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Make Origin powers relevant longer


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Across each alt I make, I'm noticing that I use their origin powers a lot longer than the supposed cutoff point for it should dictate.


They're a cheap filler attack, and it feels like they reach that penalty point a lot sooner than they should.

  • Tankers and Defenders like it, because they have very low aggressive options till their midgame.
  • Scrappers, Stalkers, and Brutes would appreciate having a power that can catch fleeing enemies.
  • Blasters, Controllers, Dominators and Corrupters appreciate having a ranged brawl.

It just feels like they should stay relevant longer. Considering that I've have a Dark/Dark Scrapper use Apprentice Charm as far as Night Ward so she can weave a low cost attack into her rotation, I just think that these shouldn't suffer the massive damage cutoff they do.

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They were really meant as a "jump start" for characters, and were intentionally designed to be less and less useful as characters level up and get better powers to replace them with.


I think this person understands that, and they're just saying the point at which the game assumes those better powers are present to replace the origin power is too early.  Too much start, not enough jump.

No-Set Builds: Tanker Scrapper Brute Stalker

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You can buy very cheap ranged temp powers that do decent damage from the P2W vendor. My favorites are Envenomed Dagger (viable even at 50 to kill GMs solo), Plasmatic Taser (a free energy torrent) and Hand Grenade (exactly what it says.)



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You can buy very cheap ranged temp powers that do decent damage from the P2W vendor. My favorites are Envenomed Dagger (viable even at 50 to kill GMs solo), Plasmatic Taser (a free energy torrent) and Hand Grenade (exactly what it says.)

if you don't mind the major knock back those later powers inflict
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Would making them slottable like Brawl help address that?


It would give you another power that you'd never slot.


Well, hey, if one wanted it to progress like Brawl...  such as the IOs you could fit in there?

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?

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Would making them slottable like Brawl help address that?


It would give you another power that you'd never slot.


I would at least put an accuracy IO in there, or, if it could take Ranged Damage sets, maybe even an Accuracy/Damage Set IO.  (Actually, if I had room in my build, I'd probably two-slot it and put Devastation: Accuracy/Damage and Devastation: Chance for Hold in those two slots)

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They were really meant as a "jump start" for characters, and were intentionally designed to be less and less useful as characters level up and get better powers to replace them with.


I think this person understands that, and they're just saying the point at which the game assumes those better powers are present to replace the origin power is too early.  Too much start, not enough jump.




The good powers/enhancements that you need to get the rest of your kit up to scratch doesn't show up early enough.


Giving it an enhancement slot would be nice if you throw in a recharge, but given that these are single digit damage at 15, it's more "doing something for sake of delaying next attack" or "inflict the great debuff of Apprentice Charm/Mutagen" than anything of use.

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I’d like to see origin powers stronger, Throwing knives is cool when you’re on cooldowns after blasting your enemies. It has a charm to it

Here's an ambitious idea. Lets just take Atlas City, replace Atlas with our Lord and savoir Recluse, tint the map evil and call it a day?

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Remembering the game before we had these, I am not entirely sold.


I understand the sentiment to a degree, but I think you can get yourself set up fairly reasonably fairly quickly.


You might want to have these as a way to further reduce downtime in your attack chain, but I don't think that they are necessary, especially not in a world where P2W vendors are out there and available.


Grab an axe, a wand, a staff, and/or some sand to help fill out your chain.  They're free and available from level 1.


If they could do it quickly and easily?  Sure, why not?  I just don't think that there is a real need for it.

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