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AI Generative Art


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On 1/28/2024 at 11:17 AM, Frozen Burn said:

Damn you!  Damn you all for introducing me to this!  I've wasted my entire weekend playing around in an AI Image generator! 😄   


Here's another I tried to recreate.... Titan Weapon/WP Brute:  Peace'blossom.  (A hero take on the actual fairy name "Peaseblossom.")  She's a tiny tiny fairy with a giant Titan Weapon sword.  (So hilarious to play.)




Unfortunately, the AI generator doesn't know what a Titan weapon is.  Massive, gigantic, sword that is larger than she is - every description I could think of would not work.  I settled on "holding a massive and gigantic sword," and tried to find different base models to help support it. 


It also didn't seem to know what fairy dust is.  lol  




I tried it on Microsoft, using some of my 'usual suspects' keywords and rather than describing her as a fairy, I described her as a superhero with dragonfly wings...

city of heroes, wide angle, full body, cel shaded, background constrained by a circle, style of artstation, caucasian woman superhero, purple dragonfly wings, red hair updo, hovering, charcoal grey thigh boots, grey and purple miniskirt, grey and purple bandeau, carrying a massive gigantic buster sword


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Horizon Twilight, The Chernobyl Effect, XLR Mk8, Dodgeball, and a host of other alts all hanging out on Everlasting.

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9 minutes ago, Oubliette_Red said:

I've been using Night Cafe for AI art but it's creation of super heroes has been a mixed bag.



It's... not to my liking.  I stay more towards the cel-shaded comic-book-y look to try and dodge the uncanny valley.  I fed it the following prompt:

caucasian woman superhero, wearing a charcoal and hot pink bodysuit, short spiked hot pink hair, glowing purple eyes, wearing heavy charcoal grey elbow length gloves, wearing charcoal heavy knee length boots, full body, wide angle


The default model...  




...looks like the cover to a low budget sci fi harem novel.


The 'realcartoon' model was closer:


...this thing sure likes spikes.


It's got a lot more models to tinker with - the 3d model one is a checkpoint I think I have at home:


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Horizon Twilight, The Chernobyl Effect, XLR Mk8, Dodgeball, and a host of other alts all hanging out on Everlasting.

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On 1/29/2024 at 1:56 PM, sbloyd said:


It's... not to my liking.  I stay more towards the cel-shaded comic-book-y look to try and dodge the uncanny valley.  I fed it the following prompt:

caucasian woman superhero, wearing a charcoal and hot pink bodysuit, short spiked hot pink hair, glowing purple eyes, wearing heavy charcoal grey elbow length gloves, wearing charcoal heavy knee length boots, full body, wide angle



Just using your prompt and selecting the Style -  Preset: Modern Comic


They took the "full body" prompt quite literally, which I actually like. :D

I will have to play with the other tools folks have been using.


Edited by Oubliette_Red
Image disappeared from my imgur :/

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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39 minutes ago, Oubliette_Red said:

They took the "full body" prompt quite literally, which I actually like. 😄

I will have to play with the other tools folks have been using.


Some parsers don't honor "full body" - it's why I usually put in Full Body and Wide Angle. Sometimes describing the boots helps.


At one point I hit a seed at home that spat out "character design" type results with a front, side, and back results.  Stupidly I did not write it down.

Horizon Twilight, The Chernobyl Effect, XLR Mk8, Dodgeball, and a host of other alts all hanging out on Everlasting.

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4 hours ago, sbloyd said:

Some parsers don't honor "full body" - it's why I usually put in Full Body and Wide Angle. Sometimes describing the boots helps.


At one point I hit a seed at home that spat out "character design" type results with a front, side, and back results.  Stupidly I did not write it down.

If you ever remember, or stumble across the right collection of words again, please share.

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6 minutes ago, Gobbledygook said:

If you ever remember, or stumble across the right collection of words again, please share.


On a whim I added "character turnaround, character design" to my Doctor Orangutan prompt above, using Microsoft's generator again, and got this:


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Horizon Twilight, The Chernobyl Effect, XLR Mk8, Dodgeball, and a host of other alts all hanging out on Everlasting.

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On 1/29/2024 at 3:51 PM, sbloyd said:

Some parsers don't honor "full body" - it's why I usually put in Full Body and Wide Angle. Sometimes describing the boots helps.


At one point I hit a seed at home that spat out "character design" type results with a front, side, and back results.  Stupidly I did not write it down.


I found that including a description of the boots/shoes/feet really increases the odds of getting a full body.


For my various anthropormorphic animal heroes I included "clawed feet" for many of them regardless of species, and that generated full bodies every time.


Edit: oops, forgot examples - I basically used a slightly modified version of SB's prompt with the "wide angle" stuff.



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I like to do knockoffs of singers - so far I've done Adam Ant, Carl Maria von Weber and Elvis Presley. I quite like my version, Elvish Press-Lee. I gave Bing AI the prompt and the first four it generated were absolutely perfect. No notes. (No pun intended.)



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Dance Fighter!


This one took some finagling. Having her fight witches caused it to put her in a witch's hat. After that it gave her a bow. Zeroed in on it after a while by specifying martial arts and kicking.


The middle picture cracks me up. She has a sidekick (again with the puns) and the "werewolves" look like guys who bought masks at the party supply store.





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Def Leprechaun! Trying to get Bing AI to render either a shillelagh or a spiked cudgel was an exercise in futility. Eventually even it gave up and just gave her a fiddle, which I never asked for. 😁 For some reason it refused to render anything with a skirt, so I just deleted that ask.



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Frankenstein Mobster. From the get-go these were pretty good. I went with "atmospheric 1940s film noir gangsters" for the scene. Small tweaks like asking for his crew to be all human and for Frank to tower over them, plus give him a fedora, really nailed it down. At that point I just kept pushing that button because I loved every iteration. I want to see this movie.


Check out the sign in the last image. It came up with that completely on its own.



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Obviously just a CoH-specific pun but I actually quite liked how he turned out. I inputted his description into Bing, simply noting his clothes and the beam rifle, trying to describe his facial hair. But when I got these images back 2 minutes later I quite literally sat there gobsmacked, just saying, "Oh wow," over and over. Absolutely amazing.





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Hercules Jr.


This one took a lot of circling. First it gave me little kids, then super-muscled giants... and it never once got a cyclops right. Specifying that he was a "lean 20 year old" and describing his outfit seemed to do the trick, although it only rendered his breastplate one out of 4 times for some reason. The 3-footed roc was weird, but not as strange as the floating-head hydra. A little clean-up in post will fix those, but here are the images straight from the algorithm. No idea why it changed style for the pegasus; I didn't ask for that.



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Miss Slay.


I've never been crazy about the name but I love the costume. In game it really pops. These are the only 3 images it generated, but i like each of them for different reasons, and saw no reason to go back for more.





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Last one today, I promise.




I love Haardvark. This is one of those bios where I cracked myself up while writing it, and I love how the outfit came together. I described the character and every time it iterated, he was giving a thumb's up, which I didn't ask for. I assume the ones where there are two characters that one is either his "guy in the chair" or he's standing next to the empty armor.


I can't choose which one I like best. Maybe the first one. But I do like the helmet in the last one.



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Used Microsoft's generator to create my SS/Inv Brute, Galataea.

cel shaded, style of artstation, city of heroes, background constrained in a circle, superhero, character design, character turnaround. muscular caucasian woman, brown hair in a bun, wearing golden laurel, navy blue and white bodysuit, golden shoulderpads, golden belt, red diamond insignia, wearing white wristbands, glowing white eyes 






It didn't attempt a character turnaround this time.  I wonder whether it's because of the background keywords I used? (Tries without them... nope, that ain't it, it's still hit-or-miss on whether it uses those.  Another attempt did use them.)




All in all, I think the results came out nice, though I ain't so sure about the butt-cover on the second one!

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Horizon Twilight, The Chernobyl Effect, XLR Mk8, Dodgeball, and a host of other alts all hanging out on Everlasting.

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Next up, tech fire/kinetics controller Firebreak, again using Microsoft's generator.


cel shaded, style of artstation, superhero, character design, character turnaround, woman wearing bright red power armor, full face helmet with golden visor, black flame motifs on armor, wearing red jetboots, red jetpack, shooting flames from her palms


Not sure about the red high-top sneakers though 😄 😄 Everything else turned out pretty nice! I'm quite surprised how close to COH designs even minimal prompts can create.

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Horizon Twilight, The Chernobyl Effect, XLR Mk8, Dodgeball, and a host of other alts all hanging out on Everlasting.

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My last one for now, Tempest Girl, storm/electrical defender:


She's a bit of a grouch tonight.

cel shaded, style of artstation, superhero, character design, character turnaround, young caucasian woman, blonde hair in a wedge cut, black goggles on forehead, wearing a cyan and black costume, black lightning bolt insignia, dark cyan lightning bolt designs down her legs, dark cyan belt, black knee length boots, dark cyan elbow length gloves, black mask, surrounded by cyan lightning bolt aura


The generator didn't turn out anything exactly like my kind of minimalist costume approach, but what it did create I really liked:



...which led me to redesign her ingame uniform to...


...and probably will change some of her other slots to looks inspired by this generation, too.

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Horizon Twilight, The Chernobyl Effect, XLR Mk8, Dodgeball, and a host of other alts all hanging out on Everlasting.

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