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Powerset idea.

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Can you elaborate upon what kind of effect(s) this set would have?  I could kind of see it having a power or 2 that applies a delayed effect on enemies, which slows them and reduces and healing they receive, and an "uncontrolled accelerated" one which causes them to miss more often, (tohit debuff), and perhaps it converts any DoTs you apply from your time blasts into burst damage, (this second part would be more difficult to implement, probably requiring special coding of all the time blast powers, but would be very cool). 

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  • 1 month later

Ice Blast already slows down enemies. 


A new powerset should have some kind of new utility (or new combination of existing utilities) to make it stand out from other sets we already have. A new visual design isn't enough by itself to justify a new set. 

Edited by FupDup

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If all we needed was

3 hours ago, FupDup said:

Ice Blast already slows down enemies. 


A new powerset should have some kind of new utility (or new combination of existing utilities) to make it stand out from other sets we already have. A new visual design isn't enough by itself to justify a new set. 


On the surface this sounds logical but if were true we wouldn't have Temporal manipulation because we already had Ice manipulation. (Blaster sets)

in theory time could be the ultimate in debuff sets with each power having its own secondary effect. 




-tohit debuff






there are a lot of ways OP's idea could work



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Its easy to criticize a suggestion but can you suggest an alternative?

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  • 2 weeks later
On 6/7/2023 at 11:19 AM, Saiyajinzoningen said:


there are a lot of ways OP's idea could work




Time need not be slow only. 


Just spitballing here but remember that scene from Avengers: Endgame, where Scott undergoes first attempts at time travel?  Now imagine hitting an Outcast with a time bolt of some sort and it throws the Outcast into a personal time flux for damage.  The Outcast is temporarily replaced with a Baby New Year graphic, followed by an old man graphic (or perhaps just one per bolt, randomized) before returning to the Outcast for a damage result of being violently pulled back and forth in time.  Oh, and he's much more vulnerable to other attacks while appearing as an infant or old man.   For NPCs without a human look, the graphic is just reduced in size to suggest infancy.


A second type of time bolt creates a time fracture where the NPC is fractured in a appearance, or briefly duplicated, showing time pulling against itself into multiple personal timestreams for the NPC: something their body cannot handle.  While this creates two of the NPC temporarily, briefly allowing greater firepower from them, it also has an accumulative damage taken affect when normal time is restored.

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  • 2 months later
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  • 5 months later
26 minutes ago, KingCeddd03 said:

Spider Web powers : Control & Manipulation 

It amazes me that we have an entire villain group --the premiere villain group of the game-- that has a spider-theme to them, and the only web power the game has is Web Grenade.

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2 hours ago, Player2 said:

It amazes me that we have an entire villain group --the premiere villain group of the game-- that has a spider-theme to them, and the only web power the game has is Web Grenade.

There are several groups in comics and cartoons that are themed around spiders or snakes and don't have spider or snake powers. It happens. That said, there are other web powers in the game. There is Web Spitter (a single target non-grenade web grenade), Web (a non-grenade web grenade), Entrap (a single target hold), Cocoon (a single target hold), Web Cocoon (from Mace Mastery), and Web Envelope (from Mace Mastery). Though the last two admittedly are basically just web grenades.

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4 hours ago, Rudra said:

There are several groups in comics and cartoons that are themed around spiders or snakes and don't have spider or snake powers. It happens. That said, there are other web powers in the game. There is Web Spitter (a single target non-grenade web grenade), Web (a non-grenade web grenade), Entrap (a single target hold), Cocoon (a single target hold), Web Cocoon (from Mace Mastery), and Web Envelope (from Mace Mastery). Though the last two admittedly are basically just web grenades.

I was referring to organic web not tech-produced web from a can. @Rudra you seem like a basic person to be satisfied with the basic things in the game.

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Because I pointed out there are more web powers than just web grenade? Shouldn't you be happy more powers exist? It means there is a bigger base to build on.

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8 hours ago, KingCeddd03 said:

Spider Web powers : Control & Manipulation 

It's been a while since I've fought them - Do Arachnoids throw canisters for their web attacks?  If not, there's a plethora there to draw from:


1. ST immobilzie

2. Targeted AoE immobilize

3. Melee ST hold

4. Ranged ST hold


Now flesh that set out with some additional powers, like a pet and/or by reusing the existing animations for other effects, (maybe a stun, confuse, etc), and you're good to go.

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Time Blast sounds interesting.


Maybe -regeneration instead of (or in addition to) slow, as you halt your enemy's metabolism? (Or is -regen too broken as an attack set's secondary effect?)


It's also funny that this thread is metered-out over a year's worth of time, given the subject.


24 minutes ago, KingCeddd03 said:

 you seem like a basic person to be satisfied with the basic things in the game.

That is a weird dig to make but power to you. 👍

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3 minutes ago, biostem said:

It's been a while since I've fought them - Do Arachnoids throw canisters for their web attacks?  If not, there's a plethora there to draw from:


1. ST immobilzie

2. Targeted AoE immobilize

3. Melee ST hold

4. Ranged ST hold


Now flesh that set out with some additional powers, like a pet and/or by reusing the existing animations for other effects, (maybe a stun, confuse, etc), and you're good to go.

No, they don't, which is why I listed their web attacks in my post.

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4 minutes ago, megaericzero said:

Time Blast sounds interesting.

It would be interesting to play with the delayed/accelerated mechanic from other time sets, but to debilitate the enemy in a more immediate sense;  If you accelerate them, you cause them to take more damage over shorter period of time, (-RES), or perhaps to miss more often because they aren't used to their accelerated state, (-tohit).  If you slow them, they take longer to heal, (IIRC, there is a -healing effect that can be applied to enemies), and they're generally slower to move and act, (-movement speed, -recharge).

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1 minute ago, biostem said:

If you accelerate them, you cause them to take more damage over shorter period of time, (-RES)

I don't think accelerating opponents through time would affect them that way, but that is definitely a good subject for debate. If anything, you could feasibly make it a hold effect from the acceleration depending on how it was defined. If the acceleration fast forwarded them in time, then for everyone else, they could be static. Or it could even remove the mob from the map for a set period of time for having been cast forward in time. If the acceleration sped them up, then you just buffed them. Typically, the better use of time against foes are time decelerations and time stops.

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1 minute ago, Rudra said:

I don't think accelerating opponents through time would affect them that way

Well, imagine if, under normal circumstances, you dealt 100 damage to an opponent over 2 seconds.  If they were accelerated, from their perspective, that 100 damage may instead occur in only 1 second or possibly less.

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Random gimmick power thought: A "paradox strike" with higher base accuracy (or ignoring the "ranged" vector like Mind Control) created by reverse causality - your attack lands before you throw it, so the opponent doesn't actually see it coming. Similarly as a sucker punch if applied to a Temporal Melee set.

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How about a new blast set that revolves around dimensional manipulation? The Dimensional Melee blast set. You punch through a small rift and strike a target at the other end of the rift.

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