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Did Incarnate Thread Dop Rate Go Down?

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I really like the latest release, but I suspect something that nobody else I talk to seems to be sensing.  It feels like the incarnate thread drop rate has lowered.  It is still more than that incarnate shard drop rate, but it's not like 5x that rate any more.  (5x made sense; it takes 5x more shards to make a common alpha component than any of the others.)  With no one else feeling it, I'm probably just misremembering.

-- Rock

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The only way to definitively know for sure is to go back in time, using a specific character, (or team of specific characters) run through the same mission(s) with the same settings and do a tally. Repeat this effort 30 or more times for statistical significance. 

Then repeat the effort post-patch and compare. 
It's a small consolation, and may come off a bit harsh, but at least we still get the free 120 in the first dozen levels (minus the 3,6,9, and 12th level when we get the emps) 

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A slower steamroll speed on Council might be contributing to a perceived lower thread income.

Horizon Twilight, The Chernobyl Effect, XLR Mk8, Dodgeball, and a host of other alts all hanging out on Everlasting.

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On 3/4/2024 at 4:15 PM, Apogee said:

In a related note, both Accuracy and Regen were nerfed in the latest patch.  News at 11:00

Still too soon.  Only been a decade and a half since they neutered my beloved Kat/regen scrapper.  

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I've noticed drop rates for everything seem a lot lower than before the last patch too.  I don't have any hard data to prove anything, just adding my 2 inf that it feels off.  I did see a couple of people asking about this in LFG the other night, so it seems more people have noticed.

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2 minutes ago, Sunsette said:

I have not noticed any changes to my drop rates, and I defeated a fair amount in the last day. Keep an eye out just in case, but for the moment, it seems like "Onyxia deep breathes more" territory.


May also be a "The Finals slowed movement speed on release"1 situation where an unrelated cause, like the aforementioned CoT and Council buffs, have made it feel slower by slowing down defeat progress.


1. They didn't, they reset everyone's FOV and movement speed is perceptual based on FOV

Edited by Lockely
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Lockely's AE Tales:

H: The Rook's Gambit (Arc ID 49351), P: Best Left Buried (WIP)

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