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New Powerset: Submachine Gun


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The announced beta changes to Assault Rifle (beanbag and ignite replacements) have generated some controversy between people who feel emotionally attached to those powers and other people who want more raw performance out of the set. The devs have specifically said that they won't do something like Sentinel Super Reflexes where you have mutually exclusive options, so I believe a "new" powerset could help appease those of us that just want a stronger blast set while keeping the dakka dakka gun guy theme. 


I hereby propose Submachine Gun, which basically takes the powers from SOA Huntsmen and makes a full set out of it. Some grenade attacks are included because I'm not creative enough to make 9 different bullet powers:  


T1: Single Shot

T2: Burst

T3: Heavy Burst

T4: Frag Grenade

T5: Aim (or equivalent*)

T6: Headshot (Sniper Rifle reskin with KB replaced with Stun since getting shot in the head will mess you up)

T7: Incendiary Grenade (or other AoE ability*)

T8: Focused Burst (single-target)

T9: Full Auto


I didn't give them Venom Grenade because that might be too stronk and it would detract from SOA uniqueness a bit.


*As for Aim, this might be a place where we could try something a little different to make the set not a complete reskin. My ideas are either a sort of "ranged follow up" called Double Tap, or a Target Designator laser that acts like a mini-surveillance (resist and defense debuff). Or just having vanilla Aim works too. 


*I'm also torn on what to do as the T7 AoE attack. My main ideas are either an AoE burn patch (Incendiary Grenade) or a Ricochet Round (chain attack). Alternatively, if we think the set has enough attacks already, we could throw in a utility power like Glue Grenade instead to help it stand out more. 


I understand that it's not the most unique or original set by any stretch, but it would help solve this debate in a similar way that Willpower was introduced to replace Regen. 


Closed Beta Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/DptUBzh


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Was a bit uncomfortable when I saw the thread title. I mean, we already have SMGs in Dual Pistols, and I think there is a suitable model for a SMG in Assault Rifle. However, I have to say, I kind of like what you are doing with this. My two cents? (Using your own comments and an idea that popped in my head based on title.)


T1: Single Shot

T2: Burst

T3: Heavy Burst

T4: Frag Grenade

T5: Target Designator

T6: Aimed Shot (Basically your Headshot, but I'm personally not used to SMGs being accurate at range.)

T7: Spray and Pray or Suppressive Fire (Minor damage wide area cone, -ACC  and -DAM debuff to enemies. Because they are more interested in not getting hit by the wild, wide area cone, and maybe also more interested in a change of shorts.)

T8: Focused Burst

T9: Full Auto

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I would rather forego the grenades, and make this a "pure" SMG set.  What I would instead do is incorporate a variation on dual pistol's ammo type:


1. Single shot

2. Double-Tap - 2 accurate, moderately damaging shots, fired in rapid succession to the same single target.

3. Controlled Sweep (cone)

4. WP Ammo - click power, adds fire damage to all your attacks, and adds a small AoE component to single target ones.

5. Aim

6. Headshot

7. Flechette Rounds - click power, adds a lethal DoT and -res effect to all your attacks for a short time

8. Three-round burst - 3 devastating shots fired in rapid succession, at the same target.

9. Empty Magazine - You empty your entire magazine into all targets in a wide cone in front of you.

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11 minutes ago, biostem said:

I would rather forego the grenades, and make this a "pure" SMG set.  What I would instead do is incorporate a variation on dual pistol's ammo type:


1. Single shot

2. Double-Tap - 2 accurate, moderately damaging shots, fired in rapid succession to the same single target.

3. Controlled Sweep (cone)

4. WP Ammo - click power, adds fire damage to all your attacks, and adds a small AoE component to single target ones.

5. Aim

6. Headshot

7. Flechette Rounds - click power, adds a lethal DoT and -res effect to all your attacks for a short time

8. Three-round burst - 3 devastating shots fired in rapid succession, at the same target.

9. Empty Magazine - You empty your entire magazine into all targets in a wide cone in front of you.

Just for clarification, Heavy Burst is a cone attack. Not sure if you are aware.


Also... Aim, Aim, Aim. Why always Aim? Why not the Target Designator? Make it a toggle instead of a clickie, make the power animation a laser sight emanating from the weapon so no extra animations are needed, and have a constant buff effect on the player or a constant debuff effect that checks to be applied with all your attacks while it is active. Something different.

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8 minutes ago, Rudra said:

and I think there is a suitable model for a SMG in Assault Rifle.

The Thompson SMG, which equips my character Rolande, whose costume was chosen to look like a Troll, but with no head -- Rolande the Headless Trollkin Gunner.

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1 minute ago, Rudra said:

Also... Aim, Aim, Aim. Why always Aim? Why not the Target Designator? Make it a toggle instead of a clickie, make the power animation a laser sight emanating from the weapon so no extra animations are needed, and have a constant buff effect on the player or a constant debuff effect that checks to be applied with all your attacks while it is active. Something different.


Because we don't want something different. We want Aim. That's literally the reason this post was made.

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10 minutes ago, Rudra said:

Also... Aim, Aim, Aim. Why always Aim? Why not the Target Designator?

It doesn't have to be aim, necessarily, but a toggle is more of a secondary power, (read: non-blast set power).  Maybe something like:


AP rounds: Click, +tohit, causes all attacks to apply a -res (all) and -def debuff on enemies for a short time.

Edited by biostem
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10 minutes ago, Vanden said:


Because we don't want something different. We want Aim. That's literally the reason this post was made.

It's less about Aim specifically and more about wanting a power that is generally useful (Beanbag is only chosen by around 20% of Assault Rifle users per one of the devs). Preferably one that contributes to damage directly or indirectly, but even a utility power would be fine as long as it's stronger than the bag of beans (which is a pretty low bar to clear). 

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Closed Beta Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/DptUBzh


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