power image, instead of the grey button with text in it. You can use the name of any texture in the game; use a Pigg Viewer  to browse the game data files. Power icons need to be 32x32 in size to work properly in the tray, so look for pictures under texture_library/GUI/Icons/Powers, texture_library/GUI/Icons/Inspirations, texture_library/GUI/Icons/Pet_Command, texture_library/GUI/Icons/Origin and texture_library/GUI/Icons/Challenge_Status; those are guaranteed to be the right size for it.


The format for the command is: /macro_image "Image_Name" "Tooltip Text" "Command to execute"


Example: these will add Bodyguard and Dismiss macros for Masterminds:


/macro_image "PetCommand_Action_Bodyguard" "Bodyguard" "petcom_all follow defensive"

/macro_image "PetCommand_Action_Dismiss" "Dismiss" "petcom_all dismiss"


Example 2: these will add inspiration macros that use the Super Inspiration icon:


/macro_image "Inspiration_Health_Lvl_4" "Health" "inspexec_name Respite$$inspexec_name Dramatic Improvement$$inspexec_name Resurgence"

/macro_image "Inspiration_Endurance_Lvl_4" "Endurance" "inspexec_name Catch a Breath$$inspexec_name Take a Breather$$inspexec_name Second Wind"

/macro_image "Inspiration_Accuracy_Lvl_4" "Accuracy" "inspexec_name Insight$$inspexec_name Keen Insight$$inspexec_name Uncanny Insight"

/macro_image "Inspiration_Damage_Lvl_4" "Damage" "inspexec_name Enrage$$inspexec_name Focused Rage$$inspexec_name Righteous Rage"

/macro_image "Inspiration_Defense_Lvl_4" "Defense" "inspexec_name Luck$$inspexec_name Good Luck$$inspexec_name Phenomenal Luck"

/macro_image "Inspiration_Damage_Resistance_Lvl_4" "Damage Resistance" "inspexec_name Sturdy$$inspexec_name Rugged$$inspexec_name Robust"

/macro_image "Inspiration_Resist_Sleep_Hold_Lvl_4" "Mez Protection" "inspexec_name Break Free$$inspexec_name Emerge$$inspexec_name Escape"

y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!

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