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Paragon University ((Open RP))

American Valor

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12 hours ago, American Valor said:

Max smirked slightly and picked ip his left ankel showing a small locked slap band on it then put his foot back down.

"Lo-Jacked, my Uncle's idea." 


Tori frowned at the ankle monitor. “Damn, that sucks. Been quite a while, you’d think they’d let it rest.”


12 hours ago, American Valor said:

"Thank you seriously, but if it looks like were going to or getting caught, clock me in the act. we both don't need to go to the Zig." 

Max said matter of factly then took out the small zip lock bag and placed it on the table in front of Tori. ((small silver charm w broken clasp in the shape of a 22LR casing))

"What did you find?" Max said.


Tori shrugged. “Don’t worry, nobody is going to the Zig.”


As Tori fished out the crumpled paper, she looked the charm. “That’s either very odd or very specific. And I don’t like the implications of the later.”


She spreads the paper out, trying to flatten it, then turns it toward Max and slides it over. “A list of dates and times. No clue what they mean but I can fire them into a couple databases and see if anything pops up for any metahuman activities. Anything stand out to you?”


She picks up the bag with the charm. “Silver bullets. Ugh, I hate being right about stuff like this. Were there any marks on the guy you tried to help?”

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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The Cup and Saucer




Max looked at the paper the several dates on the page seemed familar but he couldn't place them. Max wasn't sure how much he should say before he spoke.


"Well on the back of his neck when I turn him on his side to ensure his airway was clear his neck felt slimy. When I pulled my hand back their was blood on it, It looked like small cuts or scratches I really didn't look that closely." 


Max sighed, then continued,


"Originally he wasn't alone, he was with a girl. I sort of walked in on their 'conversation'. They were in the stacks, told them, that room was empty. I got my books I needed and started working on my rough draft. A while later she showed up at my table, Knew who I was and helped herself to my food supplies, then I watched as she left."


Max couldn't help but laugh as he thought about it,


"It was pretty brazen." Then Max frowned "About 10 minjutes later that guy came rushing out, looked around, looked at me I figured he was looking for her so I pointed at the stairs. He took off after her. I'm such a heel I was laughing at the absurdity of the situation. That was probably the last thing he heard."


Max drank more coffee. Than remembered the towels he had kept as a possible clue. Max took them out placing them on the table, then he looked at Tori.



When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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Tori looked over the disparate clues. 


“A guy who was making out with a girl. The girl later, and maybe not that surprisingly, knew who you were. The guy then collapses and dies, with scratch marks on his neck. A silver bullet charm and some seemingly random dates and times in the study room. Oh, and somehow, she leaves the study room, without him, then later he comes out wondering where she is, almost in a panic? I expect at that time he probably wasn’t bleeding, or you’d have seen it. I also didn’t see any blood…or for that matter any other “fluids” in the study room. Maybe the stairwell?”

She shakes her head and then takes a long drink of coffee. She tilts her head back to look at the ceiling as if answers will fall from the sky.


“Silver bullet charm suggests werewolves or other lycanthropes. My knowledge of that is limited and there were so many Praetorian experiments with human-animal hybrids it is hard to know a lycan from a Moreau-type being. Possible claw marks on the neck matches that as well, but again, claws are not an uncommon thing in our world. Extra-planar beings, mutants, hybrids, etc., etc.”


Tori sighs.


“I got nothing. I have no f-ing clue. So much for me being a great detective.” She stops and looks at Max; “I can probably get autopsy details on the guy. My dad should have access to that, and he’ll keep it on the downlow. Maybe get a blood type off of those towels? Or a toxicology screening? Also, I can run these dates and times through some databases…but that’s not anything special.”


Tori takes her phone out and takes a picture of the sheet of paper and the silver shell casing charm.


“Seriously, maybe I was right that it is a mole-man invasion? You have any insight on all of this?”

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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The Cup and Saucer





She shakes her head and then takes a long drink of coffee. She tilts her head back to look at the ceiling as if answers will fall from the sky.

Max coughs while his face slightly blushes averting his eyes from Tori. He picks up the charm studying it as she continues talking.



“Silver bullet charm suggests werewolves or other lycanthropes. My knowledge of that is limited and there were so many Praetorian experiments with human-animal hybrids it is hard to know a lycan from a Moreau-type being. Possible claw marks on the neck matches that as well, but again, claws are not an uncommon thing in our world. Extra-planar beings, mutants, hybrids, etc., etc.”


Tori sighs

Max visibily relaxed at the mention of werewolves, he dismissed the Praetorian threat idea in his mind for the moment. Then he looked at the paper again, the dates they were familar. The dates not necessarily the times were the next few game days. Max wasn't sure how useful that info could be, he was thinking about the blonde. He liked the werewolf angle better then his vain idea.



“I got nothing. I have no f-ing clue. So much for me being a great detective.” She stops and looks at Max; “I can probably get autopsy details on the guy. My dad should have access to that, and he’ll keep it on the downlow. Maybe get a blood type off of those towels? Or a toxicology screening? Also, I can run these dates and times through some databases…but that’s not anything special.”


Tori takes her phone out and takes a picture of the sheet of paper and the silver shell casing charm.


“Seriously, maybe I was right that it is a mole-man invasion? You have any insight on all of this?


"So here is a couple things that probably don't mean anything useful. Those dates coincide with our upcoming football games both home and away. The times don't actually match up but if you were planning on doing something on campus those times do fall during the games. Those council jerks have tried to rob the school before, they have werewolves. I never heard of a female werewolf tho. Alice didn't seem like she would be one of them anyway."


"I like your thought process great detectives have to start somewhere. Do you really think your dad could help with getting a copy of the ME report. That would be huge. I could probably dust the charm for prints in my Forensic Science 201 lab. We could split up the work to run a toxicology screening as well. What do you think?"












When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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Chinatown Skyway City


Daniel Cao




Daniel arose from meditation. His upstairs loft space was spartan at his Uncle's shop. Slowly Daniel made his way to the kitchen and began preparing breakfast for everyone. While the food cooked he started straiting up the old antique shop. Wu Lin Rare Antiques and Wonderous Items had been a staple in Chinatown. It was as old as the first Hungry Dragon before it became franchised all over Paragon.


It was still very early when Daniel sat down with his tea and fresh rice cakes. Daniel opened the last scroll he had been translating when he heard the caterwaul coming from the Kitchen.




Uncle Wu screeched.  Daniel sprang into action rushing into the Kitchen. Daniel found his Uncle Wu standing there fully dressed for the day with an empty coffee cup the Chinese newspaper in his hand. Daniel took in the scene looking for some kind of trouble. Then looked at his Uncle.


"Uncle what is it what is wrong?"


"You no love your Uncle, you hate me and want me dead."


Uncle Wu said as he hit Daniel with the newspaper. Daniel face fell when he spoke.


"Ow, No Uncle I Honor and Respect you. I do not want you dead, Tell me what do I need to do"


"Make COFFEE!  Coffee is only think keeping this ancient heart beating. You love your Uncle? You make Coffee."


Daniel noded and started getting the coffee ready. Uncle thwaped him on the head again.




"One more thing, Mr Burton will be bring a rare find which I will need your help researching."


"Yes Uncle, anything else?"


"Yes. Why are you so slow, a yak is faster than you."


Uncle Wu said while waving around his empty coffee cup, Daniel smiled and quickly finished pouring Uncle his coffee ....





Earth Science Bldg @ PCU 


A few Hours Later...


Daniel arrived on campus it looked like there had been some kinda party. Scruffy and his crew were going to have their hands full with clean up. Daniel entered the front door of the Earth Science Building and walked to the directory. Daniel needed to go to have this sample examined. Mr Burton had brought it to them for him research it.  Daniel found out where he needed to go then started heading that way.





  • Thumbs Up 1

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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On 12/31/2022 at 1:29 AM, American Valor said:

"So here is a couple things that probably don't mean anything useful. Those dates coincide with our upcoming football games both home and away. The times don't actually match up but if you were planning on doing something on campus those times do fall during the games. Those council jerks have tried to rob the school before, they have werewolves. I never heard of a female werewolf tho. Alice didn't seem like she would be one of them anyway."


“Hmm, I guess that make some sense…I just don’t know though. Something is missing.”


On 12/31/2022 at 1:29 AM, American Valor said:

"I like your thought process great detectives have to start somewhere. Do you really think your dad could help with getting a copy of the ME report. That would be huge. I could probably dust the charm for prints in my Forensic Science 201 lab. We could split up the work to run a toxicology screening as well. What do you think?"


“Yeah, I’ll talk to my dad. He should be able to get at least some of the data for us. And again, yeah, let’s see what we can do with the cloth. I even know a few magic heroes and could maybe pull in a few favors to see if someone at M.A.G. I. could at least check for a magical aura.”


She shrugs. “You never know in this crazy world we live in.”


Tori pulls out of phone and starts texting; “Dad, looking into something and it would help a lot if you could get us some info on the kid that died on campus. Want to know anything you can get me from the medical examiner’s report. Hope you are still having fun in Vegas, love you!


“Hopefully he’s not too busy to take care if it right away. He’ll do it, the question is when.” She shrugs.

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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"All right then. I know neither one of us was expecting something like this. We do need to wrap this up soon, people"


Max picked up the baggy switching it out with two blank business cards, passing one to Tori. He looks at his beat up smart-style phone writing down the number from it then passes it to Tori.


"I can generally be found in the old arena gym or on the practice field with the team. Otherwise just deaddrop a message off with Saul he generally knows how to find me. If I don't answer your call or it's something that can't wait. Do you have any specific way I should use to contact you? "


Max looked around the place was begining to get busy so it was time to get going. Max held up his cup and Saul saw it and nodded.


"I need to get to my class before practice. You have any classes today?"


Max smiled and worked his way to the counter for his pick up.

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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Tori takes Max’s number and enters it into her phone.


She types a few things into her own phone. “There just air-dropped my number to you. That includes my special hero code as well.”

She holds up her phone; “Latest hero phone release. Ruggedized, waterproof, heat resistant, etc. Works through Portal Corp technology so you can reach me pretty much anywhere. If I don’t get back to you pretty quickly, I’m in a crap-ton of trouble.” She grins wryly. “Perks of a dad who works with the Paragon PD.”


Tori gets up. “During the day I’m usually around campus or..around. At night I’m…well, usually Pocket D or one of the clubs honestly. I...uh…keep busy.” She grins and grabs her stuff.

1 hour ago, American Valor said:

"I need to get to my class before practice. You have any classes today?"


“Class? Yeah, just the one…stupid requirements. Well, I guess I’m not hating calculus as much as I did to start.”


“I’ll see ya later Max, have a good one.”


Tori made her way through the crowd and out to the quad. Once out she stopped and took a deep breath and leaned against a tree.

More to that guy than meets the eye really. Nicer and more down-to-earth than I’d expect from a jock like that.” She thought to herself. “But he probably thinks I’m an idiot for not figuring out the clues we found.

She shrugged to herself. “He’s not the only one.” She laughed to herself as she took her phone out and texted:

Hey Joe, need some tox work on a blood-stained towel. And no, don’t’ ask. Dad’s out of town or I’d do this all official-like. Do this for me and I might be able to score you some Paragon U football tickets.”


She hoped she hadn’t over-stepped her bounds but she figured Max could probably arrange it. She headed off lazily to class.

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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Earth Science Bldg @ PCU 






  Daniel found out where he needed to go then started heading that way.


Daniel followed the green line to the Geology Department. He was heading to Professor Pratt's Office when he smelt burnt ozone. Daniel instead began following the burnt floor trail to Doctor Meg Coburn, PhD. Professor of Geology and Volcanology office.  Her door was closed. It appeared she was in a meeting. There wasn't any appearance of trouble so Daniel returned to Professor Pratt's office and knocked.





Edited by American Valor
Story interaction change

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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((Finally got  around to fixing my name and signature, so don't be confused, its still me! Hey, better late than never!))

((Now just need a character picture))

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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Paragon City University 




Tori made her way through the crowd and out to the quad.


Max watched Tori leave. He waited a moment then ordered a cold bag lunch to go. A few minutes later Max exited the Cup and Saucer through the alleyway exit. Max made his way down to be walking on the fitness trail by the lake. Max sighed shot a quick text to Tori's #:


#Text from S. Nicklos it read  *cell number* L. Cranston message *Update # Don't text back Tori.*  It was from the number Tori had marked as Max's number.


Max opened the phone, removed the battery tossing it into the lake. He removed the Sim card snapping it in half he dropped half in a trash can and the other he flicked it into the gutter. He inserted a new Sim marked LC then replaced the battery. Activating the phone with a text code 212.  He kept walking till he arrived at the old dance party. He saw the sign home of the original Dance Legend. Max returned back to campus. He was almost to class when he recieved a reply: Canals Cyber Cancel Confirm. Max walked into class late and took his seat.  JT leaned over passing Max her notes with a wink...


When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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Tori got on the tram with the bloody towels secured in a ziplock bag, inside a grocery bag. Even though no one could see it, she still felt like eyes were on her. She’d transported evidence before, but for some reason she felt particularly vulnerable this time.


Her phone dinged and she jumped a bit. “Damn, calm down girl.” She said to herself and took a look.
It was from Max’s number:

16 hours ago, American Valor said:

#Text from S. Nicklos it read  *cell number* L. Cranston message *Update # Don't text back Tori.*  It was from the number Tori had marked as Max's number.


“What? Seriously…what is with this guy?” She said out loud. 


An older woman riding near her in the tram leaned over. “Boy problems deary?”


Tori chuckled and shrugged. “Um, well you know how it is.” 
If you only knew! Tori thought to herself. The break relaxed her a bit and she sat calmly for the rest of the ride.


She finally got to the stop by the crime lab. Pulling out her phone she hit a few buttons and watched as it indicated her dad’s home phone sent a one-ringer to Joe’s phone. She smiled and moved over to the back door of the lab.


A few minutes later a short, slightly pudgy man came out the back door. He smiled when he saw Tori.
She smiled as well and went to hug him. “Hey Joe, how’ve you been?”
“You owe me for this Tori.” He said grumpily. “I’m going to have to do this after-hours, so you better come through with those tickets.”

“C’mon Joe, have I ever let you down? And remember, that last promotion you got was because you did all that analysis from the War Zone stuff I brought you. And we headed off that plot before it could be executed. You have the tools and the knowhow man.”

He grinned sheepishly. “Yeah, yeah. I do have to admit that was kinda cool. So, what do you have for me this time?”


Tori handed him the bag. “Towels with blood on them. Need whatever you can get from it; blood type, any toxins, any oddities. You know the deal. Heck, if you can get one of your mages to scan for any auras that’d be cool too.”

“Alright, I’ll see what I can do. My wife has her book club tonight anyway so I can run some of the tests tonight.”

“Joe, you are the best! Thanks so much! I’ll let you know when I’ve secured the tickets for you and get them sent to your phone.”

She hugged him again.


“Oh, I stole the last of your wife’s muffins from my parents’ house. I’m sure they’ll be asking her for more.” 

“Haha! Great, she loves baking so I’m sure they’ll have another batch soon. And I’ll have these results for you soon as well.”


They said their goodbyes and Tori made her way back to her apartment.

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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World History 201 Lecture  Hartigan Hall



Professor Stine's TA passed out a copy of the lecture notes for those students who had wanted to follow along.  Jennifer Thomas Parker,aka JTom as her friends called her was a solid student with a 3.75 average. JTom had been encouraged to be a cheerleaders by her best friend Melody. She took notes in volume knowing that the seat next to her would be filled with their missing friend shortly. JTom figured she'd score a dinner dated out of Max and smiled to herself.


Professor Stine was in the middle of lecture when the back door opened. Profesor Srine watched as Maxwell enter the class, sitting with several other players and cheerleaders. Professor Stine didn't skip a beat as she continued lecturing.



 Max walked into class late and took the open seat next to J Tom.  JT leaned over passing Max her notes with a wink...


Max raised an eyebrow and whispered "thanks" JTom mouthed the word "dinner" and went back to taking notes. Max nodded with a grin and used his tablet to take pictures of Jen's notes. Professor Stine continued lecturing till the bell chimed. Then she said while the class began to exit:


"Remember class you will be responsible for all of this material."


Max looked at JTom with his killer smile,


"Yea that sounds great JTom, we can grab dinner then study after practice today."


 As the others headed to the statium, Max told them he had to go to labs and he would be there for practice ASAP if coach asked.




A little bit later


Max was in the Forensic Science 201 lab it was empty save for study groups going over class work. Max moved over to his work station and took out the charm. He looked for a makers mark first. No mark even under the scope but it wasn't actually silver. Using a scratch probe Max rubbed the edge of the charm, It peeled a piece of paint off. Under the scope Max saw it was an actual bullet casing that had been painted silver. He dusted it with powder it was clean like it had been wiped off. Max sighed except for being a fake charm but a real bullet they had nothing to go on. Max hoped that Tori's dad came through with that report or he was gonna have to call in his own favor. Max cleaned up his work station then headed to practice...







When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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During the tram ride home, she was restless. She looked up at the stops and saw that they were passing through Brickstown. 

Perfect.” She thought. “Bricks has all sorts of issues, that’ll be a nice place to get a good workout.


She stepped out of the tram station and looked around, smiling. “Yup, smells like trouble out there.”


Two people walked by;
“The current time is 21:02.”
“Seems like Mad Gremlin is a real thorn in the side of the Devouring Earth.”
((Sorry, couldn’t help myself…))


She leapt off the platform and ducked into a nearby underground parking area. In moments she had changed from Tori the student, to Tenaxa, the hero. Activating her jump boosters she was onto a rooftop in no time. 


She checked the alerts, sorting for the Brickstown neighborhood.
“Freakshow causing trouble, someone kidnapped by the Council, rogue Crey scientists…” She wasn’t even paying that much attention as she made another leap and landed on a shipping container in a warehouse yard.

Looking down she saw two men in orange jumpsuits, “Zigursky Prison” written along the back. She smiled and stepped off to land near them. 

“Well hello gents, did you lose your way? Perhaps I can direct you back home?”

“Ah crap!” One of them shouted, while the other simply turned and smiled, his hands lighting up with a fiery, orange glow.

“Hmmm, that’ll make things more difficult.” She stated before falling into a combat stance. “Shall we dance?”


A few minutes later she was a little singed and bruised, but those two, plus four other escapees were safely back in the Zig, and two freakshow that had happened by were now being taken into custody.

She brushed a few bits of ash out of her hair and shook her hand. “Hitting freakshow is literally punching metal. Happily, they relied primarily on their cybernetics. Actual combat skill and finesse was severely lacking.


She stopped by the hospital to get cleaned up and some minor healing applied. Her hand was still a little stiff and swollen. Maybe next time she’d bring the blades or even the staff.  Then again, a few aching knuckles were worth it to really feel the action. 


By the time she actually got home, it was getting late. Still, she peeked at her phone to see if anything was going on.

“Hmmm, looks like Black Friday’s is hopping tonight.” She saw that several friends had posted things from there on social media.


“Yeah…can’t hurt to go out for a bit, right?” She said to her reflection in the mirror. She quickly yanked off her sweatshirt and jeans and put on some tighter, fancy jeans, mesh top, and a vest that was just enough to make her “decent”. She put on a little make-up and tried to brush her hair.


“Damn girl, you aren’t going to impress anyone.” She sighed and then shrugged. ”Eh, maybe through beer goggles.” And out the door she went.

  • Thanks 1

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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Earlier@Practice Field




The whistle blew and practice was finally over. It had been a good practice, slapping each other on the back, Max looked over and down the field. The girls were still running through their drill routines. Max grinned, his stomach growled threatening to engulf his liver. He was hungry, very hungry.

A quick shower, clean jersey and jeans found Max exiting back out to the field. He looked for J Tom, Max almost didn't notice her waiting as she was talking with Mel. They were sitting in the tunnel alone. He jogged over to where they were sitting with a smile.

"Hi Mel, J Tom. You ready? Mel, you waiting for Brunsion he's right behind me."


As if on que Craig Brunsion #47 came out and hustled over to them. Mel gave J Tom a quick hug and each couple went their own way.  J Tom smiled and held Max's arm,


"So whats your pleasure Max?"

She said with a smirk then playfully smacked Max's chest when he waggled his eyebrows at her.

"Is that all you everthink about."

"Well No, I think about scoring on the field too."

Max laughed and caught JTom's right hand pulling her to him looking her in the eyes.

"Also ribs,steak,chicken pizza you know food."

JTom rolled her eyes and pushed off Max folding her arms in a pouty huff.

"Fine, Infront Steakhouse then back to your dorm to study, for real, honest"

Max said leading her to the resturant. J Tom smiled walking arm in hand with Max again.





Williams Dormitory @ PCU


Max and J Tom had enjoyed dinner with a couple of Micro-beers Then had made their way back to the dorm. To their amazement they actually spent 10 minutes studying. Soon they were getting hot and heavy, Max adjusted his hand position and J Tom passed out. Max picked J Tom up carring her to the bed. Max took off his jersey and dressed her in it tucking her in. Max went into the bathroom changed into a midnight blue black armored costume. He staged a trail of their clothes mixed together from the couch to the bed. It was time to go to work. Maxwell Drake had enjoyed a night out and had an solid alibi.


MidKnight Avenger' exited the roof he had a mission to complete...











Edited by American Valor
name repair
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When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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((Moving right along))

((Also, WARNING: Language ahead))


Apartment Near Campus:


The apartment was cold, and the dull ache of a mild hangover thrummed in her head. 


“Fuuuck youuuuuu!” She said to her phone as the alarm went off again.


She sat up and gave a shiver as she her bare skin was exposed to the cold air. She noted one sock remained on while the other, and her clothes, were scattered haphazardly, on the floor. 


“I shouldn’t’ have stayed at AfterHours for so long. What was I thinking?”

She put her head in her hands and rubber her eyes. “Oh yeah, I wasn’t thinking, that was the booze…and the music…oh…and the eye candy…oh damn the eye candy…” She grinned thinking of the crowd the night before.


She grabbed her phone; there were a couple texts from the night before. She checked her pictures too – yup, those were not flattering. Sure looked like everyone was having fun though. 


“Bar dancing.” Yup bar dancing at Afterhours was fun; tightly packed bodies writhing against one-another to some hard-edged music.


Today, the real world would come back; she was up early to get to Tai Chi Yoga. Then classes and who knows what else would come up. 


She ran her fingers through her hair and pulled on some loose-fitting clothes.

Looking in the mirror she sighed. “No wonder nobody shows interest in me at the clubs, I look like a boy who doesn’t take care of themselves.” Though she did notice a smudge of lipstick on her cheek.

“Who the heck left lipstick marks on me last night?” She asked herself in the mirror as she wiped off the stain.


She ran a brush through her short hair quickly. “Well…maybe if I put in a little more time. Tori, you are a mess. Despite your best efforts you haven’t gotten past your upbringing., or lack thereof. Glorious results of a mis-spent youth.” She sighs.


“Sorry mom and dad…I know you tried.”


She looked at her coffee maker and the empty bag of coffee grounds next to it. “Oh fuck me…”

After yet another deep sigh as she opened her phone; “Remind me to buy more coffee. Every day until I tell you to stop.” 

“Bleep-boo” The device chirped in acceptance, and then without hesitation: “Hey Tori, do not forget to pick up coffee.”

Tori mumbled something derogatory to her phone, grabbed her bag, and dashed out to join the Tai Chi class.

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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The Green @ PCU 



Their was movement on the quad near the old statium several student remarked at the door with the life tree with Chinese writing under it. Above the door was a teak wooden sign which read:


*Tai Chi Yoga*


The bushes, plants and pathway around the door had recieved maintance and or been repaired/replaced as needed. The old security cage light had been properly fixed and cleaned. Several student knew about using the old gym but none of them expected this. They had brought their own exersize mats and towels because normally the grass was cold and wet.


A shadowy figure moved past them, across the quad working his way to the dorms. He wondered what the heck were they all doing up in his way at Zero Two F-ing Early in the morning, He sighed moving faster to avoid any other students who might be up moving about. 


Daniel Cao smiled, He had just finished the last wall hanging, It was written in chinese script with translated english notes pages he placed on the side table under the script. Daniel smiled broaden when he heard the first knock. The Kwoon was officially opened. Daniel opened the door to his 6 students. He was wearing his trational garments (golden silk robes a red sash with black loose fitting pants.) With a deep bow of respect SeiFu Cao greeted his 6 students.


"Welcome my friends. Please come in, today is a special day. The Kwoon is officially open. If you would please follow the path to the back where the locker rooms are you can prepare for todays lessons. Their are refreshments in the first aid area."


Daniel shook each students hand excited for them to see the new training area.














Edited by American Valor
sentence fix

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

RP Forums: Paragon University thread

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rated PG-13 forum *


A shadowy figure moved past them across the quad working his way to the dorms. He wondered what the heck were they all doing up in his way at Zero Two F-ing Early in the morning, He sighed moving faster to avoid any other students who might be up moving about. 


Williams Dormitory @ PCU



MidKnight Avenger' landed on the roof and slipped inside his dorm room and stripped. Max threw on some shorts then raced down the hall to JTom's room. Max listened then slipped inside, Locking the door behind him Max made his way to the Bathroom, stripped off the shorts and turned on the scalding shower. Blood, grime and filth washed off him. Max lathered fiercely scrubing hard and fast. He heard the door open to the shower, lowered the tempture then poked his head out with soap on his face.


 Jennifer Thomas Parker woke up with a mild headache and a slight neck-shoulder discomfort, She heard the shower running trying to remember last nights .events. The room looked fairly tidy except for the trail of clothes and what was she wearing some kinda tent. She looked down seeing the #7 jersey,  She was wearing Max's Jersey.  Jenn looked under the collar, she was in her birthday suit. Her cheeks reddened. Jenn followed the clothing trail picking up the clothes, then dropped the whole pile and opened the bathroom door.


"Jenn?" Max asked

"Uh-huh" JTom responded staring at the naked form in the shower.

"Sorry sweety didn't mean to wake you. It's real early, why don't you go back to bed." Max said.

"NUH-UH, bed later." Jenn said with a sultry smile. She dropped the jersey on the floor while stepping into the shower.


Max watched Jenn's athlelic form slip into the shower. Her shoulder length brunette hair framed her heart shaped face nicely.  Jenn moved in for a kiss. Max met her halfway.


The only sounds that were heard were of running water for the next while...    fade to black








Edited by American Valor
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When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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17 hours ago, American Valor said:

Daniel shook each students hand excited for them to see the new training area.


Tori hardly noticed the improvements made to the area as she dashed to the door. She was running a little late, of course, but hoped things hadn’t really started.


She burst in and saw the beautifully set up area. It gave her pause for a moment, until she saw the other students. Everyone was in their nice, traditional, matching garb.


She looked down at herself. 
Grey, Paragon U sweatshirt; only a couple holes in it.
Rainbow bag with multi-colored letters indicating “Penny Palace”, various bits of clothing half-hanging out of it.
Black T-shirt with a stylized gothic gargoyle on it, and grey lettering indicating “Black Cat Nightclub”.
Baggy grey sweatpants (slightly different grey than the sweatshirt…) that said "OASIS" down the side of one leg and had pictures of tropical drinks down the side of the other.
White Chuck Taylor sneakers, but only one sock, that indicated “Property of Pshard’s” along the top.


Despite the surprise and embarrassment, she instinctively gave a respectful bow to Daniel. She stood for a second, then blushed and hung her head. 


“Oh…um, maybe I should come back some other time.” She stammered as the other students looked at her.


((Yes, shout-out to some in-game clubs. Hopefully some of those in-game RP people come to this RP forum!))

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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((written with Tenaxa))


Tai Chi Yoga @ PCU 




Daniel was happy if not surprised when Tori showed up. They were only just about to go into first form. Tori could smell the fresh baked goods and coffee coming from the rear of the building. Daniel greeted Tori as if she was the most important person in the room.


"Welcome Ms Tori it is our honor to have you here for the opening of our new facility."


Daniel bowed to the others and to Tori as he stepped off the mat. none of them were wearing shoes. He walked up to her with his hand extended to shake hers.


“Oh, um, hi, thanks.” She stammered as she shook Daniel’s hand and gave another little bow as she did.


Tori tossed her bag to the side, and pulled off her shoes and sock, tossing them onto her bag. Her stomach rumbled at the smell of the food, and it was all she could do to stop herself from grabbing some coffee. 
I’ll get some when we’re done, that’ll be my reward for getting my lame ass up. She thought to herself.


“So sorry I’m late and interrupting."

"You are where you are suspose to be when you are suspose to be there."


Daniel smiled to himself remembering his Sei Fu speaking to him in the same way and cut himself off.


She finally took the time to look around. The area was well organized and clean. Quite the opposite from how Tori felt this morning. She recognized the banners and had to stop herself from gawking as she took in the scene. 


Seeing the dummies brought a smile to her face and she was tempted to run through a quick routine on one.


“This is really cool…oh, sorry yeah, let’s get started.” She said as she stepped into place. She paused to take a deep breath and slowly let it out. It was going to take some effort to focus this morning.


Daniel smiled and bowed to the front of the mat area as he stepped on to the mats. He gracefully moved to the front then once again bowed to the students then began to speak.


"I know today it has been very different than before. That does not mean that what we are doing will be different it just means that it won't be as wet or cold."


Several students chuckled and someone said.

"That will be fantastic and we have bathrooms."

Everyone laughed.


"Okay, okay everyone calm down or you run laps another new rule."

Daniel grinned as the others attempted to calm down.


"As I was saying we have two new attendees, make sure they feel welcome."


Turning to the others and Tori "I will be starting slowly then increase in rhythm as flow allows. Follow along please I will demostrate the first movement. Once we have started I will come around to help with adjustments."


As Daniel started, she settled in.


Focus. Breathe. Move. Relax.


Each motion was precise and fluid. She loved this stuff. She could follow the flow, the motions, the breathing, perfectly. It just came naturally for her.


Focus. Breathe. Move. Relax.


She was no longer consciously listening to the instructions – her body just followed, knowing what to do. Despite all the distractions in her life, here she could put it all aside.


Focus. Breathe. Move. Relax.


SeiFu Cao moved to one of the new students, his voice never broke rythem as he assisted with the oval fluid movements of the arms up and down placement and the breathing.


She could feel Daniel’s peace and caring. She could feel the other students – some calm and focused, others frustrated and struggling. 
The feeling she got from one was…she peeked over to see him staring at her ass.

Really dude? The way I look this morning in these baggy-ass mis-matched sweats? She thought to herself. This guy is coming to Tai Chi to check out women?
She grinned and almost broke her pattern


Focus. Breathe. Move. Relax.


Sei Fu Cao noticed many things as he worked with the newest students forms


She settled back in and focused on purging bad thoughts and toxins from her mind and body.


Sei Fu Cao moved to transition into second form, as he did so he tapped John, one of the students to move to first position. The class continue watching the slow rhythmic movement while Daniel moved gracefully between students assisting those who became lost with movement.



When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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As she focused and went through the moves her mind went back to that day so long ago.


She’d been going to the classes for several weeks. Every Saturday or Sunday they did martial arts demonstrations and then gave some lessons to those interested. They moved the location around, but Tori had always found a way to get to the park where the demonstration/lesson was going on. At eleven years old, living on her own in Kings Row, this was not an easy thing.


On this occasion, at the end of the lesson, the instructor came over to Tori. He was tall, lean, and wore his tight-fitting super-hero costume, including a headband. Tori thought he looked really neat.

“What’s your name young lady?” The instructor asked.


“M’ Tori.” She mumbled, looking at the ground. 


“Well, M-Tori, you seem very good at this. Have you had lessons before?” He grinned crouching down so he was on her level. 


“Jus’ Tori. Is’ short for Victoria.” She said quietly. “I don’ have no lessons.”


“Alright, Miss Victoria, I’m known as Steel Dragon. But you can just call me Mark. I think you are really doing a great job. I’ve rarely seen someone learn so quickly and execute moves almost like an expert in such a short time.”


Tori smiled a little bit. “Thank you.”


“I’ve got a little something special for you. This is an official Steel Dragon headband. It has my dragon logo on it and everything. It is for all your hard work and dedication.”


Tori’s eyes were as big as saucers and her mouth hung open. He handed the headband to her and she just stared, unsure what to do. She tried to hold back the tears but was only partially successful. 


“Here let me put it on you. Wear it with pride.” Mark tied the headband on her head. “It looks great.”


Tori grabbed Mark and hugged him. Mark was a bit surprised but gave her a little hug in return.


A woman walked up to them. She had metal arms and a cybernetic eye. She wore her hair tight, short, and dyed purple and green. Her clothes were mis-matched and she wore heavy work boots. 

Tori thought she looked scary, but also kinda cool.


“C’mon Lance, we gotta go. You saved another stray so let’s roll. Feist is playing tonight, and I don’t want to be late.”


“Of course, Miss Sykes, I wouldn’t want you to be late for some indie group in a grungy bar.” He chuckled until the aforementioned Miss Sykes touched him with a mechanical arm, giving him a good shock.


“Eeep!” He exclaimed and they both laughed.


Tori looked confused.


“Tori, this is my wife, Dodo Sykes. She’s not as scary as she looks – she’s just a big teddy bear underneath that hard punk look and cybernetics. Oh, and she has called me “Lance” since we first met. Short for Lancelot because I acted a little chivalrous on our first meeting. All these years later and the only time she called me Mark was at our wedding.”


Mark grinned. 


“You get home now Tori, and make sure everyone knows you are an official member of the Steel Dragon fan club.”


Dodo rolled her eyes and dragged Mark away.


Tori ran over to a window and looked at her reflection wearing the headband. She struck a martial pose just like she’d seen Mark do and smiled at herself.


Back in the present day, going through the forms, Tori smiled. That was the start of it all. The first real, honest, nice thing that she remembered anyone doing for her. 

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RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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Forum PG-13 rating  M

Williams Dormitory @ PCU


The water was no longer running. The transparent shower curtain was torn half hanging out of the shower. Standing water pooled on the floor. The rug, shorts, towels, and Max’s jersey had soaked up most of the standing puddle. Drying wet footprints ended in a tornado mess where Max and JTom laid tangled on the bed.  They were partially covered by some of the sheets. Max laid on his back looking up while JTom traced some of the scars on his chest there were a lot.  JTom laid on him listening to his heartbeat, she spoke softly.

“So um are you,, um we,” there was a short pause “hungry?” She asked looking up to his face questionably.

Max sighed, there was that unspoken question again. He looked JTom in the eye with his gig-a-watt smile and spoke in a husky  deep voice:

“So hungry, you know me, us, we’re always hungry.” Max’s voice softened “That’s not really what you want to know is it.”

Max sat up pulling JTom onto his lap while looking her in the eyes. Jenn moved to straddle his lap returning his gaze.

“No I don’t want to know that, but I don’t want you to shut down again either. Cause  I’m pushing.”

Max pulled her close warming each other’s body up. Jenn rested on Max’s chest feeling the warmth.

“You can ask me one question about anything,  I promise I won’t lie. Be careful what you ask tho, because you might not like the answer.”

Jenn just remained sitting their holding Max as tears streaked her face and his chest. Max just held her close for a few minutes allowing Jenn a moment before he spoke.

“Hey listen if you want more, I’m not sure what that looks like.  If you want to go back to before, it would be hard but we could try it. I just need to know what you really want?”

Jenn didn’t look at him, her fingers just started tracing the scars on his chest again while she composed her thoughts.

“I like this, maybe we can just talk more to start. Maybe we could become better friends. Do you at least like me?” JTom kept her head resting against Max’s chest.

“Jenn of course I like you, maybe more but I don’t know. I would like that. I don’t have many real friends. That Would be a good start what do you think?”

Max at least appeared to want to give it a try Jenn thought looking at the time. Jenn sat up looking Max in the eye.

“That sounds good I would like that.” Then with a sultry look she whispered in his ear. “We got time.”

*The things you do to keep a secret id.* Max thought with a grin before kissing her…

Fade to Black





Edited by American Valor
fixed grammer formatting

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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Tai Chi Yoga @PCU written with Tenaxa



When the session was over SeiFu returned the students bow and watch as each student remembered to bow again before stepping off the mat. Daniel stood at the front for a moment longer adjusting his robe before he turned and bowed to the front area. 


Class finished up and Tori was feeling good. She did a few extra stretches, and a few extremely athletic yoga poses that caused a few of the other students to stop and watch.  


Daniel walked over to Tori's gear and shoes and picked them up as he watched Tori and placed them on a chair in his office. 


Tori smiled as she walked over to the coffee and pastries. She had to admit she liked showing off a little bit. One of the students poured her a cup of coffee.


“Sugar? Cream?” He asked. 


“No thanks. Black like my soul.” She said in a flat tone.


He looked at her with surprise.


She smiled. “I’m kidding. Yeah, throw me a half-shot of that fake creamer stuff.”


He laughed and handed her the coffee. They made some small talk and a few students came over to her to ask where she’d done this before. She mostly brushed it off or answered in generalities; they didn’t need to know details. 

It was pretty chill as she chatted with people, drinking coffee and eating pastries. 


As the other students filed out she wandered over to the training dummies. Tai Chi was great for focus and meditation. And she loved her various blades, and especially her long staff. But when it came right down to it, Win Chun Kung Fu and its off-shoot Jeet Kune Do, were her real love. 


She started through a few routines on the dummies, changing it each time through to follow the principles that every situation is different. Faster and faster she made her attacks; punches, kicks, elbows, knees, varying her distance from the dummy, until she was a blur.


Daniel stood in the doorway of his office watching Tori run through her routines. She was very good. 


After a little while she paused and stepped back, smiling and breathing heavily, the dummy rocking slightly. 

“Yeah, and next time I won’t be so nice!” She said to the dummy, grinning.


"Oh please don't hurt Jim too badly he is a nice 'pin-no-kie-o'." Daniel said with a slight struggle with that word. He gave a small hand clap and smile.


"So Tori you missed the official tour and basic rules. I explain to students this morning. They are easy, The door will not be locked, this is my new office. Maintenance has a key to lock/unlock it. Please remember to always bow entering and exiting the mats. Bow to any instructor or student should you be leading. When you arrive please bring your gear to the locker room or the SeiFu's area. We now have a small washer and dryer in the first aid room so training gi's are available" Daniel smiled "Your gear is on the chair in the office. I have a complete universal machine in there. It works but it is old. Would you like to take the rest of the Ninja cookies with you? Do you have any questions?"


She looked up at Daniel and smiled, then realized that she had been a little disrespectful, showing up late and leaving her things haphazardly on the floor.


“Sorry I was late. I…ah…well, sorry.” She knew she wasn’t the best at protocol and felt bad as Daniel was so accommodating. And giving lame excuses about how she was out too late last night wasn’t going to help.


This time Daniel smiled and didn't stop himself as he told a story,

"I once knew a small boy who would sneak into the monastery and steal food. He was very young. SeiFu Lin caught him and allowed him to stay. The boy was made to do very hard chores and often would be late. Another seifu took much offence and would take to turning a horse whip on the boy.  When Sei  Fu Lin found out he spoke to both the seifu and the boy. Sei Fu Lin asked the other seifu why he was so offended. Seifu Yao explained the boys disrespect to the temple and to Master Lin. Sei Fu Lin explained that he was not offended he said better to work the boy harded then to whip him so he couldn't work at all. Sei Fu Lin then asked the boy why he felt the urge to keep stealing food and leaving only to return. The boy said his younger sister was also hungry so he would sneak out to bring her food. The boy said it was why he only ate little himself. The boy did not feel it was stealing as he worked hard and ate little. Sei Fu Lin then said to the boy, 'You are where you are suspose to be when you are suspose to be there.' "

Daniel smiled at Tori. "So here you will never be late, for me.  I am glad you came today."


“I’ll try to take it easy on the dummies.” She chuckled. “So, we can come in here any time we want to train? I don’t have easy access to training dummies and such, so that would be awesome.”


"Of course Jim likes punches and kicks. Kiju can take the force of most weapon strikes. The weight training will help build more endurance.


Tori grabbed a few of the “Ninja Cookies" for the road, gave a quick bow to Daniel, and wandered over to get her stuff from the office. As soon as she walked in, she stopped and stared at the wall. The pictures and posters had some of the most famous martial artists from over the years. She smiled at the large poster of Bruce Lee above the desk.

“Cool.” She said, giving a quick nod to the poster. Then she grabbed her stuff and headed to change.

When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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Tori sat down in the changing area to put on some clothes for class. She fished around in her bag to see what she’d actually grabbed in her rush. A faded blue-grey length of cloth fell out of her bag.

She reached down and picked it up. The little dragon logos were faded, but they were still there. She ran her hand over the headband and smiled. 

Tori gave a deep sigh as she stuffed the headband back into her bag and got ready for class.




After some classes she sat in the student union, trying to avoid studying by watching video shorts online and munching on the “Ninja” cookies she had grabbed earlier.

As she giggled at a video of Husky puppies, she checked her email.


There was a message from Joe about his analysis. 
“Ah, gotta love the level of super-science they use in the Paragon PD! Really fast analysis on stuff like this.”


She looked over the report. It was full of a variety of technical details, but she scrolled down to the summary. 


“Interesting but not sure that tells us much more.”


She grabbed her phone and texted to Max’s (new) number: 
“Got results on towel blood analysis; 
Blood type O+
Several strong sedatives detected in the blood
Small amount of blue/black lipstick

Not sure that tells us much but there it is. I’ll give a shout when I get the ME report.”


She leaned back in her chair and stretched, remembering how little sleep she got the night before.

“It might be naptime…Or, it might be food time since these cookies are not going to fill me up. Yeah, some real food would be good.”


She pulled up the “Paragon Foodie” app and looked at the university area. Plenty of choices; lots of places wanted to take advantage of the hungry college students. 

“Ugh, too bad there isn’t a Phat’s nearby.” She sighed, thinking about the excellent Asian-fusion place near AfterHours nightclub.


“Let’s see…Tastee Diner1? Really? How cliché. 
Oh, Stone-Craft Pizza, part of Stone-Craft brewery! That sounds perfect.”


As she packed up her things, she looked around, maybe there'd be someone that wanted to join her.

((Footnote 1: Tastee Diner was a favorite eating location of the original Paragon U crew back during “Live”. By “thread cannon” it was owned(?) by the mom of one of the participants. Great burgers, don’t eat the meat loaf…))

RP on Everlast: 

Primary: Tenaxa (Victoria (Tori) Hanes-Sykes); at least 5 versions and counting

And pretty much any other character I play.

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Student Union @ PCU 


Walking about the green looking around three young women wearing your typical blue jeans and PCU t-shirts with black hoodies all with student backpacks. They seemed to be looking for something. They could be over heard talking.


"So what do you wanna eat?" The redhead with a posh cut said.

Chinese fusion or Pizza. The dirty blonde with a ponytail and neck tats replied.

"As long as it isn't one of those dumb chains. I'll drive anywhere, Said the burnette sporting a flat top.



Oh, Stone-Craft Pizza, part of Stone-Craft brewery! That sounds perfect.”

As she packed up her things, she looked around, maybe there'd be someone that wanted to join her.


"Oya, stone pizza girl where's that pizza place at you mentioned?" The burnette said looking at Tori with a friendly grin. 




When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

American Valor Sentinel of Liberty

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