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Hey guys, i was thinking about something days ago. Would be so epic if City Of Heroes has vehicles as travel powers. Imagine, customizable motorcycles, cars and airplanes. Man, that would be awsome. Maybe as an future update?

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without being sarcastic, this would be better in the suggestions section.


Also many people over many years have suggested different travel powers some more realistic than others.


not sure if OP is aware but we do have purchasable travel powers (get them from P2W vendors) in the Void Skff, Magic Carpet and Rocket Board.



I neither know, nor care, what the difference between ignorance and apathy is


Ah, this takes me back! I wonder if the OP was actually dead serious, or just making a joking reference. People were talking about this back when I first joined the game, shortly after it launched. Before Red Side, before the Arenas, when Kheldians was the hot new things...


Nostalgia aside, vehicle-based 'skins' for Superspeed and Flight powers (or even super-jump - some kind of pogo-stick mecha thing, perhaps!) would indeed be awesome. Or mounts! Activate Superspeed, and you hop on your horse - be it sleekly robotic, otherworldly, steampunk, or vanilla - or jump on a giant eagle to Fly! Would be particularly neat for the various 'cowboy' type dual-handgun builds, and for Beast Masterminds.

  • Game Master

It would be cool to have vehicles, but I'm not sure that's possible at this stage.  That would take a huge amount of animation and code work.


PS - Moved topic to Suggestions and Feedback


Also: Hello!


I don't think cars, planes and such could be done. It would take too much here. But, I betcha skateboards could be done. Rollerblades as well. Tie them into Super Speed.

  On 1/17/2024 at 5:48 AM, shawnogueira said:

Hey guys, i was thinking about something days ago. Would be so epic if City Of Heroes has vehicles as travel powers. Imagine, customizable motorcycles, cars and airplanes. Man, that would be awsome. Maybe as an future update?


Do not forget space ships lots of room for bounty hunter or alien types. Alien vehicle of some kind would be a big step up.


CO had actual vehicles for players to get around on, and they kinda sucked. Here's the problem with vehicles as travel powers: Indoor missions. Sure, Batman has his Batmobile and Batwing and other vehicles he gets around on, but when he goes inside, they sit outside for obvious reasons. Same for mounts like horses, pterosaurs, or other creature large enough to ride on. They can't maneuver inside so they sit outside. So those vehicles (or mounts in other games) are not usable inside missions. Which runs into another problem: outdoor instances. All instances are treated as indoor maps, for obvious reasons. So like in CO, you could enter a TF, whatever they called it in their game, and be on this massive outdoor map, but not be able to use your vehicle to get around because you are in an instance and that disables access to the vehicle. CO, a newer game than CoX, lacked the ability to differentiate between indoor and outdoor instances. (And per the devs at the time I was playing, could not be changed to make that distinction.)

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