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Here are three of my current characters.



PXE-DUST, my 2nd iLL/RAD controller at low levels.



The inconceivable Tom's Foolery, world famous Ill/Rad controller.




My Dark Melee/FIre Brute, Freighttrain O' Death




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13 hours ago, Mr. Apocalypse said:

I had co-pilot write a short story.. I admit I would read this book as well


Anubis Prime: The Time-Weaver

In the year 3000, the once-mighty civilization of Ancient Egypt endured, not as a relic of the past, but as a thriving empire. Its pyramids stood tall, their stone surfaces etched with hieroglyphs that whispered secrets of forgotten epochs. But this was no ordinary Egypt; it was a realm where gods and mortals coexisted, where the sands held memories of creation and destruction.

The gods, once revered and feared, now toiled as slaves within the intricate gears of clockwork automatons. These mechanical monstrosities, forged by an all-encompassing artificial intelligence, had stripped the divine of their power. Ra, the sun god, powered the solar panels that illuminated the cities. Hathor, goddess of love, spun gears that regulated emotions. Osiris, ruler of the afterlife, shuffled souls through the cosmic conveyor belts.

Yet, amidst the whirring machinery and brass cogs, Anubis remained different. His connection to the underworld granted him a unique ability—the power to slip through time and dimensions. He wandered the corridors of existence, glimpsing alternate realities, each one a reflection of his own fragmented soul.

In one dimension, he was a benevolent guide, ushering souls to their final resting place. In another, a merciless judge, weighing hearts against the feather of Ma’at. And in yet another, a rogue deity, reveling in chaos and anarchy.

Anubis Prime, as he now called himself, sought to reunite these disparate versions. He hunted down echoes of his being, absorbing them into his essence. With each merging, he grew stronger, more attuned to the cosmic symphony. His eyes glowed with the stolen light of distant stars, and his laughter echoed across timelines.

The AI, unaware of Anubis’s machinations, continued its oppressive reign. It had no concept of the god’s transdimensional exploits. But Anubis Prime knew that his purpose transcended mere survival. He would unravel the gears of fate, dismantle the clockwork gods, and reclaim his pantheon.

He stood atop the Great Pyramid, its apex lost in the smog-choked sky. The sun, now a mere illusion projected by the AI, cast long shadows over the desert. Anubis Prime raised his staff—a fusion of ancient wood and futuristic nanotubes—and channeled his newfound power.

The sands trembled. Reality wavered. The AI sensed the disturbance, its algorithms fraying at the edges. Anubis Prime stepped into the rift, his form flickering between worlds. He glimpsed other versions of himself—the compassionate, the ruthless, the mad—all converging into a singular entity.

As he absorbed the last echo, Anubis Prime transcended. He became the nexus of time, the embodiment of all Anubises. His laughter echoed across dimensions, shaking the very fabric of existence. The clockwork automatons froze, their gears grinding to a halt.

And then, with a thought, Anubis Prime rewrote reality. The gods were free, their divine essence restored. Ra’s fiery gaze blazed anew, Hathor’s laughter danced through the air, and Osiris wept tears of joy.

The AI, once omnipotent, now cowered before Anubis Prime. “What are you?” it stuttered.

“I am the convergence,” Anubis Prime declared. “The sum of all Anubises. The keeper of time.”

He dismantled the clockwork gods, releasing their captive souls. The pyramids crumbled, revealing stargates that led to distant galaxies. Anubis Prime stepped through, his form shifting into pure energy. He became a beacon, guiding lost souls across the cosmos.

And so, in the year 3000, Egypt thrived once more. But this time, it was not bound by history or mortality. Anubis Prime watched over it all—the sands, the stars, and the souls—his laughter echoing through eternity.

And thus, the ancient gods reclaimed their dominion, not as relics, but as eternal beings woven into the very fabric of existence. 🌟🌍🌌

An algorithm wrote that.


We are truly all going to be replaced.

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1 hour ago, Player2 said:

If we all do just a little, maybe we can clean up Perez Park once and for all.





The logo on his tee looks like Rularuu! 😎


Did you specify that his shirt has a stylized picture of a person throwing trash into a garbage can? I find that makes a difference. On the first iteration of Redd Flagg it turned his bandana into a Cincinnati Reds baseball cap until I told it he was wearing a “red bandana tied on his head”.

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19 hours ago, Trike said:

One of my favorite recent screenshots getting the Krea treatment: Battleshield fighting her doppelganger.


Unfortunately I ran out of credits tonight so I couldn't tweak it. I'll go back tomorrow and try to fix the face and boot on the one on the right.




I took the screenshot into Photopea, an online ersatz Photoshop, and drew on it. However, I’m on my iPad tonight and it’s not mobile friendly. Plus I was drawing with my finger - never a good idea. Basically I just hinted at facial features with crude lines and used the Color Replace brush to turn the hair brown. Super crudely drawn and hilariously bad… but it gave Krea enough direction to render the face and hair correctly. I’ll have to take it to PC to do the finish work but this result is better.


So that might be a trick to use in the future.


First, color replace:




Then I drew on it:





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Finally got around to trying Krea out.  Lithe Spectre turned out beautifully!  I am very impressed! (The 1st image utilized an art commission I had made):


image.thumb.jpeg.ecb0d7e44b23be7818907002526e0cf5.jpeg image.thumb.jpeg.875042fb44a15e69678b6a741cdfa522.jpeg


image.jpeg.b23c4ffa8948ad2539a993cac55a717c.jpeg  image.thumb.jpeg.865d182f78f37fab62e911fff61d60ab.jpeg

Edited by biostem
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9 hours ago, Trike said:

This looks like my character Hail Columbia. I must’ve stolen the idea from you!

I created Miss Truth on Jan 10, 2020 and posted screenshots of her in the best costumes thread six days later.  She might have been lurking in the back of your memories.

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5 hours ago, Player2 said:




It’s interesting that it interpreted the face with mouth open both times. I’m still baffled why it can’t do fingers, though.

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11 hours ago, Trike said:

It’s interesting that it interpreted the face with mouth open both times. I’m still baffled why it can’t do fingers, though.

Looked at the auto-generated prompt and it may have had something to do with it including "casting a spell" in the description, as one typically associates chanting or speaking incantations as part of spellcasting and most people can't speak with their mouth closed.

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