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Bio armor has no debuff res, is this intended?

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I know that bio armor was an unfinished set prior to shutdown so it was kind of frankensteined together. Is it intended to have no regeneration, defense and recharge resistance? Or was this an oversight?


Comparing it to willpower I feel like a bit of -defense, -regen and (possibly) -recharge resist would be a good thing while defensive adaptation is toggled.

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I recall asking about this back before shutdown in beta, synapse said the set was potentially very powerful with next to no holes of any kind, no typed holes, no mez holes and the ability to become even sturdier or offensive. Lack of debuff resistances was how he saw the set “balanced it all out.”

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As the happy owner of several Bio Armor characters...


It doesnt need it.  Its a really incredible set already, and as an owner-operator, borderline too good -right now-.


Its high return high investment.  Heck, its high return on low investment.  Its flexible and can cover all bases.  If it wasnt so clicky or had debuff resistance, Id never play anything else.

Great Justice - Invuln/Energy Melee Tank

Ann Atomic - Radiation/Super Strength Tank

Elecutrix - Electric Blast/Super Reflexes Sentinel

Ramayael - Titan Weapons/Bio Scrapper

C'len - Spines/Bio Brute

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Going to join the consensus here: Bio Armor is fine.


"Fine" as in, it's tempting to go shhh, don't look at the powerset too closely. ;)


It's perhaps balanced under the idea there's a higher skill floor required to make use of the powerset efficiently. But, frankly, getting the hang of it isn't so hard, and the benefits you get are immense.

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Going to join the consensus here: Bio Armor is fine.


"Fine" as in, it's tempting to go shhh, don't look at the powerset too closely. ;)


It's perhaps balanced under the idea there's a higher skill floor required to make use of the powerset efficiently. But, frankly, getting the hang of it isn't so hard, and the benefits you get are immense.


The only drawback of the set (which is real, if minor) is the attention requirement.


I dont know if intentional on the part of the dev team, but several newer powersets that show really top-flight performance are also higher in attention requirement.  And my Bioarmor has certainly taken no small number of trips to the hospital that wouldnt have happened on my Invuln while I watched, helpless, stuck in an animation.

Great Justice - Invuln/Energy Melee Tank

Ann Atomic - Radiation/Super Strength Tank

Elecutrix - Electric Blast/Super Reflexes Sentinel

Ramayael - Titan Weapons/Bio Scrapper

C'len - Spines/Bio Brute

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Going to join the consensus here: Bio Armor is fine.


"Fine" as in, it's tempting to go shhh, don't look at the powerset too closely. ;)


It's perhaps balanced under the idea there's a higher skill floor required to make use of the powerset efficiently. But, frankly, getting the hang of it isn't so hard, and the benefits you get are immense.


I went on record at some point saying, quote, "Bio Armor requires a manual.  You know that scene in the beginning of Mobile Suit Gundam when Amuro is piloting the robot with the book on his lap?  That's you."  There's a lot going on in the set, but having vulnerability to -Recharge, -Defense, and -Regen in exchange for it?  Sure, that's a good deal.


Later sets taking more attention also feels like the dev team learned the ins and outs of what they could do and got more ambitious with mechanics.


(Frankly when you see that happen it's a good sign because it means they're learning.)

As a Scrapper main I eat a steady diet of crayons and glue to keep my wits sharp and my reflexes honed.

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-looks left-  -looks right-


Am I the only one who thinks we shouldnt talk about Bioarmor where the devs might see us?  :)

Great Justice - Invuln/Energy Melee Tank

Ann Atomic - Radiation/Super Strength Tank

Elecutrix - Electric Blast/Super Reflexes Sentinel

Ramayael - Titan Weapons/Bio Scrapper

C'len - Spines/Bio Brute

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Bio Armor was still in testing on the Beta server when the game went down (and probably wouldn't have immediately released with I24, since it was meant for the Paragon Market), so who knows if it's entirely "finished" yet.


(Note that it was *not* created or even finished by the I25 people like some sets; I'm pretty sure that what's in the game now is exactly what was on the I24 test server)


That said, I also think it feels fine and doesn't really need any adjustment (which is probably why it hasn't gotten any).

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Just to clarify I don't think Bio armor is under performing, more so just an observation in comparison to the other sets that made it look somewhat unfinished. (I don't think there's a single armor set aside for bio with no debuff resistance) As said I think if it "did" get any form of debuff resistance it should be in defensive adaptation only.


If that along with fear and confuse are meant to be it's intended weaknesses that's totally fine as well.

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