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Paragon University ((Open RP))

American Valor

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On 10/19/2022 at 9:44 PM, American Valor said:

Max turned and looked directly at Mr. McRae,


"You dont remember me do you?" Max waved it off.


"Nevermind I ain't who you think I am. I understand if you can help you help, witholding help gets people dead. I've got to get to the stadium football practice" Max said plainly


He gave a thumbs up to the firefighters looking their way.


The Old Man hauled on the cigar gripped between his teeth as he watched the young hero walked way. His eyes flicked to the alleyway, noting the civilians making their escape through a rear exit of the residence before turning his back and heading towards the main campus building, a tiny Demonling his only company.


"You're an abysmal teacher, you always have been." The Man in Black made no reply. "You couldn't teach an imp to steal a coin." Screwtape sneered as he trailed behind The Old Man.


Screwtape's taunting continued as the The Man in Black turned his back to the fire and headed towards the main campus building. "Your greatest success as a teacher was scarring the psyches of your students on your last day, Angziel. You will never achieve what you did before, these young meatsacs will never trust you. You will always be an outsider to them. You are dangerous, arrogant, one might even say 'preachy'" The Demonling snickered at the reference. "The best you can hope for is to be some unknowable, unapproachable Legend, but even then why should anyone listen to what some mythical, condescending asshole has to say about anything? You haven't had a single student visit you or ask for 'guidance', you even had to insert yourself into mortal affairs in order to satisfy your own ego. You're being humored by these sheep, for the sake of mortal politeness. You're pathetic."


"So ye say" replied The Man "P'raps that's so, but if'n we're discussin' mistakes allow me tae remind ye that ye're soulbound tae yers truly fer the crime o'failin' at yer own duty o'guidin' lesser Locals in temptin' mortals. It would seem ye've learned naught fer in all the years we've been stitched together ye've ne'er failed tae disappoint in yer predictable countenance, ye feckin' wee bastard."


For a moment there is silence between the two, broken only by the click of sharp-soled loafers and Infernal talons as they scraped along the stamped concrete of the quad.


"How is yer nephew, by-the-by, Screwtape?"


The Demonling's lip curls as he glares as The Man in Black, but he says nothing in reply.


"Aye... s'what I thought. I reckon I'll keep me own council on matters o'guidin' youngsters, thank ye very much, ye wee gobshite."


The Man in Black and the Demonling rounded the corner of the main campus building and disappeared in a cloud of blue smoke.


Edited by Living_Hellfire

-The Legendary Living Hellfire

"The newest person in the room is always the most important person in the room"

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The Statesmen's Colosseum Gym 



Max arrived at the locker rooms and threw on his training gear.  He headed to the free weight area and set up his bar. 


"Yo Dude you need a spotter."  #97 Torrez said while  heading over to Max at the lift bench. 


 Max had been lifting most of his life with out a spotter not by choice but because his spotter most of the time was drunk when he started. 


Max smiled. "Name's Max Drake." Max said then set up under the bar. Torrez looked at the small Quarterback and laughed.


"Okay small fry no need to try to impress us, Coach won't like it if you hurt yerself trying to impress us." 


Max laughed "Well if you can't handel the weight call for some help."


Al Torrez stood ready to rescuse the cocky QB from his doomed weight lift. His eyes slightly widened as Max lifted almost twice is weight at 400 lbs. He couldn't help but gafaw at Max with a grin.


"Hey little man I stand corrected. I'm Alberto Torrez your Right Guard, Nice to meet ya." Al said while contuining to spot Max.  


Max finished out his first set before responding.  "Nice to meet ya Tiny, unless their is someone smaller than you Al?"  Max said while sitting up and looking around at the team working out in the gym.





When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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  • 2 weeks later

Cartwright Apartment Complex


Daniel Cao




As the tenants of the apt dorms were ushered into a makeshift holding area, Daniel's Phone rang. 


"Hello this is Daniel. How can I help..."


Anne sighed, "Afternoon Danny its me Anne. I hate to impose but their was a fire at Cartwright 1."


Daniel Intrupted " Yes Anne, I am at the Cartwright now. All the student in the dorm have been accounted for but I do not think they will be able to stay. The police and firemen are still here. I do not think  they will be letting anyone into the building."


Anne was shuffeling through file papers and housing data while listening to Daniel talking.


"Well Danny I am glad you are there. We are going to need to get everyone housing. I have two buses on their way..."   


Anne continued while Daniel picked up a clipboard and began making notes and created a list of all the tenants he was with...







When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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Student Union



Several days had passed since the fire at the dorm building. Several students had been taken to the Crowne hospital with minor injuries. Resident Life Housing had mobilized and managed to get student housing for all the affected students.  Daniel stood in the middle of Statey's Closet. They would need to get it restocked so many students had lost everything in the fire.  Donations from the private sector had slowly began to increase. While the school was waiting for another shipment of staple supplies from its vendors.  Daniel finished restocking the remainder of the boxes and the few shirts left on hangers. Daniel broke down the boxes and placed them in the bin then headed out.


Daniel sat out on the green under a tree and began eating a rice bowl with veggies while enjoying the weather.

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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The Cup and Saucer



The place was packed. There were plenty of students here studying, hanging out, Mav weaved his way through the crowd,

Max continued into the Cup and Saucer.

Saul saw Max when he came in and started making him his normal double fraps.

"Rough night, I'll get you your usual." Saul said.

"Okay thanks Saul." Max nodded and simply took both drinks from Saul,

Max looked around for a quiet spot or a chair. The Cup was packed way too early it had been because of the mass-exdous caused by the alarm. Yet another accident in the Science Bldg, Max made his way through the dining area and found an open chair. Max put one of the fraps down for Summer who was sitting at the table. "Thanks" she said as she accepted it taking a drink. 


"So how your day been going?" She said,


" It's going Fab now that I'm seeing you here," Max said with a boyish smile and a sparkle in his eye,





When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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On 11/9/2022 at 6:42 PM, American Valor said:


Daniel sat out on the green under a tree and began eating a rice bowl with veggies while enjoying the weather.

“Ugh, school sucks!” the girl shouted.

The dozen or so other students studying in this indoor common area turned to look at her with a mix of surprise and annoyance.

“Sorry.” She mumbled as she picked up her laptop and left.


A “PING” came from her computer and she stopped and re-opened it while walking out on green. An instant message popped up and a stylized silvery dragon icon appeared.

“Hey kiddo, studying hard? Going to be out of town for a week or so to go see the opening of Bernie’s big new tour in Vegas. Plus we double as security for her and the kids. Stop by to feed the cat please!”

She stopped and typed a response; “Will do dad. Leave the basement training room unlocked please, I have some new styles I want to work on and I don’t want to have to pick the lock…again.”

A moment later another message popped up. “Great, have fun; we will!”

She sat in the courtyard outside the study area she’d just left.

She was a little tall, and slim, with brownish hair that seems less than cared for. Her jeans and “Paragon U” sweatshirt were definitely not the cutting edge of fashion, but clear defined musculature was evident.


“I cannot concentrate on freaking calculus when there’s…geez, sixteen hot alerts!” She mumbled to herself.

Along the bottom of her laptop screen was a ticker of current alerts in Paragon City calling for heroes; from burning buildings to gang fights, to hostage situations, to Rikti sightings.

She sits down on a bench as she scanned the alerts and looked at who was responding to each. With a sigh she closes the laptop again. A grumble from her stomach reminded her she needed some food.

“Damn, should have eaten after StarDancers last night.” She sighs again, thinking back to the night before. She opens her phone and sends a text, looking sad.

“Food…” she said to herself, looking in her bag. She pulled out a protein bar and looked at it with disgust. A young man under a tree eating a rice dish of some sort caught her eye and prompted her stomach to make more noise.

“Damn…ten years ago I’d have found a way to steal that…” She said to herself before shaking off the thought.


Unwrapping the protein bar she looked around for other, more substantial, food offerings. The cafeteria wasn’t terrible (she’d heard horror stories of the past from her father), and maybe he’d gotten that rice dish from there?

She took a deep breath, got up and walked over to Daniel.

“Hey, that looks good, where’d you score the rice?”

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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Student Union The Green




On 11/16/2022 at 12:43 AM, CheapTrick said:

Unwrapping the protein bar she looked around for other, more substantial, food offerings. The cafeteria wasn’t terrible (she’d heard horror stories of the past from her father), and maybe he’d gotten that rice dish from there?

She took a deep breath, got up and walked over to Daniel.

“Hey, that looks good, where’d you score the rice?”



Daniel had notice the girl while he was enjoying some tea. She had fished out some type of processed bar. Daniel watched her get up and walk towards him. He placed down the rice bowl as he stood and gave a slight bow to her.


Daniel stood at about 5'6" his jade green eyes and black shoulder length hair framed his chiseled asain features, Daniel wore a lt blue collared shirt, pullover sweatervest and loose fitting tan slacks and brown earth shoes. 


Daniel smiled saying,  "Oh I bring my own. I have plenty and I would be honored if you would join me. I am Daniel, Daniel Cao."


He pointed to the bamboo biandang bento box and lg thermos.

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

RP Forums: Paragon University thread

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19 hours ago, American Valor said:

He placed down the rice bowl as he stood and gave a slight bow to her.

Daniel smiled saying,  "Oh I bring my own. I have plenty and I would be honored if you would join me. I am Daniel, Daniel Cao."

He pointed to the bamboo biandang bento box and lg thermos.

Student Union The Green

Tori bowed instinctively in response, putting her hand in her palm. And then stood up looking

almost embarrassed.

“Oh wow, really? I mean, I don’t want to take your lunch.” She smiled, but her stomach betrayed

her with another grumble. She sighed and then shrugged. “Apparently my stomach disagrees.”

“My name is Tori; Victoria Hanes-Sykes if you are being formal, but please don’t be.” She said

and grinned.

“Nice to meet you, Daniel. What do you do here? Student? Professor? Or just passing by on this

nice day and took advantage of the location?”

She unceremoniously plopped down her computer bag but then in a contrasting way, gently and

smoothly lowered herself to the ground. She put one leg over the other and turned, prompting a

couple popping noises from her back as she stretched.

“Sitting still while studying is not good for me. I need to stretch.”

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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Student Union the Green





Daniel spoke while kneeling and preparing the rice bowl. 


"You can call me Danny if you prefer Tori."


"Would you like bbq pork or lemon tuna? with or with out the Bok Choy medley?" He added.


"I am a student and a adjunct professor here."


Daniel passed her the rice bowl and presented her the choice of disposible utensils or chopsticks.


He took out another small cup and began making more tea to offer Tori. 


"So what do you study?" Daniel asked.


Daniel sat back down and picked up his tea and smiled.

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

RP Forums: Paragon University thread

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Tori reached out and took a pair of chopsticks when offered. This also displayed the subtle signs of callus’ on her knuckles. 


“Wow you are like a regular restaurant! Lemon tuna sounds wonderful and I love Bok Choy!” She said a little too enthusiastically, and then caught herself. “I mean…whatever you aren’t eating is fine, really.”

When passed the rice bowl Tori ate deftly with the chopsticks and clearly had to concentrate to slow herself down. 


“Studying? Oh, still taking some of the required stuff. Most of it boring as shi…I mean not very exciting. Except for Metahuman Studies. I love that class. And intro Psych isn’t too bad, but that’s mostly because I’ve seen more than my share of shrinks and social workers and want to know what they were poking me about.”


She stopped to sip her tea. “Wow, this is great! You make all this yourself? This is as good as the little hole in the wall Asian place I go to with…well I go to sometimes.”


She took a deep breath to slow down her eating. “Sorry, I eat too fast all the time. Long story. So you said you are a student and professor? Best – or worst – of both worlds? What do you teach?”

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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Student Union the Green





Daniel sat back picked up his tea and smiled while listening to Tori.  He noticed several things as he returned to finish his own bowl.


"Thank you. I am glad you are enjoying the meal. Lets see I teach Business Chinese I am a adjunct professor.  Alot of my students actually have great intrest. It is very um..."


His eyes looks up to his left as it trying to remember something.


"Um...  How do you say good for the university."


He shrugs but then continues.


"I have a question how tall were you before you starting shriking and has that stopped?"


He asked sincerely.


"Here I am studying Philosophy western and eastern they are very different, Is it best or worse? ... Hmm"


He looks thoughtful at Tori as if deciding something important. then finally said.


"Well Tori does your Sensi allow you to recieve instruction or train with other Sensi's?"





When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

RP Forums: Paragon University thread

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5 hours ago, American Valor said:

"Here I am studying Philosophy western and eastern they are very different, Is it best or worse? ... Hmm"


The sound of hard-soled loafers is unmistakable as it approaches.


"Philosophy, ye say?" He puffs the cigar, blue smoke coiling about his shoulders, seemingly with a mind of its own. The Man in Black looks curiously from behind opaque, burnt orange shades at the Daniel and his companion with something that might be considered recognition. "Indeed that was me own major at Oxford many years ago, so it was." The Man finished with a grin.


He pulls his tie and clears his throat, the smoke strangely halting in its coiling, trailing its way around The Man's waist. He coughed, as though suddenly realizing the awkwardness. "Ach, I'm afeared I'm a wee bit outtae practice, I reckon I've interrupted, but here we are." He grinned from behind his cigar.


"Again, I beg yer pardon, I jes' thought I'd introduce meself tae the students hereabouts on campus an' p'raps me fellow colleagues?" He cocked his head at Daniel, recognition flashing again across the surface of the opaque shades, as though something behind them reached for a kind of understanding.


The Man turned to the young woman enjoying her meal, "Howdy, lass. Ye may call me Mr. McRae. I'm a guidance councilor here at Paragon City University." The Man smiled warmly, genuinely. "Me office is down t'wards the North wing, in the, erm..." he seems slightly abashed "It's jes' past the storage area an', erm... the broom closet." He gathers himself, smoothing the jacket of his bespoke suit in a vain attempt to retain his dignity "Please feel free tae visit at any time." He smiles again. "It's a pleasure tae make yer acquaintance, lass."

The Man in Black nods to Daniel before moving on, but not without that same flash of understanding and recognition. The fire. The civilians escaping out the rear of the building. This would not be Daniel Cao's last encounter with Mr. McRae and he knew it.

An uncharacteristically warm breeze follows The Man in Black as he makes his way past.

Edited by Living_Hellfire

-The Legendary Living Hellfire

"The newest person in the room is always the most important person in the room"

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((Sorry, first part of this will have to take place before Living Hellfire steps in; I'm too slow in my posting!))


13 hours ago, American Valor said:

"I have a question how tall were you before you starting shriking and has that stopped?"


“No, no…a “shrink”. Like a psychologist or psychiatrist. Someone who analyzes your mental state and tries to help. Or in my case, messes you up further.”


13 hours ago, American Valor said:

"Here I am studying Philosophy western and eastern they are very different, Is it best or worse? ... Hmm"


“The better or worse was that you are both a professor, and get to live in that world, and a student, and get to live in that world.” She grins, getting the idea that Daniel probably won’t get it.

13 hours ago, American Valor said:

"Well Tori does your Sensi allow you to recieve instruction or train with other Sensi's?"



“Wait, what? My sensei? How did you…?”

Tori paused and then gave a little chuckle. “My primary sensei - also my dad - is fine with me training with others. He promotes it in fact. Spent a summer in Japan learning some...techniques.”


***************((Insert McRae’s entry here))********************


Tori looks up when Mr. McRae approached and introduced himself. She carefully set down her tea and rice and stood, gracefully.

“Hi, I’m Tori. Nice to meet you Mr. McRae. Guidance counselor you say? You probably have me on your schedule then.” She sighs. “I have been “asked” to see a guidance counselor to make sure I am…meeting expectations.”

Edited by CheapTrick

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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Student Union the Green




Daniel nodded while listening to what and how Tori responded. He watched Mr. McRae stroll over smoking his cigar noting it once again as he had done in the Dean's office.

Daniel had been suprised when he had heard that Mr. McRae had been hired.  However the school need more personnel and he realized it. Daniel placed down his own finished bowl then stood with a simple bow.


"I am honored to meet you Mr. McRae. I am Daniel Cao, also a professor here, The Green is open no interuption at all. If you have the time would you care to join us?"


Now Daniel listened to the exchange between Tori and Mr. McRae.

Edited by American Valor

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

RP Forums: Paragon University thread

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"I am honored to meet you Mr. McRae. I am Daniel Cao, also a professor here, The Green is open no interuption at all. If you have the time would you care to join us?"


The Man in Black slowed after a few steps.


"Aye, Professor, thank ye kindly fer yer invitation an' the honour is mine, I'd be quite pleased indeed tae join ye fer a few moments." He replied, as he leaned against a convenient lamp-post, facing the two. The smoke from the cigar gripped between his teeth encircled his hat like a halo.


"A pleasure tae make yer acquiantances indeed." He said with a grin and a nod to both. "I would quite enjoy the opportunity tae spend some time with ye, Professor. I've had very little opportunity tae familiarize meself with colleagues an' fellow faculty."




Tori looks up when Mr. McRae approached and introduced himself. She carefully set down her tea and rice and stood, gracefully.

“Hi, I’m Tori. Nice to meet you Mr. McRae. Guidance counselor you say? You probably have me on your schedule then.” She sighs. “I have been “asked” to see a guidance counselor to make sure I am…meeting expectations.”



Mr. McRae cocks his head slightly, his brow furrowing over his burnt orange shades.


"Is that so, lass? Well, as it turns out I've nae e'en heard yer name mentioned, tae be honest, but please do ken that yer welcome tae come see me anytime. I've been tasked with aidin' primarily students with superhuman abilities tae find their way, tae guide'em in order tae show their best pathways tae bein' guardians o'this city an' the mort... the folks what live within it." The Man in Black takes the cigar from his mouth "Havin' said that I'm always available tae any student fer any reason, e'en if it's jes' tae speak yer mind er get summat off yer chest. I'm here tae lend aid tae youngsters such as yerself, whatever ye may require."


"However, I'll nae force, nor will I countenance a student tae be forced tae see me if'n they would prefer not tae." The blue smoke from the cigar coils around The Man's arm and neck "I am curious, however, if'n yer comfortable sayin' so in this company, nae offense, Professor, what sortae 'expectations' are ye speakin' of?"

Edited by Living_Hellfire

-The Legendary Living Hellfire

"The newest person in the room is always the most important person in the room"

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On 11/24/2022 at 3:53 PM, Living_Hellfire said:

"I am curious, however, if'n yer comfortable sayin' so in this company, nae offense, Professor, what sortae 'expectations' are ye speakin' of?"

Tori looked down and dragged a foot around in the grass. “Not everyone makes it into Paragon U. Even registered heroes that get special treatment have to meet certain standards. Then there is a sector of students who…maybe didn’t quite meet the minimum requirements…for whatever reason. And possibly…have had…issues in the past in school.”


She looks up and smiles weakly. “That’s me.” She states, pointing her thumb at herself. “Plus, on top of that, I’m “normal”” she says with air quotes. “So I don’t get much special treatment, even though I am a registered hero.”


She thinks for a moment, takes a deep breath, and then spills a little more.


“I didn’t start formal education until I was…oh, maybe twelve. I caught up fast…but…let’s just say school was not a focus for an orphan off the streets. To be honest, only way I got into the university was because my dad knows people. He’s a hero from the old days and a graduate of Paragon U. So…yeah, the University just wants to make sure I’m doing ok. Can’t blame them too much for that.”


She shrugs. “I’m a twenty-one-year-old freshman with a checkered past. Life happens. But I’ll give you the scoop; I haven’t beat anyone up – yet – and I’m passing all of my classes. Even though half my classes are boring as shi…I mean they aren’t very engaging. Honestly, I’d be much happier putting my well-honed skills to use than sitting here studying calculus.” She points at her computer bag with a touch of disdain. "But I'm also not going to piss away this opportunity. So, I'm trying to be a good girl."

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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Student Union the Green


While Tori spoke Daniel reached down and picked up both tea cups.  Daniel passes her the cup while Tori pause briefly before continuing. 


She thinks for a moment, takes a deep breath, and then spills a little more.


“I didn’t start formal education until I was…oh, maybe twelve. I caught up fast…but…let’s just say school was not a focus for an orphan off the streets. To be honest, only way I got into the university was because my dad knows people. He’s a hero from the old days and a graduate of Paragon U. So…yeah, the University just wants to make sure I’m doing ok. Can’t blame them too much for that.”

Daniel continued to listen.  While he thought about the admissions policy and stipulations they placed on both students and staff. Daniel sipped his tea and spoke,


"With permission Tori,"


Daniel makes motions with his hands as he speaks first pointing to himself then to her,


"I see you." making a circular motion portrait style, "All of you." 


He does not flinch as he continues.


"You say words like normal, special treatment, meeting expectations, and being a good girl. What does that all really mean? A life well lived is a life well lived, Age is a number nothing more. We are all both studenr and teacher."


Daniel pauses thinking about what Tori had asked earlier, then smiled.

"Look at the snow, It falls and covers the ground, just like all the student and people here on campus,  Like a snowflake each person is unique and special.  Never think that you are less special or less deserving." 


Daniel stops and looks slightly embarrassed. Glancing at Mr.Mcrae then at Tori then sips his tea.



When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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The Man in Black leaned casually against the lamppost with his hands in his pockets, listening and breathing slowly as he took it all in. The sickly sweet smelling blue smoke coalesced about him, despite the soft breeze in the warm autumn afternoon.


"I reckon Professor Cao has the right of it fer the most part." He said around the cigar jammed between his teeth. "However, I'd like tae mention that it's nae so much about bein' a special, pretty flower er snowflake, with respect, Professor." The Man nods. "I reckon yer a well meanin' lass, aye?" He looked up slightly, the opaque shades fixing the young woman squarely.


"May I spin a yarn?" Asked The Man in Black. "I happened tae have had the privilege o'bein' born an' raised in a wee fishin' village in Islay." He continued, without waiting for permission.


"It was a brilliant childhood, aye, so it was. Me mum an' da an' all me brothers all took part in that grand tradition. On occasion Da would take us out, one at a time, mind ye, on oor wee boat tae catch oor supper." He pulled on the cigar, inhaling deeply and sending another plume of royal blue smoke into the air, just as the lamppost turned on as afternoon turned to dusk.


"One early mornin' me da woke me tae take me fishin'." The Man in Black grinned at the memory. "'Twas a secret, so it was. Pressed his finger tae his lips an' all as he woke me from me bed an' stole me away. Me siblins were nae the wiser. Down tae the dock we went, oor tackle an' nets all wrapped in skins so's they wouldnae make any noise at all." Again with the cigar and the blue smoke.

"Once we were upon the water in oor wee boat, nets out'n an' lines cast he said tae me 'Fergus, it's important ye recall this, aye? Ye must always be the best man ye can, fer comparison is the adversary o'happiness. Ye cannae be anyone aught then who ye'are.'"


He paused a beat before taking the cigar from his mouth and pushing off from the lamppost.


"Professor Cao," he said, with a slight bow "may I say again t'was a pleasure tae make yer acquaintance again. I look forward tae seein' ye about campus."

"Tori, yer a brilliant young woman with a bright future, but if'n ye e'er find need, I reckon ye ken how tae find me, aye?" The Man in Black winked from behind those opaque shades. It wasn't visible, one couldn't necessarily see it, but anyone paying attention knew it happened.


The sharp clack of hard-soled loafers disappeared into the nascent evening as he disappeared from sight, a warm breeze in his wake.

-The Legendary Living Hellfire

"The newest person in the room is always the most important person in the room"

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Tori sips her tea and listens to Daniel. “Wise words Daniel.” Tori nods. 

She continues to sip her tea as she listens to McRae as he tells his tale. 

At completion, she gives him a bow of her head as he turns to leave. “Nice meeting you!” She says as he walks away, then turns back to Daniel.


“I didn’t expect to start a philosophical discussion when I explained why the administration wanted to me check in.” She shrugs and sits back down to finish her meal.

“I mean, I don’t disagree with what either of you said. I just…feel like I have to explain to some people. People judge…and I know I shouldn’t let what others think affect me.” She says with a wave of her hand, “but…let’s just say I’m not there yet.”


She pauses to think for a moment. “I’m still at the “Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them” stage. Working on overcoming the glorious results of a misspent youth. Just haven’t quite gotten past living on the streets and eating other people’s garbage. Being the “best me” is still a goal, I just let myself down sometimes.”

She shrugs. “I’m honest about what I am. But I still feel like I need to apologize for it sometimes. It’s nice when people believe in you though. Plus, gotta love that Scottish accent, right?”

She smiles at Daniel and finishes her rice.

“Thank you again for the meal, it was wonderful. So, you were talking about training with others. Are you a practitioner of the martial arts yourself? What styles?”

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

RP Forums: Paragon University thread

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Student Union the Green




"Professor Cao," he said, with a slight bow "may I say again t'was a pleasure tae make yer acquaintance again. I look forward tae seein' ye about campus."

The sharp clack of hard-soled loafers disappeared into the nascent evening as he disappeared from sight, a warm breeze in his wake.


Daniel smiled and returned the bow.


"Ha'o, As do I."


Daniel also lowered himself smoothly to a lotus position as he sat. he wiped out his clean bowl and fished out two baozi/steam buns with a slight red sprinkel across the top and placed it between them. He offered Tori more ginger honey tea while pouring himself some.



Thank you again for the meal, it was wonderful. So, you were talking about training with others. Are you a practitioner of the martial arts yourself? What styles?”


 Daniel grinned at Tori and pointed to the two buns with his sticks before picking up one.


"I hope you have room for dessert, it is best eaten warm." 


Daniel took small bites while savoring it. Tori could see the steam bun had a sweet glaze redbean paste inside. Once he was finished with it Daniel drank the rest of his tea.


"The school has a martial exercise club that meets Sunday morning very early. Some student meet up each morning besides the formal Sunday class. It is called Tai Chi Yoga. There are fliers in the Student Union on The Wall. I think it is a catchy name, don't you? We meet on the Green near the Gymnasium. The club has secured a small space in the gym which will soon be open for use, It would have been ready sooner but I have been busy with helping those who lost everything in the dorm fire. Lucky no one died." 


Daniel said while slowly cleaning and securing the dishes in the bamboo biandang.


"Tori, Do you think you might join us? It can help you with your stretching."





Edited by American Valor

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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Tori tentatively reached out and took the offered bun. “You spoil me Daniel. I very much appreciate your kindness.” She bowed her head briefly and then followed Daniel’s lead of taking small bites, intermittently sipping her tea.
“There is always room for desert. When my adoptive parents first took me in my dad always used to joke he had never seen someone as small as me eat so much.” She laughed. “I still eat a lot to fuel my workouts and…um, work.”

She tries to clean out her dishes as well as she can and hands them back to Daniel. “Thank you again. That was wonderful.”


“I have to admit, recently early mornings have not been my favorite, but Tai Chi Yoga sounds awesome! I have not been allowing myself enough time for calm, focus, and stretching. I think it would help me a lot to get back to it. ”
She takes out her phone and quickly sets reminders.


“I had heard about the fire. Very scary. Did they ever find out why the Hellions targeted that building? I read a lot of hero news but didn’t see anything on any follow-up investigation.”

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

RP Forums: Paragon University thread

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Student Union the Green




 "I had heard about the fire. Very scary. Did they ever find out why the Hellions targeted that building? I read a lot of hero news but didn’t see anything on any follow-up investigation.”


Daniel looked in the direction of the dorm apts letting a small sigh escape before speaking.


"Well they are claiming that it was a random act of violance, but several witnesses overheard that the Hellions were trying to summon some devil. Campus Police increased there patrols of the area. They hireda few new officers that recently graduated so they know the layout.  So I guess that something."  


Daniel grin faded for a moment then came back brighter looking at Tori.


"Here I am a boar, when I should be joyful to have shared a good meal with a new friend. A thousands apologies Tori, I can sometimes forget my manners. You mentioned work, What do you do?" 

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

RP Forums: Paragon University thread

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16 hours ago, American Valor said:

"Here I am a boar, when I should be joyful to have shared a good meal with a new friend. A thousands apologies Tori, I can sometimes forget my manners.

“Hardly, I asked and I appreciate the information.”


16 hours ago, American Valor said:

You mentioned work, What do you do?" 


“Work? Um…” She thought for a second, shrugged, and decided how much to explain. “I do hero work. I enjoy it a lot, despite the occasional bumps and bruises.” She smiled. “My adoptive dad was a hero and he taught me martial arts from when I was young. Back then it was the only thing I would pay attention to. Long story short, I learned a lot over the years and…” 
She trails off a bit. 
“Well, my dad absolutely forbid me from doing hero work.” A wry grin appears on her face. “So naturally I was going to try. It was rough at first, but I finally registered and got some contacts and people to work with. Plus I finally mastered some of the old Ninja techniques. Yeah, yeah…people say it’s all rumor and tricks…Ninja couldn’t really do that stuff. Well, some of that mysticism really works. Anyway, my dad accepts that I’m a hero now, even though he still doesn’t like it.” She shrugs.

“I’ve moved up from beating up gangers to some pretty important stuff. If you look me up I’m listed under “Tenaxa”. Comes from “Tenax”, which is Latin for tenacious or tough. Or sticky, clingy, and holding fast, but I tend to prefer the former translations. Good thing you aren’t a Latin language scholar or you’d probably scold me for my liberal abuse of the language.”
She laughs. 
“Sorry, that’s probably more than you wanted to know. But I do really love the work I do. I feel like I’ve helped a lot of people.”


Her phone buzzed briefly. “Oh, time to go work out pretty soon. This was quite a lot of fun. Thank you very much for the meal and maybe we can do it again some time.”


She stands and gives a deep, respectful, bow. 



RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

RP Forums: Paragon University thread

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The sharp clack of hard-soled loafers echoed down the empty hallway of the North wing of the campus, past the storage closet and down the hall to the right.

"Excuse, me! Mr. McRae?"

He stopped, taking the cigar from his mouth, turning slowly.

"Aye, Dean Richards, how my I be o'service?"

At a statuesque six feet tall, not counting the heels that left their own aural echo in the hallway, Constance Richards was an imposing figure to say the least as she strode down the empty hallway towards The Man in Black. She seemed fatigued, even exhausted as she came to a stop, towering over her subordinate.


"Mr. McRae, it has been brought to my attention that you were a witness to the fire at the residence on Cartwright Avenue, is that true?"




"Is it also true that you prevented Maxwell Drake from intervening, and thereby risked the lives of multiple students of this university, including those who are not powered or trained?"


The Man paused, taken aback with the cigar dangling between two fingers at the length of his arm. "I recall speakin' tae Max, aye, an' encouragin' him tae allow the mort-" He cleared his throat "That is tae say the civilian authorities tae perform their function."


Constance Richards' eyes widened.


"Did you just refer to the students of this university and the citizens of this city as 'mortals' Mr. McRae?"


The tension  in the hallway ratcheted up. The Man in Black looked over his left shoulder to meet Screwtape's gaze as he peered around the corner. The glee on the little demonling's face was clear. He turned back to his boss.




The Dean took a step towards The Man who matched her progress with a step backwards, maintaining a certain distance. The dean tried to hide her smirk.


"I know who you are Fergus McRae! I know your aliases and your reputation. You are dangerous, destructive and capricious! I granted you the position of guidance councilor because I felt it would benefit the reputation of this University to have someone of your history and stature on faculty, but make no mistake." She leaned forward. "If you interfere again with a student of this university who is clearly attempting to affect good or to attempt to protect others I will personally oversee your office being cleared out by the least expensive contractors I can find, do I make myself clear?"

He jammed the cigar back between his teeth as he stared up from behind opaque, burnt orange shades.

"Aye, Dean Richards. I do apologize fer o'ersteppin'. It was nae me intent tae cause harm, jes' tae aid youngsters in unnerstandin' oor role." He puffed the cigar, the blue smoke forming a halo around his hat. "I can promise ye that I'll nae make the same mistake again."


Constance Richards drew herself up to her full height, glaring down at her subordinate and without another word turned on her heel and stalked back down the hall towards the main building.


The Man in Black hauled on the cigar and continued along his way to his office, down the North wing, past the storage area and around the corner from the broom closet.

Edited by Living_Hellfire

-The Legendary Living Hellfire

"The newest person in the room is always the most important person in the room"

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Student Union The Green



“Work? Um…” She thought for a second, shrugged, and decided how much to explain. “I do hero work. I enjoy it a lot, despite the occasional bumps and bruises.” She smiled. “My adoptive dad was a hero and he taught me martial arts from when I was young. Back then it was the only thing I would pay attention to. Long story short, I learned a lot over the years and…”

She trails off a bit.

“Well, my dad absolutely forbid me from doing hero work.” A wry grin appears on her face. “So naturally I was going to try. It was rough at first, but I finally registered and got some contacts and people to work with. Plus I finally mastered some of the old Ninja techniques. Yeah, yeah… people say it’s all rumor and tricks… Ninja couldn’t really do that stuff. Well, some of that mysticism really works. Anyway, my dad accepts that I’m a hero now, even though he still doesn’t like it.” She shrugs.


Daniel smiled  but didn’t laugh outright at her Ninja comment. 



“I’ve moved up from beating up gangers to some pretty important stuff. If you look me up I’m listed under “Tenaxa”. Comes from “Tenax”, which is Latin for tenacious or tough. Or sticky, clingy, and holding fast, but I tend to prefer the former translations. Good thing you aren’t a Latin language scholar or you’d probably scold me for my liberal abuse of the language.”

She laughs.

“Sorry, that’s probably more than you wanted to know. But I do really love the work I do. I feel like I’ve helped a lot of people.”


Daniel chuckled with Tori while making a mental note about her hero name Tenaxa.


Her phone buzzed briefly.

“Oh, time to go work out pretty soon. This was quite a lot of fun. Thank you very much for the meal and maybe we can do it again some time.”


Daniel reached into his vest pocket taking out a card and passed it to Tori. On the front it read;


Daniel Cao 


Paragon City University

 School of Communications

# 4014445555


On the back of the card is a handdrawn Chinese symbol '快踢' (Kuài tī) and a Tree.


“Tori, I very much enjoyed that as well. I would also like seeing you again.  If you ever need assistance with studies or work please call.



She stands and gives a deep, respectful, bow.


Daniel bows then picks up Tori’s backpack and passes it to her.

“I look forward to hearing from you and or seeing you soon or in the morning.”

Daniel smiles, then picks up his rugged looking well worn leather pack with the bamboo Biandang placing it over his shoulder. Daniel begings heading towards the Colosseum.

Edited by American Valor
formatting chinese character language

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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