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Master of the Eden Trial is Extremely Melee Unfriendly


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The relatively new "Master of the Eden Trial" is extremely unfriendly to melee players on the team, to the point that having a melee player on the team is an actual liability.  The lowering of the Ambrosia inspiration's effectiveness and the Crystal Titan's auto-hit Foot Stomp of 1,154 points of Smashing damage and 874 points of Unique damage (with only 60% of the Unique damage resisted with an Ambrosia inspiration), means that anyone within 30 feet of the Crystal Titan will be two shot at best.  Not to mention the Crystal Titan's auto-hit Prism Blast.


Most teams I'm seeing for it are having one Brute or Tanker with some form of flight to keep the Titan taunted at range, and Scrappers and Stalkers need not apply.  Some teams, even Brutes need not apply.  If they do join, they're essentially a carry slot.


I'd suggest a rethink of this.  The Apex Task Force and certain Incarnate trials (Lambda, Underground, Minds of Mayhem), are melee unfriendly as well, but you don't automatically fail them if a melee player dies.

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2 minutes ago, BrandX said:

Master of is supposed to be unfriendly.  If it wasn't unfriendly, everyone would do it.  The unfriendly is what makes it great.


When two or three ATs are essentially being told that they're not welcome on many runs, that's not "great."  That's bad design.

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5 minutes ago, BrandX said:

If it wasn't unfriendly, everyone would do it. 

please tell me you're shitposting. please.

no one in their right mind would want a mob that does insane amounts of unresistable damage + a nerfed inspiration against said damage during a badge run.

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alright buddy, it's time to shit yourself
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1 minute ago, Shadeknight said:

please tell me you're shitposting. please.

no one in their right mind would want a mob that does insane amounts of unresistable damage + a nerfed inspiration against said damage during a badge run.


Especially when said damage is auto-hit to everyone within 30 feet.

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Also newsflash: Master of isn't a prestigious achievement. Stop being a gatekeeping fart sniffer over a badge.

I would have edited it in but I know Astralock's thread here is about to attract the people who got carried on their master runs.

Edited by Shadeknight
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alright buddy, it's time to shit yourself
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1 hour ago, Jitsurei said:

Master of Eden LFM. Must have 1 ranged attack, and a few hundred thousand inf for a jet pack and Ambrosia. 

No joke

Saw this last night in chat.

except for the "few hundred thousand inf" part

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I'd definitely prefer a revamp of the Master of badges to be more like Aeon and Tinpex where you employ different tactics during the mission, as opposed to no deaths and temps.


Defeat the Rock Wall and the Giant Monster within 10 seconds of each other "Rockbreaker"

Rescue the heroes before defeating the Crystal Titan "Needs Help"

Defeat the Crystal Titan before rescuing the heroes "Doesn't Need Help"

Defeat the Crystal Titan without consuming any Ambrosia "Au Naturel"

Boom, mastered.

Edited by Jiro Ito
Oh yeah, and lock enemies at 54+1 ;)
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Play my AE Adventures, listed under @Jiro Ito, including award winners:

"The Headless Huntsman of Salamanca" #43870 **Scrapbot AE Contest Winner May 2022**           

"On the Claw-Tipped Wings of Betrayal" #43524 **November 2021 Dev's Choice**  

"The Defenders of Talos" #44578 **Mission Architect Competition Winner for October 2021: REBIRTH**  

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Uhm...I was on a team with 1 tank, 6 assorted ranged and controls, and my ma/sr scrapper two nights ago on excelsior.  I popped ambrosia and meleed the titan on the ground the whole fight, with no UH OH moments at all.  We got through it and got our master of badges really easy.  I'm not sure how serious this issue really is.  :/

Edited by Aracknight
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Mileage may vary with the Foot Stomp and the spooky crystal blast. The Prism Blast is auto hit & Ambrosia is nerfed during the Master run.

Certain sets may be able to tank the stomp better than others. Which means the Stomp is an issue. Remember, it has Unique damage and very high Smashing.

Edited by Shadeknight


alright buddy, it's time to shit yourself
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17 minutes ago, Aracknight said:

Uhm...I was on a team with 1 tank, 6 assorted ranged and controls, and my ma/sr scrapper two nights ago on excelsior.  I popped ambrosia and meleed the titan on the ground the whole fight, with no UH OH moments at all.  We got through it and got our master of badges really easy.  I'm not sure how serious this issue really is.  😕

What probably happened here was the tank was flying and taunting, so the titan ignored you and never used the auto hit irresistible foot stomp that would have killed you with the damage over time. Just a guess.

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Its been a minute since i did a master run but it took 2 tries that time.  The first time our corruptor got foot stomped and since it didnt matter anymore,  our scrapper died later to a foot stomp.  Second run our ranged characters stayed at range and the scrapper moved away for foot stomp and came in for damage between stomps.  I dont mind battles that can use some tactics instead of a faceroll.  Its not master of button mashing.


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2 hours ago, Shadeknight said:

please tell me you're shitposting. please.

no one in their right mind would want a mob that does insane amounts of unresistable damage + a nerfed inspiration against said damage during a badge run.


Well obviously none of you can see that's it's a modified quote from "A League of Their Own" said by Tom Hanks to Geena Davis when mentioning it got to hard 😛

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1 minute ago, TheZag said:

Its been a minute since i did a master run but it took 2 tries that time.  The first time our corruptor got foot stomped and since it didnt matter anymore,  our scrapper died later to a foot stomp.  Second run our ranged characters stayed at range and the scrapper moved away for foot stomp and came in for damage between stomps.  I dont mind battles that can use some tactics instead of a faceroll.  Its not master of button mashing.


I actually love the more action game-like mechanics that require movement. However the titan doesn’t have a warning cue like anti matters nuclear blast, or battle maidens blue circles, or marauders ground slam. If it did I’d be 100% in favor of the foot stomp being absolutely brutal. Enemy ai is pretty hard to predict without a cue. 

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6 minutes ago, BrandX said:

Well obviously none of you can see that's it's a modified quote from "A League of Their Own" said by Tom Hanks to Geena Davis when mentioning it got to hard

Probably shouldn't quote/modify a quote few know about.



9 minutes ago, TheZag said:

I dont mind battles that can use some tactics instead of a faceroll.  Its not master of button mashing.

If the tactics almost certainly (almost being key) require melee to fly for a non-telegraphed attack that does high level of smashing AND unique damage then that's not the best design.

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alright buddy, it's time to shit yourself
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4 minutes ago, Shadeknight said:

If the tactics almost certainly (almost being key) require melee to fly for a non-telegraphed attack that does high level of smashing AND unique damage then that's not the best design


I agree it could be more player friendly.  Perhaps we could convince the devs to add a warning to the attack.


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I haven't done the Crystal Titan trial since Live. From what I'm reading though? ...


I agree with @Shadeknight. A trial/TF/SF should not be designed to punish an AT for daring to be that AT. ((MMs already have that stigma.) Players can run ranged only, melee only, desired AT only runs. That is their choice. That is how they wish to experience the content. It should not be an imposition from the game however. So why were the ambrosia's nerfed? (I never used them on Live, I would dart in and out as a melee to avoid being hit if I could, but that doesn't mean I understand the need to nerf them.)

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1 minute ago, Krimson said:

I don't know if this is directed at me, but it's funny. 


It IS the point though. Any player can form a team however they like. We're not going to be getting "Fairness Police" any time soon to ensure no one is being excluded. 


I'm not going to join a group like this though. I refuse to join any group with Terms and Conditions, and if you are on Excelsior and have seen someone make that sort of comment in LFG, odds are that was me. I see anything where people are excluded, then I don't want a part of it. Even Instanced MSRs are distasteful to me. 


So I just don't join them. But the player forming the group can still do it how they please, even if I don't like it. 


But then again, my ultimate solution to everything is to play solo, and simply remove anything that slows me down from the equation. Who needs iTrials? I have freaking Dark Astoria for Salvage. 

The point was that the design of the badge is unfriendly to melee. Not that the players recruiting for it are excluding melee. We all know that badgers can be any archetype and sometimes they just aren’t going to be the best for a thing they need, so usually groups will be inclusive. 

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7 minutes ago, Shadeknight said:

Probably shouldn't quote/modify a quote few know about.


I replaced hard with unfriendly to go along with the topic title.   😛  And not know about?  O.O  I thought this was a game filled with older players >_>

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Krimson. It boils down to a few things:

  • The Foot Stomp does HEAVY smashing damage AND Unique damage.
  • Crystal Titan does a auto-hit Prism Blast that I believe is 100% that unique damage
  • Ambrosia, the insp used to tank the unique damage, is less powerful during Master runs.
  • Not all tankers, scrappers, or brutes are built equal. That smashing damage AND unique damage together makes Eden unfavorable to melee
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alright buddy, it's time to shit yourself
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1 minute ago, Krimson said:

It only has a 7.3 rating on IMDB and 81% on the Tomatometer. But it's not like it's part of a Baseball Cinematic Universe or anything, so no one cares.

If it helps.

I got the quote

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