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DDR available in any Pool/Epic?


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I got a WillPower Scrapper that I soft capped defense on. But having been defense debuffed a couple of times I got to wondering if you can improve DDR with any of the Pool or Epic powers? I do have 1 power the gives DDR but it's not enough.

Any suggestions to improve DDR?


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Your best bet for more DDR (and other debuff resistance) in high level content will be the Destiny power Ageless, Radial path. It offers a large amount of debuff resistance for a short time, which fades slowly. The T4 persists for the entire recharge of the power (2 minutes) at a reasonable amount, 20% IIRC. Barrier can also be used, since it gives such a massive amount of protection that it will stop or delay most -defense cascade failures.


In lower level content Shadow Meld in the Soul Mastery Epic/Ancillary pool can be useful to counter large amounts of -defense. It doesn't offer DDR specifically, but if you hit it during a defense debuff cascade it's often enough to stop it, or at least give you some breathing room to eliminate the source of the debuffs. The T9 for Willpower can be used in this way also. It lets you spike your resistance long enough to regen some health and take out whatever's troubling you most. I usually take one or the other on a Willpower build.

Edited by ViciousCabaret
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For sets without DDR or with insufficient DDR, the best solution is normally to grab a primary that either buffs defense (Broadword, Katana, Staff) or incapacitates melee opponents (abilities like Thunderclap or Fault). In the first case, you can delay defense collapse by having a much higher Melee/Lethal defense than you need. In the second case, you can prevent it by reducing the frequency of incoming attacks.

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Thanks for the answers. I will get the ageless ,does it negate debuffs already on you? I.e. if I notice my defense is debuffed I can click ageless and get it back?

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32 minutes ago, Uun said:

There are very powers outside of the defense sets that provide DDR. Other than Ageless/Radial, the only ones I'm aware of are Dark Affinity/Fade and Force Field/Damping Bubble.

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21 minutes ago, Dolla said:

Thanks for the answers. I will get the ageless ,does it negate debuffs already on you? I.e. if I notice my defense is debuffed I can click ageless and get it back?

 My experience has been that it helps prevent future debuffs, but current debuffs need to expire.

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  • 2 weeks later

     Not sure how well it would work on Willpower as you probably tend to get a lot more attention but my support types will often shoot to get defenses about one typical debuff amount above whatever cap or value they are trying to maintain.  Basically it's the always on version of Parry, Shadow Meld or Barrier being described above.  Your cascade risk goes from 1 in 20 to 1 in 400 (0.05 × 0.05) which will still happen but if nothing else gives you more breathing room to see it happening and do something to counter the imminent cascade failure.

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