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Munkilord and I have added a notch in the stupid Scrapper tricks lore.  We set our sights on duoing the STF and we were successful.  There were deaths...and more deaths, but in the end we were victorious.  Looking back, there were things we wish we would have done differently, but you live and learn.  For some reason the Task Force complete window thought we had 0 deaths so just ignore that.  This was all done on the test server so we could get our build exactly how we wanted, including T4 Incarnates.  Munkilord kited LR while I took down the towers.  Once those towers were down, we pummeled LR.  As expected, we spent more time on LR than the rest of the TF.  We'll have a video on YouTube showing our shenanigans for anyone curious.  Well, I'm tired.  I'm off to bed.



*claps* Well done!

Great Justice - Invuln/Energy Melee Tank

Ann Atomic - Radiation/Super Strength Tank

Elecutrix - Electric Blast/Super Reflexes Sentinel

Ramayael - Titan Weapons/Bio Scrapper

C'len - Spines/Bio Brute


Here is a link to the YouTube video. I can't figure out how to flag certain points so you can easily skip to certain parts, so I'll just mention a few 


1. Most of mission one didn't get captured, but that's fine, it was stupid easy.


2. Mission 2 starts here: 


3. Mission 3(vines) here: 


4. Mission 4 here:


5. First deaths here: 

  This one was my fault. I thought I aggro'd Aeon so I went in before jshmoe and I were ready and it led to a very fast wipe. Upon watching the video, I don't think I actually aggro'd him lol. But what is an all Scrapper team if someone doesn't aggro too aggressively?


6. Mission 5 here: 


7. Start of Recluse battle: 



The Recluse battle apparently took us about an hour and thirty-five minutes. I'll go into more detail later, but a couple quick points to touch on for this:

  • We wouldn't have been able to do this without inspirations and Lore Pets. We had enough damage to defeat everything without pets, but surviving long enough against Recluse for a tower to go down was tough. When he eventually got me, he would make quick work of jshmoe since he was focusing on damaging the tower.
  • Blue inspirations turned out to be much more important to me than purples or oranges.
  • This was my first time trying to hold Recluse's attention during one of these, so it was a challenge lol
  • We should have taken out the blue tower a LONG time before we did. Once he lost that to-hit buff, we made short work of him. I'm so used to skipping the blue tower when I do this TF that I had forgotten what it did.


Will get into more detail later and share the specific builds we used.


Now that it's done and we figured out how to handle Recluse, I think we could shave significant time off it with these two Scrappers.


It was! Now that we've done it and feel we have a solid strategy, if we were to attempt it again it should take significantly less time. I was so worried about defense and resistance that I forgot to factor in him completely draining my endurance and causing me to drop toggles and not be able to activate powers. Plus we should have just taken out the final tower that gave him that to hit buff instead of banging our heads against the wall for another twenty or thirty minutes.


I will admit there was some learning curve on my character. I have this on live but it's anywhere near IO'd with and doesn't have the T4s. Spent time finding a good attack chain, which I found on the 2nd or 3rd tower. And there were moments my pets were standing around and I didn't even realize it. Last time I played a MM it was when villains came out so I guess there's a mechanic I'm missing. I figured they would attack by default.


Aeon was a fun moment. Been pretty lax about the AVs and had the same approach. That played a part in our deaths. Went from, "yawn," to, "oh wait. Maybe I should use my survive powers," but it was too late by that time. It was a good team wipe.


Blue tower is always to first tower to kill in an STF.  It's the one that gives Recluse the most dangerous offensive buffs, +30% ToHit to cut through your Defense and +100% Recharge so his attacks (and his pet spam) come out nonstop.  I'd never, ever skip it.


If the popular strat right now is to do it last, or ignore it, then people are remembering a bad strat.  All Red does is double his damage and buff his resistance; Blue multiplies his hit chance against a softcapped character by six and makes his attack chain completely gapless.


Blue tower is always to first tower to kill in an STF.  It's the one that gives Recluse the most dangerous offensive buffs, +30% ToHit to cut through your Defense and +100% Recharge so his attacks (and his pet spam) come out nonstop.  I'd never, ever skip it.


If the popular strat right now is to do it last, or ignore it, then people are remembering a bad strat.  All Red does is double his damage and buff his resistance; Blue multiplies his hit chance against a softcapped character by six and makes his attack chain completely gapless.


Me trying to save that last/ignore it is a result of rust and remembering wrong. So that terrible strategy is all on me lol.


This is amazing and I can't express how much it helps this really feel like our new "home."


But seriously next time y'all need to stream it so we can root for you -- and mock the faceplants -- in real time.


I'm interested in doing this again, for sure, and streaming is something I probably want to do too. I really like my Elec/SD Scrapper, so I may use her next time.


I still look at the buffs he gets from the towers on Paragon Wiki and wonder "How the heck does a full team handle this nonsense, let alone a duo scrapper team?"


I wonder how fast a scrapper + something like a ?/Rad Corruptor could do this now.


Significantly faster. Now that I realize the error in strategy, I'm thinking jshmoe and I could cut our time in half. Assuming the Scrapper can hold aggro a set with strong debuffs could cut off even more time.


Looking back, I think there are two significant risks, and that is LR before the blue tower goes down and a bad pull of all four patron AVs right before LR. LR is still a threat after the blue tower, and an unlucky break with Aeon could deaths, but I consider those significantly smaller threats.

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