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+37.5% range


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My sentinel has hit level 27, and I've achieved Blaster ranges...


Flares 3-slotted with Sentinel's Ward (A/D, A/D/E, Rech/Absorb Chance)

Blaze 2-slotted with Opportunity Strikes (A/D/E, A/D/R), plus 3-slotted Tempest (A/D, D/E, D/Rchg)

Blazing Blast 3-slotted with Sentinel's Ward and 2-slotted with Opportunity Strikes

Rain of Fire 2 -slotted with Opportunity Strikes (A/E/D/R, D/R), plus Overwhelming Force (Chance for Knockdown)


That's a total of 5 +7.5% range bonuses from sets, for a total of +37.5%.  My single-target attacks are now range 82, while Fire Ball and Fire Breath (which each include a Positron's Blast Damage/Range currently at +12.6%) are both range 60.


Anyone else trying to design their Sentinel to overcome the reduced range of the archetype?

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Definitely does not play like a scrapper.  You get to stand in the middle of things and just blast away, no chasing.


It's a big game, and everyone should play the way they enjoy.  But Sents don't need extra range - and everything has an opportunity cost (see what I did there?).  ;)

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My endgame build for one of my Sentenels is +50% range, basically the same formula... it is nice that the ATOs for Sentinel address this limitation of the archetype so well.

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Superior versions of the ATOs in the OP. They are available at level 50.

Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


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If you have Pines you can go to Window>Set Bonus Finder and look under Enhancement (Range) to see what's available. (only available via ATOs)...

Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


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Be nice if there were a few more sets that offer range bonus though I guess it's a balancing feature -- those of us who can put up with only +20% range benefit from higher defenses, etc. that come with full-slotting rather than frankenslotting.


It is amazing how much even +20% range increase is game changing for cones though. My Energy Torrent at 48 feet is ridiculously better than it was at 40 -- much better group coverage.

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Positron's Blast has a Damage/Range in the set, which I always slot as one of the 5 I use for Targeted AoE powers (I skip the proc).  However, I don't want to use less than 5 from the set because of the recharge time set bonus, and the set only has one IO with Accuracy (Acc/Dmg).  So, my 6th is usually an Acc/Dmg  from Annihilation.  I'd prefer to slot a Damage/Range from Detonation, or even a straight Range IO, but range doesn't matter if I can't hit reliably.  Both attacks (Fire Breath and Fire Ball) are range 60 with the current setup, so I'm fairly happy with the range as it stands.


My single-target attacks are normally frankenslotted to get the +37.5% global range, and I have a slot free for range on each of them (once they're all 6-slotted), but unless I want to go with a range IO and forgo other bonuses, the only option I can recall in the Ranged Damage category is Salvo's Acc/Dmg/End/Range, and that maxes out at level 25.  About the best I can do is purchase the Salvo IO at level 25 and use 5 enhancement boosters on it.



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There's also the Centriole Exposure Hami-O.  HOs can be combined just like SOs, but a level 50 Centriole is already better than a +5 Dam/Range IO.


Edited to add: More like SENT-riole, am I right?!  AYYYYYYYY

Bonnes from the old forums.


's doesn't make things plural

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There's also the Centriole Exposure Hami-O.  HOs can be combined just like SOs, but a level 50 Centriole is already better than a +5 Dam/Range IO.


Edited to add: More like SENT-riole, am I right?!  AYYYYYYYY

I’ll look at that when I hit 50, but I think losing the Accuracy from Annhiliation will be too hard of a hit.

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with my Fire/Fire Sentinel I slotted Fire Breath with Range … but it's becoming more of a PBAoE set with Inferno, Rain of Fire and Burn.

Rain of Fire is ranged.  Burn is too punish anything in melee range and Inferno is a board clear which needs recharge mostly.

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